Where should i go from here ?
So im on chaper 4...heres what ive done so far...beregost, FA inn, nashkel, nashkel mines, gnoll stronghold, bandit camp, lighthouse area, up the coast, ..i did all the cloakwood area except the mine..im standing out front now..im considering skipping mine for now and heading to mutamins garden, ulcaster, firewine area..i feel as though maybe i should do these areas first b4 i hit cloakwood mine....suggestions ?
However, if you are an experienced player I would try Durlag's tower. It's quite possible to do it at levels 5-6 , but you're gonna need a good set of potions and party tactics.
Follow your heart and go wherever it leads you. And don't look up the areas in advance to know if it's good for you. You will find content that is too easy, and also too damn difficult for your current party, and that is okay. You can always run away and try to tackle it later. An experience like that will lead to deeper immersion that could not occur in a streamlined game.
As others have said you can clear maps in any order and all content can be handled with a level 5-6 party. The first time I did Durlags Tower was an unmodded vanilla game with level 5-6 party and no guides. The body count on my side was high but I got through it all and had a heap of fun in the process.
Having said that, in EE my first move is always to solo Mutamin's garden (with Korax taking point of course) and obtain level 5/6 before picking up companions who will then auto-level to 32k XP! I think my current LE half orc Fighter/Cleric is finally a character I'm willing to take through the whole saga. Evil. But Lawful. Rarely murders anyone innocent without a reason. Normally escorted by two Skeleton Warriors
Sorry, didn't see that so probably ignore my post
I used to do this but it made the game too much of a ROFLstomp. I get more enjoyment now from the "old" way of getting companions as early as possible and grinding up from low levels.
The great thing about these single players games is being able to customise the experience through mod selections, difficulty settings and playstyle to maximise your personal enjoyment. At times I have even re-rolled the recruitable NPCs with EE keeper to have fun party/personality combos without unbalancing the group. I had an all-neutrals party that had no warriors so I turned Xan into a fighter/mage and Branwen to berserker for example.