Map not showing characters

I cannot see my characters and summons in the map. In the past I used to see very clear markers which indicated the location of each guy, but now they are so small and their colour is so similar to the background (especially with area map background enabled) that they are essentially invisible. Is this a problem with the game, or might it be related to my mods? I use Ascension, Tweaks Anthology, SCS, Portraits everywhere, Lighting pack, Jimfix and EE UI Tweaks.
In this picture, if you squint really, really hard, you might be able to see the markers:
In this picture, if you squint really, really hard, you might be able to see the markers:

Not as bad as in my fully modded installation, but still a noticeable worsening. So it looks like it's at least partially related to the lighting mod. I'll tell @argent77 about it and see if he can help.
That's the option "Area map background" enabled. You access it from the map itself. It does contribute to the problem because its colour is relatively similar to the color of the character circles. Still, as you can see in Joluv's screenshot that's not a problem in vanilla. Looks like the problem happens only with Lighting Pack installed.