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screen edge camera turning will not work

H0RSEH0RSE Member Posts: 115
edited January 2020 in Technical Support
Been trying to get edge scrolling to work in-game, and it will not. It also will not display in full-screen, despite what the nwn.ini setting say.

Current settings:


It says fullscreen is enabled, but it is not. I run a bluelight filter app on my PC, and it is set to disable whenever fullscreen apps are running (such as games) and it does turn off when I am in a game... but it is not turning off when I run NWN, so although it looks like it's running fullscreen, it is not. And for some reason, the game always loads running in 2560x1421 resolution. When I try to change it to my native 1440, it takes multiple tries and sometimes even alt+tabbbing in and out of the game for it to finally apply, but even when it does, (as mentioned) it's not actually running in fullscreen.

I know that was a bunch of different problems I listed, but the core issue is I need to get edge scrolling to work. The game (for me) is unplayable without it. And yes, "enable screen edge camera turning" is enabled in the options.
Post edited by H0RSE on


  • H0RSEH0RSE Member Posts: 115
    so I figured out how to fix it. Had to go into my settings.tml file (not nwn.ini) and under [graphics.window] change mode to = "exclusive"

    Also had to correctly adjust the resolution numbers there as well.
  • DwayneDwayne Member Posts: 103
    Beamdog needs to start fixing some of these problems. There are too many settings that just don't work that worked in the past. Nobody should have to do what you did to get it to work.
  • Sylvus_MoonbowSylvus_Moonbow Member Posts: 1,085
    edited January 2020
    And why is that, when settings.tml is the new normal?

    Everything works by changing settings in that file (or CTRL-SHIFT-F12 in-game), vs. the old way of nwn.ini. If anything, nwn.ini should simply be deleted if it is possible on any new installation and future upgrade to avoid any further confusion.

    That's how NWN:EE works now. Get used to settings.tml, Dwayne.
  • H0RSEH0RSE Member Posts: 115
    edited January 2020
    And why is that, when settings.tml is the new normal?

    Everything works by changing settings in that file (or CTRL-SHIFT-F12 in-game), vs. the old way of nwn.ini. If anything, nwn.ini should simply be deleted if it is possible on any new installation and future upgrade to avoid any further confusion.

    That's how NWN:EE works now. Get used to settings.tml, Dwayne.

    I think you are missing his point...regardless if it was .ini or .tml, the fact that I had to physically go into the file and change it, because changing the setting in-game would not work, is the problem.

    If I set the resolution in the options menu and have screen edge camera checked, then it should work, but it doesn't, and that is the problem.

    And not everybody (I would bet not even most people) know about the crtl+shift+F12 shortcut, which is besides the point anyway.
  • DwayneDwayne Member Posts: 103
    That is exactly what I was talking about. If you check it then it should do what is listed. In the past these things worked. The ee edition is listed as fixing and improving nwn. This is not doing either. Does Beamdog even check to see what effect their improvements are doing to the game? As far as I can tell the answer is no.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    Hey, @Dwayne - we're constantly reading the feedback and reacting to it. If you read through the patch notes for 8193.x patches, you'll easily notice exact fixes and features which came as a result of our reaction to community feedback.

    If changing the setting in-game doesn't work, then it's either a user error or a bug which should be investigated. Please report at
  • WilliamDracoWilliamDraco Member Posts: 175
    Likely people are missing the "Commit" button at the top of the debug-config menu. Given the length of the list it's easy to miss that you have to scroll back to the top and commit any changes you make.
  • ShadowMShadowM Member Posts: 573
    Likely people are missing the "Commit" button at the top of the debug-config menu. Given the length of the list it's easy to miss that you have to scroll back to the top and commit any changes you make.

    A simple fix is to make the commit box / Rollback / filter section should be in it own window box that stay at the top even as you scroll.
  • ricoyungricoyung Member Posts: 83
    I just started NWNEE up today after a long hiatus and I ran into this problem also... so what the h*ll am I supposed to do to fix this, that was previously working?

    I guess I didn't get the memo/heads up
  • H0RSEH0RSE Member Posts: 115
    edited January 2020
    ricoyung wrote: »
    I just started NWNEE up today after a long hiatus and I ran into this problem also... so what the h*ll am I supposed to do to fix this, that was previously working?

    I guess I didn't get the memo/heads up

    What I did to fix it was to go into the settings.tml and navigate down to the [graphics.window] settings and change them to this:

    mode = "exclusive"
    height = 1440
    toggle-to-borderless = false
    width = 2560
    borderless = true
    height = 2560
    width = 1440
    mode = "remember"
    x = 0
    y = 0

    of course, you will change the height and width settings to whatever the resolution of your monitor is. Everything else, enter as is. That's what worked for me.
  • ricoyungricoyung Member Posts: 83
    Thank you very much for that! Totally worked :)
  • DeadPinDeadPin Member Posts: 3
    Thats because screen edge turning only works with cursor lock on the "active" window. Windowed mode itself doesn't have cursor lock as most older games don't have because people never played in windowed mode or had multiple monitors. Changing that value to exclusive is another word for fullsceen and enables edge turning to be used. All you had to do was change the setting in the options or hit alt+enter to achieve the same thing. You just found a longer more elaborate way to do whats already easily offered that your complaining that you shouldn't have to do in the first place
  • SymphonySymphony Member, Developer Posts: 142
    @DeadPin is correct. NWN 1.69 did not rotate the camera on the screen edge in windowed mode. You might think it should work, because the box is checked, but it does not.

    If you are saying that 1.69 used to be full screen mode and EE isn't, then Screen Edge Camera turning isn't really the topic here, and, you should switch to full screen with Alt + Enter. I suppose you could demand that EE return to the "Correct" default full screen gameplay mode after install.

    Since there is the new feature of playing NWN in a borderless window the size of the full screen, something a lot of people really enjoy, there's been some talks about putting in "pretend" edge detection, so that players with their mouse cursor at the first or last pixel of the game window, which would be easy to access in a window the size of the desktop (as long as you didn't have a second monitor to one side, I suppose), could utilize screen edge camera turning that way, instead of requiring that they use full screen as was the case in 1.69.

    This would be some amount of work for a new feature, and it's not crazy to put in, because it's opt-out with the "Enable Screen Edge Camera Turning" checkbox.

    But, the majority of people having this problem are usually misdiagnosing the issue, and, generally, any decision in this area for default game behavior, is going to end up making another group of people mad. If the people here all agreed on the ideal setup for the game to start on, say, full screen by default, screen edge camera turning off by default, there'd still be people not being able to find how to turn screen edge turning on because before they tried it they switched to full screen borderless because that's popular, and, other people would be upset that the game was full screen by default, and switching to NWN was crashing their game, and "Old EE" didn't have that problem, etc. etc.

    These game problems were all around and present for the last 10 years of frozen 1.69, which certainly has a bunch of problems EE has finally fixed, but the clamor was a little quieter, because there was no one to yell at to fix it, so everyone gave up and worked with the problems 1.69 had or went to play a different game.

    Well, and also because there was a lot less people around, and talking in as many centralized websites, I suppose.
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