Party members not appearing in SoD

Hello all,
As the title says, my companions (which I've even started with on the SoD prologue) are not appearing - namely, Viconia and Jaheira - so far at least. When I tried to spawn the SoD viconia, her dialogue was as if we don't know each other (but it WAS the SoD dialogue). Then when I traveled to the north of the Coastway, Voghlin is there alone and attacks me.
This is despite the fact that when I was told about my companions in the beginning, I was able to ask about them, at least about Viconia which I remember for sure, and possibly Jaheira and Khalid.
Would appreciate any help, I would really prefer not to start over, though it is a possibility I suppose. I wouldn't mind editing any global variables either, if there is a fix that way.
I'm using EET and some other mods. Originally installed a loong time ago with BWS, but then I had also installed several manually, so it is possible one of the mods messed something up.
Thanks in advance
As the title says, my companions (which I've even started with on the SoD prologue) are not appearing - namely, Viconia and Jaheira - so far at least. When I tried to spawn the SoD viconia, her dialogue was as if we don't know each other (but it WAS the SoD dialogue). Then when I traveled to the north of the Coastway, Voghlin is there alone and attacks me.
This is despite the fact that when I was told about my companions in the beginning, I was able to ask about them, at least about Viconia which I remember for sure, and possibly Jaheira and Khalid.
Would appreciate any help, I would really prefer not to start over, though it is a possibility I suppose. I wouldn't mind editing any global variables either, if there is a fix that way.
I'm using EET and some other mods. Originally installed a loong time ago with BWS, but then I had also installed several manually, so it is possible one of the mods messed something up.
Thanks in advance
M'Khiin is probably my favourite new SoD character though. She has an amazing backstory and LOTS of interjections with NPC dialogues. As a Shaman, she also makes a fantastic backup healer and her Shamanic dance is great for summoning lots of cannon fodder to aid in an upcoming battle. (This is especially true for fights where the NPC starts off as neutral until you make them hostile through conversation. Just have M'Khiin stand nearby and start calling up spirits so they surround the NPC before the fight even starts. XD)