I have updated this to version 5. It adds an actual app icon (albeit a pretty uninspired one), and now the app cleans up the symlinks it creates, to further reduce clutter in your game folder.
Choosing a game and saving user choice is best way to go. I'm aware that you might not be familiar with how 10 years of mod managers history looks like but It's how other mod managers handle it. Example for Project Infinity:
One suggestion: display currently selected game path inside interface.
Bug: when you launch app and then click "Chancel" it still launch mod installation, which was selected previously and the "false.debug" file is created.
Suggestion: --no-exit-pause prevents 'double Enter in order to close terminal window' for MacOS, please add it
@subtledoctor Yep, wget is not available as default command for MacOS, sorry. The curl is (atleast on Mojave) and it can also download file, but you have to use different switches.
This code can be executed one time during application launch, before launching mod installation.
It will:
- check latest weidu release
- download zip, extract to temp
- copy MacOS weidu executable into /usr/local/bin/weidu and set executable bit
- copy MacOS weidu executable into /usr/local/bin/weidu-$Version and set executable bit
- so you app can launch weidu by:
So it will allow to:
- remove MacOS weidu executable from application itself, it will always use latest version
- remove MacOS weidu executable from mod archives
- remove version from MWL filename
Hi - I really hope that someone can help me with the BGEE mod: Rogue Rebalancing.
Everything seems to go as planned but my mod-install gives me the terminal:
"SKIPPING: [Proper spell progression for Bards]
* * * This component cannot be installed on this game * * *"
I have BGEE - SoD - BGIIEE from GOG and have followed all the instructions here.
Im on macOS MOJAVE
In my BGEE "Ressources" folder I have:
"Mac_Weidu_Launcher_v7" (1.6 mb)
"weidu" file (1.1 mb)
Folder with the Rogue Rebalancing mod named "rr" from the extraction - i haven't changed anything.
When I open "Mac_Weidu_Launcher_v7" I get the option to chose "rr" or "ds" I don't know what "ds" is? If I remove the "rr" folder from the "Ressources" folder neither "rr" or "ds" are options from "Mac_Weidu_Launcher_v7" - I'm guessing, that the two of them both belong to Rogue Rebalancing mod? I have tried to install "rr" first and then "ds" and the other way arround. Still not fixed.
Choose your language:
0 [English]
1 [Francais (by the d'Oghmatiques)]
2 [Espanol (by Immortality, SirLancelot, Nieve and Clan DLAN)]
3 [Deutsch (by Cronox and Leomar)]
4 [Russian (by the Aerie.ru and arcanecoast.ru teams)]
5 [Italian (by Andrea C. and ilot)]
6 [Japanese (by Taro)]
Using Language [English]
Please choose the language in which you wish to play the game.
If you later wish to play the game in a different language you will need to edit the file weidu.conf and reinstall your mods.
0 [Czech]
1 [German]
2 [English]
3 [Spanish]
4 [French]
5 [hu_hu]
6 [Italian]
7 [Japanese]
8 [Korean]
9 [Polish]
10 [Portuguese]
11 [Russian]
12 [Turkish]
13 [Ukrainian]
14 [Simplified Chinese]
Using ./lang/en_us/dialog.tlk
Would you like to display the readme? [Y]es [N]o
SKIPPING: [Proper dual-wielding implementation for Thieves and Bards]
* * * This component cannot be installed on this game * * *
SKIPPING: [Thief kit revisions]
* * * This component cannot be installed on this game * * *
SKIPPING: [Thief High Level Ability revisions]
* * * This component cannot be installed on this game * * *
SKIPPING: [Proper racial adjustments for thieving skills]
* * * This component cannot be installed on this game * * *
SKIPPING: [Bard kit revisions]
* * * This component cannot be installed on this game * * *
SKIPPING: [Bard High Level Ability revisions]
* * * This component cannot be installed on this game * * *
SKIPPING: [Proper spell progression for Bards]
* * * This component cannot be installed on this game * * *
SKIPPING: [Additional equipment for Thieves and Bards]
* * * This component cannot be installed on this game * * *
SKIPPING: [Upgradeable Equipment]
* * * This component cannot be installed on this game * * *
SKIPPING: [Revised Thievery -> Use PnP thievery potions and prevent their effects from stacking]
* * * This component cannot be installed on this game * * *
SKIPPING: [Chosen of Cyric encounter]
* * * This component cannot be installed on this game * * *
SKIPPING: [Shadow Thief Improvements]
* * * This component cannot be installed on this game * * *
@ALIEN - thank you for your swift answer. I didn't know that. My problem still exist though, because I get the same issue when trying to do it in BGIIEE?
