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NWN Using Cloud/IaaS

Hello everyone,

I've been ghosting for a while and haven't seen much in the form of modern implementation of server capabilities. I put together a small youtube clip on how one can leverage modern cloud/iaas tech to expand NWN PW's indefinitely. If anyone is interested in how it works, let me know.


  • CalgacusCalgacus Member Posts: 273
    Looks really interesting. I haven't gotten into persistent world play but I'm looking forward to your how-to video.
  • antirelicantirelic Member Posts: 20
    Thanks. I'll put more mechanical steps into it when I do a formal write up. I'll probably just make scripts that handle most of the complicated parts (database management and monitoring).
  • FireWraithFireWraith Member Posts: 7
    Definitely very interesting. I've done multi-server before, though probably the biggest drawbacks I saw had to do with limits on being able to have a unified player list, or to send tells to players on one of the "other" modules. This does seem a lot better than classic methods of running a handful of linked servers though, and I'll be interested to see what you do with it. :)
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