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Solo mage run for BG1



  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    edited October 2012
    It is possible, but:

    1° - you MUST know where are the traps in the game.
    2° - save your 2° level spells for knock and mirror image
    3° - Slow and greater malision are top priority later (specially if hostile enemies can be targetered for greater malision BEFORE the start of battles).
    4° - Keep some dimensional doors ready in your 4° circle spells, some traps can only be avoided by it.
    5° - IF you're playing by BGT or TuTu, choose find familiar as a starting spell (cos it doesn't exist among the fixed items and i never saw it being dropped in BG) and use Chaotic good alignment (faerie dragon, cast invisible in 10 radius) or BETTER, True Neutral (Rabbit, -4AC, 75% elemental resistances AND has 50% DETECT TRAP) what make things easier to avoid some traps).

    Well, i'm sure there are other advices, but these are good starting ones.

    Ps: Keep charisma low at character creation, you can cast "friends spell" to boost it when needed and the 2 wizardry rings in the game double 1°level spells, what mean that you're going to finish the game with 14+ lvl 1 slot spells.
  • cyberhawkcyberhawk Member Posts: 350
    The rabbit can detect traps too? I thought only the ferret can do that. The ferret can also pickpocket, it can even pickpocket Kangaxx for one of the rings right before the fight.

    And nope, I don't play tutu or bgt. I have TOTSC installed, mostly for the higher XP cap and the faster missile animation. I don't even think I've got the latest patch.

    Friends only boosts your charisma so much, it gives me a charisma of 14 right now and for shopping you can't have too much of it actually.

    And yes, I've put the extra point into constitution because of the claw. Can't know what difficulties I'll be facing throughout the game, maybe the Claw of Kazgaroth will turn out to be a highly necessary item.

    Anyway, I've been hunting Ankhegs a bit. Those are childsplay with my mage... They fall for sleep every time I cast it and go down easily with a sling +1 and bullets +1. All too easy, feels like I'm heavily exploiting the game, lol.

    And where do I get Knock anyway? Thalantyr doesn't sell that and I'm almost 100% sure I'll need it in order to finish bandit's camp and get the papers out of the chest. Maybe I can get myself some strength potion and break the chest open.

    Regarding traps I'll probably have to just save and reload often to avoid trigerring them, a shame. That's the only thing that kind of breaks the whole concept...
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    Well, there's a Knock Spell at the bottom of the mine in Cloakwood. Which doesn't help. And I think there are more for sale in Baldur's Gate itself. Again, no help. You might get one to drop randomly. If you can determine which enemies can drop it. I did find one randomly.

    I don't think the chest in the bandit camp is locked, only trapped. So a scroll of protection vs. x would prolly be enough, especially combined with the proper mage robe.
  • cyberhawkcyberhawk Member Posts: 350
    If it's only a trap, than all is good. Having a collection of mage robes with different resistences seems like a good idea, I'd be running out of space with all the ammuntion though... Is there a way to cheat the bag of holding (or similar) into TOTSC without installing TuTu or BGT?
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    If you farmed some wyvern heads in that Cloakwood Cave, you wouldn't have to worry about money anymore. So you'd only have to worry about looting story stuff. Not having to worry about looting for money frees up a lot of inventory space. You would only have to take what you need for the story or what you're going to use. and most of the traps that you're going to have trouble with are Lightning or Fireball so you only need two different robes really in addition to the Robe of the X Archmage.
  • cyberhawkcyberhawk Member Posts: 350
    Farming heads makes sense. I think I'll do that. I guess playing with a limited inventory can be the balance for allowing reloads on each trap that I triggered accidently.
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    Sounds like a plan to me. You can chuck everything into a barrel of storage when you're not using it. it still means you need to trek alllll the way back to town if you brought the wrong stuff haha.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    CaptRory said:

    I don't think the chest in the bandit camp is locked, only trapped. So a scroll of protection vs. x would prolly be enough, especially combined with the proper mage robe.

    Correct. I don't think ANY main quest-related items are locked. Trapped yes sometimes, locked no.
  • IsairIsair Member Posts: 217
    @cyberhawk another way to generate a fair amount of gold is to buy the potion of strength at the carnaval (red potion I think), then store the ankheg shells in the chest at farmer Bruns(?) house until you can near fill your pack with them - then drink the potion fill your pack & go to Beregost/thunder hammer - empty all the shells but one talk to him - sell the first - pick up another - sell - repeat.
  • cyberhawkcyberhawk Member Posts: 350
    He will buy multiple shells? I remember him ignoring all the shells I brought to him after he crafted the armor out of the first one.
  • IsairIsair Member Posts: 217
    Don't have him craft the armor, he will buy them all if you sell them one at a time otherwise he'll buy all of them at once & pay you the same amount.

    Also don't sell some then rest because apparently ankheg shells decay & he refuses to buy them.
  • cyberhawkcyberhawk Member Posts: 350
    I sense a major setup in preventing the players farming those things. Nice try, devs.
  • CandramelekhCandramelekh Member Posts: 109
    cyberhawk said:

    Maybe I can get myself some strength potion and break the chest open.

    @cyberhawk you could use Polymorph Self spell to became orge and gain 18\00 strength (45 vs chests) and there is holy might (or something) ability (you gain it after rest at some time of the game) which gives you temporary 22 strength (65 vs chests)

  • cyberhawkcyberhawk Member Posts: 350
    holy might is only gained much later in the game, it's the last ability to get actually. You don't get it unless you solve the most of the storyline quests. Polymorph self is sold only in Baldurs Gate, so in order to get it, I'd have to solve all quests up to the Cloakwood mines first.

