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Iwd barbarian or berserker

It clearly true that in bgee games berserker is better because of immunities. But whats in iwdee ?
I want a themed party with cleric of tempus,skald and either barbarian or berserker warriors. Which is betterin this game ?


  • spacejawsspacejaws Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 389
    I’m tempted to say Barbarian because you get a whole bunch of Barbarian only flavour dialogue from plenty of NPC’s that was added for the EE’s. Don’t know how much there is for Berserker. As for the immunities I couldn’t tell you I’m afriad :)
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,021
    power game wise berserkers are much better, being able to wear better armor, and gaining full proficiency in weapons which adds a whole extra attack per round ( not just half ) plus the berserk ability lasts longer than the rage ability of the barbarian

    but for role play wise as spacejaws said barbarian is better, and especially for your themed party, barbarian would fit better

    at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter if you go between barbarian or berserker, the game is still beatable with either one, so i would suggest going with want you actually want and what you think fits better for your themed party
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    Take two of each. Use the berserkers on the front line with their field-plate and the lighter armoured barbarians in the 2nd row with 2-hand weapons. One berserker can dual-wield for versatility and damage dealing and give the other sword and board and use him as the point-man. Other than the Skald they can all be half-orcs too. Perfect! I'd go with neutral for the Skald and get the rabbit familiar. Using the luck spell (or the Lucky Scimitar) on it gives you a pretty useful trap finder...
  • ElliottElliott Member Posts: 10
    Danacm wrote: »
    It clearly true that in bgee games berserker is better because of immunities. But whats in iwdee ?
    I want a themed party with cleric of tempus,skald and either barbarian or berserker warriors. Which is betterin this game ?

    I play IWD 1 EE with following party:

    1. Human Palladin Knight (long sword, two hand sword)
    2. Human Palladin Ghost Hunter (bow, long sword)
    3. Half Orc Fighter Berserker (axe)
    4. Half Elf Ranger/Cleric (hammer, sling)
    5. Gnome Thief/Illusionist (short bow)
    6. Half Elf Sorcerer Dragon Disciple

    Only in HoW when you arrive to the smithing of dwarf Thiernon you will regret not picking 3. dwarf Berserker, but you can fix it with EE Keeper or play a dwarf Beserker from beginning. IMHO this is the best combat oriented party. With this group of six I could easy fight all 3 final fights against the ghoust in ToL, against the dragon in HoW and against Belhifet in East Heaven.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,943
    edited February 5
    Barbarians and berserkers, despite their similarities, don't really fill the exact same roles in party combat. Berserkers are front-line tanks, who wear heavy armor and use their rage to shrug off any status effects that would hinder them. The only weakness is the kit's drawback - no specialization in ranged weapons, so you can't switch to an archer role very well. Less tactical flexibility than a trueclass fighter.

    Barbarians, by contrast, get extra movement speed but can't wear heavy armor. That makes them better as skirmishers, going around the edges of the battle to hit the squishy spellcasters and ranged attackers. And when there isn't a good target for that, a barbarian can specialize in a ranged weapon and become an effective archer.

    So your themed party could easily use a mix of both types of rage warriors.

    [Edit: wait, this is a really old thread that got revived. Not much point in responding to the original question, since the party has most likely finished their journey already.]
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