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Installed a few mods - items not displaying

bootzbootz Member Posts: 9
So I installed a few mods:

Scales of Balance
Golem Construction

I am running IWDEE through from Gog.

I have been noticing when I kill certain creatures (mostly trash mobs), they have "invisible" items I can pick up as their loot. When I scroll over them in the inventory, the simple display as "Personal Item." (with no display/picture/icon)

In EE Keeper, they display as the following item codes:

Anyone have any idea? Has anyone heard of this?


  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    @bootz These items are from the Golem Construction mod. However, it should be impossible to get these items at all since they are simply placeholders for randomized items.

    Maybe there is a conflict with one of the other mods you have mentioned. Can you look in the override folder of the game for a file called "rndtres.2da"? Please zip and attach it so that I can take a look.
  • bootzbootz Member Posts: 9
    Thanks in advance!
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    @bootz It looks like the required table entries are missing in your game. I have attached a modified version that should hopefully fix this issue. Unpack the content of "" it into the override folder of your game.

    To find out which mods have modified this file could you please unpack the other attached file ( into the game's root folder and run "changelog-rndtres.cmd"? It should produce a text file "rndtres-output.txt" with the desired information. Please attach the text file or post the content. You can delete both files "changelog-rndtres.cmd" and "rndtres-output.txt" afterwards.
  • bootzbootz Member Posts: 9
    [weidu.exe] WeiDU version 24600
    [.\chitin.key] 166 BIFFs, 37337 resources
    [.\lang\en_us\dialog.tlk] 41764 string entries
    [A7-GolemConstruction/language/english/setup.tra] has 19 translation strings
    [A7-GolemConstruction/language/english/tome01.tra] has 10 translation strings
    [A7-GolemConstruction/language/english/tome02.tra] has 10 translation strings
    [A7-GolemConstruction/language/english/tome03.tra] has 10 translation strings
    [A7-GolemConstruction/language/english/tome04.tra] has 13 translation strings
    [A7-GolemConstruction/language/english/tome05.tra] has 10 translation strings
    [A7-GolemConstruction/language/english/tome06.tra] has 10 translation strings
    [A7-GolemConstruction/language/english/tome07.tra] has 7 translation strings
    [A7-GolemConstruction/language/english/tome08.tra] has 8 translation strings
    [A7-GolemConstruction/language/english/tome09.tra] has 5 translation strings
    [A7-GolemConstruction/language/english/tome0a.tra] has 8 translation strings
    [A7-GolemConstruction/language/english/tome0b.tra] has 6 translation strings
    [A7-GolemConstruction/language/english/tome0c.tra] has 8 translation strings
    [A7-GolemConstruction/language/english/tome0d.tra] has 8 translation strings
    [A7-GolemConstruction/language/english/tomebd.tra] has 3 translation strings
    [A7-GolemConstruction/language/english/tomedg.tra] has 3 translation strings
    [A7-GolemConstruction/language/english/spells.tra] has 101 translation strings
    [A7-GolemConstruction/language/english/items.tra] has 46 translation strings
    [A7-GolemConstruction/language/english/dialogs.tra] has 252 translation strings
    [A7-GolemConstruction/language/english/misc.tra] has 42 translation strings
    [A7-GolemConstruction/language/english/iwdee.tra] has 43 translation strings
    [scales_of_balance/language/en_US/setup.tra] has 462 translation strings

    Mods affecting RNDTRES.2DA:
    00000: /* created or unbiffed */ ~A7-GOLEMCONSTRUCTION/SETUP-A7-GOLEMCONSTRUCTION.TP2~ 0 0 // Golem Construction Ability for Spellcasters6.0
    00001: ~SCALES_OF_BALANCE/SCALES_OF_BALANCE.TP2~ 0 104 // IWO - IWDEE Item Tweaksv5.17.1
  • bootzbootz Member Posts: 9
    edited November 2019
    Interestingly enough, this did not appear to have fixed much. There are still no item icons and worse, not it says these items "can not be removed" from my inventory. Doh!
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    Thank you.

    Calling @subtledoctor who might be able to shed some light on this matter.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    bootz wrote: »
    Interestingly enough, this did not appear to have fixed much. There are still no item icons and worse, not it says these items "can not be removed" from my inventory. Doh!
    This might be a side effect of the item in question now being recognised as a placeholder. You can probably remove these items from the inventory via EE Keeper.
  • bootzbootz Member Posts: 9
    Do you know off the top of your head which items these two codes "should" be representing?
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    A7!RDBD5 has a 10% chance to turn into "Body Parts" (A7!BODY), and A7!RDBO1 has a 25% chance to turn into "Pile of Bones" (A7!BONE).
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited November 2019
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • bootzbootz Member Posts: 9
    argent77 wrote: »
    A7!RDBD5 has a 10% chance to turn into "Body Parts" (A7!BODY), and A7!RDBO1 has a 25% chance to turn into "Pile of Bones" (A7!BONE).

    That's interesting because I have some of both of those items. Perhaps those were specifically placed as opposed to the random generator?
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