DROW! Sargtlin and Yathtallar Classes (Drow Warrior, Drow Ranger, and High Priestess)

I've been playing Baldur's Gate I, TotSC, Baldur's Gate II SoA, and ToB for years and have always hoped to see an actual class catered towards the drow. Also, reading the entire Legend of Drizzt series as well as The Hunter's Blades Trilogy by R.A. Salvatore (16 books total), has really influenced my development of the following classes in being accurate.
The three classes in mind are; Drow Warrior, Drow Ranger, and Drow High Priestess.
First and Foremost: Innate Abilities
Racial Attributes:
Strength Max set to 16.
Dexterity Max set to 20.
Constitution Max set to 16.
Intelligence Max set to 20.
Wisdom Max set to 20.
Charisma Max set to 16.
Globe of Darkness:
Combined effects of the Blindness and Horror Spell, save vs spell for only the effects of the
Horror Spell.
Faerie Fire:
Prevention of all invisibility spells/effects, and the hide in shadows ability in addition to the effects of the Chaos Spell. Save vs spell to negate the effects of the Chaos Spell.
For the Drow Warrior
* +3 to hit and +3 to damage against surface elves
* +3 to hit and +5 to damage when not in sunlight
* Can get up to five proficiencies in two handed weapon style
* May cast Globe of Darkness and Faerie Fire
* -1 to hit and -2 to damage when in direct sunlight
* Cannot use spells except for innate abilities
* May not dual class
* May only be male
For the Drow Ranger (Because naming your character Drizzt Daermon N'a'shezbaernon simply isn't enough!)
* May summon a select animal for an amount of time (Similar to the way that characters get special feats in ToB)
* +2 to hit and +2 to damage against surface elves
* +3 to hit and +5 to damage when not in sunlight
* Can get up to five proficiencies in two hand weapon style
* May cast Globe of Darkness and Faerie Fire
* Every 8 levels +15% to stealth and move quietly.
* At level 16 the day light penalty is no longer applied.
* -1 to hit and -2 to damage when in direct sunlight (Until level 16)
* Cannot use healing spells available to the human ranger
* Cannot use spells except for innate abilities
* Cannot wear full/plate mail
* May not dual class
* May only be male
And for the cruel Drow High Priestess
* +3 to hit and +3 to damage against surface elves
* +3 to hit and +5 to damage when not in sunlight
* May cast Globe of Darkness and Faerie Fire
* Casting time reduction on ALL spells by 1/4
* May cast any and all wizard spells
* May become specialized with light crossbow
* Gains one extra spell per lever (Like a specialist mage)
* Begins game with a unique single headed snake whip/flail
- The snake headed whip/flail gains another head every 6 levels
- Whip/flail acts as a +3 flail (To make things easy on you guys, the weapon would be considered a flail. Similar to how a morning star is considered a flail, or a ninja-to as a katana)
- Stun opponent on strike, starting at a 20% chance; unless immune to magic, no save.
-each head would increase the likeness to stun an opponent by 20%
* Typical low hit points of a mage
* May not wear ANY armor, nor use a shield
* May ONLY use the character's specific whip/flail and light crossbows bow for weapons
* May not dual class (You either sell your soul to Lolth, or you sell only your life)
* May only be female
Everyone is intrigued by the drow. And I want to know, what you all think; Positive, negative, supportive, unsupportive. This is our game, lets make the best of it.
The three classes in mind are; Drow Warrior, Drow Ranger, and Drow High Priestess.
First and Foremost: Innate Abilities
Racial Attributes:
Strength Max set to 16.
Dexterity Max set to 20.
Constitution Max set to 16.
Intelligence Max set to 20.
Wisdom Max set to 20.
Charisma Max set to 16.
Globe of Darkness:
Combined effects of the Blindness and Horror Spell, save vs spell for only the effects of the
Horror Spell.
Faerie Fire:
Prevention of all invisibility spells/effects, and the hide in shadows ability in addition to the effects of the Chaos Spell. Save vs spell to negate the effects of the Chaos Spell.