On a story note: I is disappointing, that it doesn't work in BGEE - Hmm how does it work then? I play a normal Blade in BG1 and when I Import him in BGIIEE i he is changed?
I guess the mod doesn't work in SoD either?
The mod works on both BGEE and BG2EE, so you're definitely doing something wrong.... Make sure that both the rr folder and the macOS WeiDU Launcher are in the game folder (the one with the file chitin.key in it....)
@Luke93 - I tried to delete files as you suggested, but I got same response. I figured that maybe it was due to trying to install in wrong order. I wanted to make sure I get the merger right.
So I reinstalled BGEE SOD & BG2EE... but much to my frustration I get the exact same response:
* * * This component cannot be installed on this game * * *
But the weird thing is, that even though I try to install "dlcmerger" the components in terminal reads lines relevant for the RR mod???:
SKIPPING: [Proper dual-wielding implementation for Thieves and Bards]
* * * This component cannot be installed on this game * * *
SKIPPING: [Thief kit revisions]
* * * This component cannot be installed on this game * * *
SKIPPING: [Thief High Level Ability revisions]
* * * This component cannot be installed on this game * * *
Here is a picture of my folders....
I really hope you guys can help med! Thanks for the effort so far
I attempted to install WeiDu as well, thinking maybe my mods needed it installed first? Now there's a weiDU-Mac folder in there too. I can't make it do anything yet.
On the Mac there is are easy way to change theses permissions for all the Files/Folders at once. In the Finder select the outer "Resources" folder inside the App Package and then choose "Get Info" from the File Menu (Command+i) this will bring up window. At the bottom right of the window you will see a Lock Icon, click it and enter your password at the prompt. Then in the "Sharing & Permissions" section (bottom of window), click on "everyone" and change it to "Read & Write", then, click of the "Gear" Icon (bottom left of window) and select "Apply to enclosing Items". This will set RW permissions on everything inside "Resources".
I get the following error:
Choosing a game and saving user choice is best way to go. I'm aware that you might not be familiar with how 10 years of mod managers history looks like but It's how other mod managers handle it. Example for Project Infinity:
One suggestion: display currently selected game path inside interface.
I try new version and during every launch I got error about 'user profile of xxx doesn't exist'
I'm launching application from: /Users/a/Beamdog Library/00783
EDIT: I fixed this by myself, removed initial content of mwl.command
You alter the mwl.command dynamically, simply check if game path exist.
BTW: Good job with sorting order list
Suggestion: --no-exit-pause prevents 'double Enter in order to close terminal window' for MacOS, please add it
direct links link schema to any Github file:
wget command available on MacOS:
-qO- means quiet, overwrite
-O means output path
Good luck!
This code can be executed one time during application launch, before launching mod installation.
It will:
- check latest weidu release
- download zip, extract to temp
- copy MacOS weidu executable into /usr/local/bin/weidu and set executable bit
- copy MacOS weidu executable into /usr/local/bin/weidu-$Version and set executable bit
- so you app can launch weidu by:
So it will allow to:
- remove MacOS weidu executable from application itself, it will always use latest version
- remove MacOS weidu executable from mod archives
- remove version from MWL filename
Everything seems to go as planned but my mod-install gives me the terminal:
"SKIPPING: [Proper spell progression for Bards]
* * * This component cannot be installed on this game * * *"
I have BGEE - SoD - BGIIEE from GOG and have followed all the instructions here.
Im on macOS MOJAVE
In my BGEE "Ressources" folder I have:
"Mac_Weidu_Launcher_v7" (1.6 mb)
"weidu" file (1.1 mb)
Folder with the Rogue Rebalancing mod named "rr" from the extraction - i haven't changed anything.
When I open "Mac_Weidu_Launcher_v7" I get the option to chose "rr" or "ds" I don't know what "ds" is? If I remove the "rr" folder from the "Ressources" folder neither "rr" or "ds" are options from "Mac_Weidu_Launcher_v7" - I'm guessing, that the two of them both belong to Rogue Rebalancing mod? I have tried to install "rr" first and then "ds" and the other way arround. Still not fixed.
What I get from the terminal is:
Padawan:~ KQ$ /Applications/Baldur\'s\ Gate\ Enhanced\ Edition.app/Contents/Resources/Mac_Weidu_Launcher_v7.app/Contents/Resources/mwl.command ; exit;
[./weidu] WeiDU version 24600
Choose your language:
0 [English]
1 [Francais (by the d'Oghmatiques)]
2 [Espanol (by Immortality, SirLancelot, Nieve and Clan DLAN)]
3 [Deutsch (by Cronox and Leomar)]
4 [Russian (by the Aerie.ru and arcanecoast.ru teams)]
5 [Italian (by Andrea C. and ilot)]
6 [Japanese (by Taro)]
Using Language [English]
Please choose the language in which you wish to play the game.
