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Monks and Kamas

CalgacusCalgacus Member Posts: 273
Monks and Kamas - is the Monk's finesse with the Kama hard coded or changeable in a 2da? Or can it be just switched off somehow besides by just removing the kama from the list of monk weapons.

I know I've seen this question answered before but i can't find it anymore - maybe it was back on the old bioware forums.

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  • LaputianBirdLaputianBird Member Posts: 107
    Hardcoded by kama ID in the baseitems.2da

    NWNX:EE has a plugin to un-hardcode it, but only applies to server-client environments
  • CalgacusCalgacus Member Posts: 273
    Thanks @LaputianBird, now I wonder, if I swapped the kama Id with another weapon in the 2DA, would that work? and would I need to push that change to a bunch of other 2DAs.
  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    Swapping id shouldn't do anything, essentially the rows are in order, swap the 10th row with the 33rd row, and now the 33rd row is the 10th row and the 10th row is the 33rd row. Altering the other column values of the row will probably change how the weapon functions in other ways. That's if you did it purely with 2da without nwnx.

    On the other hand you can fake the flurry of the kama for other weapons with the script functions that add attacks if that's what you're looking for.
  • CalgacusCalgacus Member Posts: 273
    edited March 2019
    Another approach - could I overwrite the default kama blueprint and then just mod the baseitems.2da? If so, how do I modify the blueprint? Where would I find it? And how can I make sure that the craft weapon skill cannot modify the new kama to look like the old kama? if I could simply change the look and description of the kama to look like the shortsword in the image gol1tqe9cluz.png
    I'd be happy with that.

    Or maybe I'd make it look like a kukri and call it a Kopis.
    Post edited by Calgacus on
  • CalgacusCalgacus Member Posts: 273
    edited March 2019
    Ok, another approach. I made a custom tlk file with new text for all kama entries - I now call it a Pick and gave it a new description. I updated the nw_wspka001.uti file to point to the custom entries and also the baseitems.2da. However when I test my mod and examine the item, the title of the item is still listed as Kama even though the new description is showing and the Base Item: now shows Pick. How do I update the item title that appears at the top of the examine window in game?
    Also I changed the damage type to 1 (piercing) and the req feat from exotic to simple weapons but those changes are not reflected in the examine window either.

    Post edited by Calgacus on
  • CalgacusCalgacus Member Posts: 273
    edited March 2019
    Some progress made by including the modified uti file in the hak pak rather than just putting it in D:\Beamdog\00829\ovr , the Title now show Pick as does the in-game mouse over text. However the info part below the description still shows damage type Slashing and feats required Exotic even though I changed it in baseitems.2da to Piercing and Simple.

    PS, upon testing in mod the weapon now delivers damage type physical rather than slashing or piercing though in the toolset the damage type is listed as Piercing.

    Post edited by Calgacus on
  • CalgacusCalgacus Member Posts: 273
    edited March 2019
    Seems like the GetDamageDealtByType always returns -1 in the onDamaged script for the pillar. Is the function broke? It does the same thing for monsters.
    Post edited by Calgacus on
  • CalgacusCalgacus Member Posts: 273
    edited March 2019
    Filed a bug report for that function.

    PS: I tested for the right damage type this time by giving various damage reductions to the bear - and by looking at the combat log I could see that my Pick is infact delivering piercing damage as that damage type was getting reduced by the correct amount.
    Post edited by Calgacus on
  • CalgacusCalgacus Member Posts: 273
    edited March 2019
    OK, found there are extra entries in Dialog.tlk that fills out the info section under the examine window's description area. I had assumed that the rest of that info was taken from several 2da files r columns instead of hardcoded into one string in the tlk file because the base item name part has its own strref.
    I just need to include new strings for the info section in my custom.tlk. That took a while for something so small but maybe someone else new to this stuff will get something out of this thread and maybe that bug report will be useful to beamdog.
    The BaseItemStatRef column in baseitems.2da is the strref for the string.
    So, mystery finally solved.
    Post edited by Calgacus on
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