For the Drow Warrior
* +3 to hit and +3 to damage against surface elves
* +3 to hit and +5 to damage when not in sunlight
* Can get up to five proficiencies in two handed weapon style
* May cast Globe of Darkness and Faerie Fire
* -1 to hit and -2 to damage when in direct sunlight
* Cannot use spells except for innate abilities
* May not dual class
* May only be male
For the Drow Ranger (Because naming your character Drizzt Daermon N'a'shezbaernon simply isn't enough!)
* May summon a select animal for an amount of time (Similar to the way that characters get special feats in ToB)
* +2 to hit and +2 to damage against surface elves
* +3 to hit and +5 to damage when not in sunlight
* Can get up to five proficiencies in two hand weapon style
* May cast Globe of Darkness and Faerie Fire
* Every 8 levels +15% to stealth and move quietly.
* At level 16 the day light penalty is no longer applied.
* -1 to hit and -2 to damage when in direct sunlight (Until level 16)
* Cannot use healing spells available to the human ranger
* Cannot use spells except for innate abilities
* Cannot wear full/plate mail
* May not dual class
* May only be male
And for the cruel Drow High Priestess
* +3 to hit and +3 to damage against surface elves
* +3 to hit and +5 to damage when not in sunlight
* May cast Globe of Darkness and Faerie Fire
* Casting time reduction on ALL spells by 1/4
* May cast any and all wizard spells
* May become specialized with light crossbow
* Gains one extra spell per lever (Like a specialist mage)
* Begins game with a unique single headed snake whip/flail
- The snake headed whip/flail gains another head every 6 levels
- Whip/flail acts as a +3 flail (To make things easy on you guys, the weapon would be considered a flail. Similar to how a morning star is considered a flail, or a ninja-to as a katana)
- Stun opponent on strike, starting at a 20% chance; unless immune to magic, no save.
-each head would increase the likeness to stun an opponent by 20%
* Typical low hit points of a mage
* May not wear ANY armor, nor use a shield
* May ONLY use the character's specific whip/flail and light crossbows bow for weapons
* May not dual class (You either sell your soul to Lolth, or you sell only your life)
* May only be female
Everyone is intrigued by the drow. And I want to know, what you all think; Positive, negative, supportive, unsupportive. This is our game, lets make the best of it.
- Stats: Something like +1 dex, +1 int, -2 con would be balanced.
- Magic resistance: Isn't the going rate around 60-65% for Drow? This is quite OP but can be compensated by increasing disadvantages.
- Typical elf bonuses to large sword and bow, infravision and resistance to charm and sleep apply.
- IWD2 gives -1 to hit/damage/saves in sunlight. To give more disadvantages, you could give greater penalties for sunlight and make your maximum reputation lower.
- Globe of Darkness: That's quite ridiculous since it's a Horror with no save from level 1.
- "five proficiencies in two handed weapon style": I assume you are referring to dual wielding (a la Drizzt) in which case it only goes to 3*, which both a regular fighter and ranger can get anyway.
- Hit and damage bonuses when not in sunlight: Really OP compared to the sunlight penalties and I don't see a reason behind the bonus anyway.
- Ranger stealth: Just use regular ranger stealth progression with a 10-15% bonus.
- Spellcasting time reduction - Really OP, but for sake of ease of implementation a flat -1 would suffice.
- Flail thing - +3 weapon at level 1 and stun with no save is OP, although with a mage's thac0 progression you won't hit much. A F/T with UAI however...
Also, not to knock your ideas (they are creative) but Drow can't dual-class anyway.. they're not human. So no reason to include that there.
I think what you might be accomplishing here is combining race and class. Drow already get many advantages based on their race. In 1st Ed. they get spell like abilities, longer ranged infravision, etc. In 2nd Edition they even get naturally improving magic resistance and I *think* armor class (though that might be Svirfneblin I'm thinking of). Point is, I think creating a class that is dependent on race isn't necessarily practical given what race gives already, not to mention its so specific. Even Illusionist is a class shared by Gnomes and Humans.