If you later wish to play the game in a different language you will need to edit the file weidu.conf and reinstall your mods.
0 [Czech]
1 [German]
2 [English]
3 [Spanish]
4 [French]
5 [hu_hu]
6 [Italian]
7 [Japanese]
8 [Korean]
9 [Polish]
10 [Portuguese]
11 [Russian]
12 [Turkish]
13 [Ukrainian]
14 [Simplified Chinese]
Using ./lang/en_us/dialog.tlk
Would you like to display the readme? [Y]es [N]o
SKIPPING: [Proper dual-wielding implementation for Thieves and Bards]
* * * This component cannot be installed on this game * * *
SKIPPING: [Thief kit revisions]
* * * This component cannot be installed on this game * * *
SKIPPING: [Thief High Level Ability revisions]
* * * This component cannot be installed on this game * * *
SKIPPING: [Proper racial adjustments for thieving skills]
* * * This component cannot be installed on this game * * *
SKIPPING: [Bard kit revisions]
* * * This component cannot be installed on this game * * *
SKIPPING: [Bard High Level Ability revisions]
* * * This component cannot be installed on this game * * *
SKIPPING: [Proper spell progression for Bards]
* * * This component cannot be installed on this game * * *
SKIPPING: [Additional equipment for Thieves and Bards]
* * * This component cannot be installed on this game * * *
SKIPPING: [Upgradeable Equipment]
* * * This component cannot be installed on this game * * *
SKIPPING: [Revised Thievery -> Use PnP thievery potions and prevent their effects from stacking]
* * * This component cannot be installed on this game * * *
SKIPPING: [Chosen of Cyric encounter]
* * * This component cannot be installed on this game * * *
SKIPPING: [Shadow Thief Improvements]
* * * This component cannot be installed on this game * * *
Press ENTER to exit.
Saving session...
...copying shared history...
...saving history...truncating history files...
Well, it can, not sure what's wrong.
On a story note: I is disappointing, that it doesn't work in BGEE - Hmm how does it work then? I play a normal Blade in BG1 and when I Import him in BGIIEE i he is changed?
I guess the mod doesn't work in SoD either?
The mod works on both BGEE and BG2EE, so you're definitely doing something wrong.... Make sure that both the rr folder and the macOS WeiDU Launcher are in the game folder (the one with the file chitin.key in it....)
Delete the files "weidu" and "weinstall" (macOS WeiDU Launcher should be already bundled with the latest version of WeiDU...). Then try again.....
Moreover, if you have SoD installed, please install this mod FIRST => https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/71305/mod-dlc-merger-merge-steam-gog-sod-dlc-or-custom-dlcs-with-the-main-game
So I reinstalled BGEE SOD & BG2EE... but much to my frustration I get the exact same response:
* * * This component cannot be installed on this game * * *
But the weird thing is, that even though I try to install "dlcmerger" the components in terminal reads lines relevant for the RR mod???:
SKIPPING: [Proper dual-wielding implementation for Thieves and Bards]
* * * This component cannot be installed on this game * * *
SKIPPING: [Thief kit revisions]
* * * This component cannot be installed on this game * * *
SKIPPING: [Thief High Level Ability revisions]
* * * This component cannot be installed on this game * * *
Here is a picture of my folders....
I really hope you guys can help med! Thanks for the effort so far
Thanks for the assistance :-)
Starting from scratch, installed BGEE. Tried to install the first mod recommended (NPC Project, listed here https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/60317/bgee-recommended-mod-list-for-new-players)... but it failed for some reason.
SO... I decided to try the the Mac_Weidu launcher. I dropped into the folder. When I try to run it, I get a pop-up which says:
"cp: /Applications/Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition.app/Contents/Resources/weidu: Permission denied"
Any ideas?
I solved my problem by moving my Baldur's Gate out of the application folder. Some kind of permission issue.
I wrote up my experience for future confused Mac users here: https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/77940/how-to-install-mods-portraits-and-sound-sets-for-macos-bgee-purchased-from-app-store/
Thanks for making this neat tool!
On the Mac there is are easy way to change theses permissions for all the Files/Folders at once. In the Finder select the outer "Resources" folder inside the App Package and then choose "Get Info" from the File Menu (Command+i) this will bring up window. At the bottom right of the window you will see a Lock Icon, click it and enter your password at the prompt. Then in the "Sharing & Permissions" section (bottom of window), click on "everyone" and change it to "Read & Write", then, click of the "Gear" Icon (bottom left of window) and select "Apply to enclosing Items". This will set RW permissions on everything inside "Resources".
Much easier then goofing about with chmod!
Hope this helps