    But turns out it's not a problem: the chest isn't locked, just trapped.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    r' u sure that Ulgoth's Beard don't sell knock spells? They sell greater malision and dimensional door for sure and i believe they sell knock also (the innkeeper merchant).
  • cyberhawkcyberhawk Member Posts: 350
    well, definitely, those spells can be bought later in the game. I'm at bandits camp right now though. It is very tough, I had to rest once already to rememorize spells. Already killed two of the bandit "generals" and I think I got the spell selection down that I'd need for the main fight. I need some control spell because the fighter is getting me if I make the saving throws against the mages horror spells. Dire Charm should keep him off me long enough, so that I can throw enough fireballs from the wand of fire.
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    If you go in invisible you can loot the chest, chug a potion of invisibility and just leave.

    I'd still go in Invisible, Greater Invisible if possible, then you can get into a good position on the opposite side of the room and let 'em have it.
  • cyberhawkcyberhawk Member Posts: 350
    I am already going in invisible. Don't have improved invisibility though. I'm still level 5 (very close to 6 though), so I can only have one level 4 spell, which will should be Dire Charm.

    Looting everything and leaving isn't an option. I don't want to cheat my way past the enemies, my plan is to beat the game and kill all the enemies I encounter.
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    Well it's not really cheating. You're getting the better of them through deceit hehehe.

    But yeah, you could buff up outside, go in invisible, and lock down the room from the other side. Slap down Web and Stinkign Cloud and none of them may ever get to move. Especially combined w/ Grease.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    Dire charm is lvl 3, i'm pretty sure of it.
  • styggastygga Member Posts: 467
    kamuizin said:

    Dire charm is lvl 3, i'm pretty sure of it.

    I think he got confused. Cause he said he was lvl 5 and had "one 4th lvl spell". But level 5 unlocks your first third level spell, level four comes at 7, and five at 9.
  • orosiusorosius Member Posts: 45
    Interesting discussion
  • orosiusorosius Member Posts: 45
    edited October 2012
    For your locked chest issue, Kill all enemies, leave and recruit a thief for that one part of the game, loot chest, disband party. Completely role playable and sensible. Send your hired thief away with a wyvern head for payment and be on your way. :)
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,019
    or maybe he did it for pure spite to mess with you all, mwhe he he he he :)
  • cyberhawkcyberhawk Member Posts: 350
    All right, I've done it :) I didn't have stinking cloud by that time, only got it as loot from the chest.

    Before going in I leveled a bit in the camp, to get to level 6 and be able to use two 3rd level spells (thanks for the correction kamuizin). Then I rested, memorizing one skull trap and one dire charm.

    I went in, all buffed up. Threw a web towards the lower left part of the room, then dire charmed the fighter, who happened to have ice arrows. He took on the mage, while I was shooting magic missiles at the gnoll and sometimes at the mage too. Once those two went down, I scouted ahead a little and revealed the hobgoblin. Me and my dire charmed friend shoot him down with arrows / bullets, then I used one charge of my fire staff to kill the fighter. Awesome fight, didn't even get hit a lot.

    The trap on the chest is a lightning bolt by the way, my boots of lightning resistence handled that pretty well reducing my damage to just 8.

    The idea of recruting a thief for chests is good, but it's too workintensive imho. Recruiting someone every time I need to just open a container and having to watch out not to get any XP during that just isn't worth it. Maybe once I hit the XP cap I'll recruit Coran or Alora and go through all the unopened chests, if I'll be still in need of money. Or let them steal something valueable from some shop.

    I'm at 20K gold now, and the robe of Archmagi is 24K, even with charisma at 14 and rep at 18! Thalantyr is an ass who doesn't understand the art of bargaining if you ask me. I want to get it before I go into the Cloakwood mines though.

    I don't think I'll be able to endure a lot of the subquests and especially the Werewolf Isle. I have to rest way too often in order to get through tough places. It would be awesome to face the Cambion of Durlag's Tower and Aec' Latec though, if everything else fails I'll just force the Aec' Latec fight with CLUAConsole.
  • styggastygga Member Posts: 467
    edited October 2012
    Buy a friends scroll, should drop it down to about 18-20k. And rely more on wands IMO. You're solo, make full use of wand of lightning without worrying about hitting a party member... Just started a solo FMT, never played one for real before. Plan on doing that... And save your magic missles for enemy mages I think... 3+ missles hitting them, 1-2 should kill most mages. You get like 3-4 fireball wands in the game, at least... just from drops.. Make use of them! Don't worry so much about saving them, because you're solo, you get them all for one character!
  • cyberhawkcyberhawk Member Posts: 350
    Buying a friends scroll won't help, the 14 charisma already results from casting friends. It and wisdom were my dump stats and I didn't want to re-roll for hours just to be able to put 10s into them.

    I'm using my wands all right |(sleep and fire), got the amulet that shoots fireballs too. And it doesn't really matter how many characters are in the party, wands are used up on enemies anyway.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    Every class can solo the game, because playing solo means you get six times the xp you're supposed to have, and are therefore several levels higher than you're supposed to be, for every encounter in the game.

    All it takes is foreknowledge of every encounter, which is necessary for any no-reload win, whether solo or in a party. You need only obtain the potions and magic items that compensate for whatever your chosen Charname's weaknessess might be, and then know exactly when to use them.

    It's been done, over and over (ad nauseam), with every possible class.

    The Bioware forums have no-reload threads, with lots of solos, that are over 100 pages long, and go back years, including awesome screenshots on every page, and detailed tactical information about how to survive every battle in the game under any circumstances imaginable.
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    That cloak the guy in Beregost has gives +Charisma. And there's the tome of +1 charisma. That's 2 or 3 charisma there. I forget what the cloak gives you.
  • styggastygga Member Posts: 467
    Algernons cloak gives +2 charisma.
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