But if you want support for drow race and class in the alternative adventure (the black pits), then i say yes, you have my support for that. Besides, if added to the alternative adventures, modders can probally easly unblock them for the main adventure (pretty much as it's done in XP cap), but play them in the main plot will lead to a lot of uncoherences, just saying.
The "Globe of Darkness" ability should have no effect on creatures with infravision, since they can see in the dark. Also, it needs to be made clear that the blindness and fear effects only last as long as you're in the area of effect.
I'm frankly surprised that only Drizzt is the subject of this kind of attention. Or maybe I'm not surprised. I'm sure there's a psychological explanation for why so many people are drawn to the "member of an evil race who has rebelled against his family and chosen to do the right thing despite being persecuted by everyone in the world".
Oh right. That's pretty much every teenager ever.
By the way an easter egg of drizzt, if you make an evil elf and name him drizzt, during BG II when you meet the real drizzt, if you reputation is low enough, he will challenge you to protect his good name, i never confirmed this, but i read this info in more than one place. Don't know if it's just urban legend or not.
Hell half the abilities listed don't even make sense from a RP perspective...
Just no, nothing like this will ever see legit use, mods sure, but don't expect it to be in ANY EE version....
If EE does ever use Drow as playable race (They will be a race and not a class) and they do for some reason make Drow focused kits, they won't be anything like these...
I think it killed you and took over!!!.. lol
Most people go through a drow phase, some of them even pronounce it correctly...
Drow are only fun if played as Drow, not Drizzit clones or other random, I'm special crap....
If your playing Drow it should probably be in the Underdark, probably have a 90% chance every time that you die, and probably involve you doing things that most would consider morally offensive .....
Sadly so so many want to be the Good Drow, the exception, they don't want to be hunted as they expect everyone to suddenly change their views and be OK with this extremely rare exception,and they often get mad when it blows up horribly in their faces....*Sighs* Then you have some who just want the mechanical pluses and could care less what it's called...
str -> 18
dex -> 19
con -> 17 (maybe even 16)
int -> 19
wis -> 18
cha -> 19
Of course as has already been previously mentioned, drow also started at level 3 in terms of experience to make up for it. Furthermore, Globe of Darkness would never have a horror quality to it. All it does is remove all vision in the area. About the only reason you might have to make a fear check is if for some reason your character is deathly afraid of being blind. But there is no innate horror component to it. It just blacks out an area.
Also @Kamuizin Trent has said before that they'd like to make subraces available post ship, as that would be adding new content that doesn't exactly change the original content. Personally I'm fine with them adding subraces although I'm not certain I'd play a drow anymore.
I'd so play a custom full Drow group....would hope they add some scripting for random encounters if your a Drow, and would totally kill on sight surface elves, and make heavy use of charm/dire charm type effects while in cities....be loads of fun to be a pure evil, kill everything type group.....
Probably play it as one of the characters being the Bhaalspawn, and using the others to fulfill her goals....*Nods*
Also for 2nd stats, Drow would have +1 Int, Wis, Cha and -1 Con
Unless you have those from a 2E source book I'm going to say you're wrong. In 3E they had +2 Dex, +2 Int, +2 Cha (No wisdom bonus) and -2 Con.
Found it
+2 Dex, +1 Int, -2 Cha, -1 Con
Their Min Max stats
Str 3/18
Dex 8/20
Con 7/17
Int 9/19
Wis 3/18
Cha 6/16
If you don't mind playing that, fine, but average people are not going to be fine with you walking down the street. If you don't find some way to disguise yourself, it should be the same as having a 1 reputation- Flaming Fist everywhere seeking to kill/arrest you (and more likely kill).
I loved those books!!
Yea, he was so concerned with power, that it wasn't until he got what he wanted that he realized...opps...
Think Loki had one of those moments in the Comics when he finally became king and then realized that he was wrong......hell even DC comics had one with Lex/Superman, Lex wins and then losses seconds latter...lol
Least it's better then the Females being the whole damsel in distress or the dumb blonde bit...
or one I hate the most, the Girl who no one notices and everyone thinks is ugly even though so is extremely hot , really hate that one.
Also we totally got off track with this topic :P