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"Maybe this time" [NO-RELOAD THREAD]: "The Tale of ONE MILLION visions"



  • monicomonico Member Posts: 571
    edited February 2020
    @Blackraven how did you revive Xzar & Monty in the middle of the mines ? Is there a resurrection spell/item from mods or did I miss something ?
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    monico wrote: »
    @Blackraven how did you revive Xzar & Monty in the middle of the mines ? Is there a resurrection spell/item from mods or did I miss something ?

    Some of the temples sell Raise Dead scrolls in my (modded) install. The temple of wisdom has three if I'm not mistaken, and I think the temple of Helm in Nashkel and the Song of the Morning temple sell one each. So I raised both away from any incoming guards. (In fact I wasted one of my scrolls because I cast Raise Dead on Xzar whom I had just revived, instead of Montaron. :sweat_smile: )
  • monicomonico Member Posts: 571
    That explains it indeed ;) I don't have those in my unmodded version
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    Good point @monico, I just tested it, and charming Bill (he's actually a named character) works! Useful information!
    A pity really that we killed Bill. It was definitely not my intention, I wasn't paying proper attention, so Bill seemed to be just one of the group of Flaming Fist mercenaries fighting the party.
  • IDoTheTwistIDoTheTwist Member Posts: 15
    Got a question:
    Is it a bug if Nimbul vanishes after a few rounds of combat while you fight him?
    I just used the spell horror on him with Imoen and he did not save against spell, so he ran around panicked, while I chased him with the party and suddenly he was just gone, I mean I saw him one second next to me and the next second then he was not there anymore.

    So if this is truly a bug that is not intended at all, would this be a scenario where it is ok to go back to last autoload and fight Nimbul again?
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    You could try leaving the map and resting before coming back to see if he's there - as it's possible he went invisible when the horror expired. In the unmodded game he would typically attack quickly after doing that, but if you have something like SCS installed he has an annoying habit of hiding invisibly for quite a while.
  • monicomonico Member Posts: 571
    Could he have fled inside a building?
  • IDoTheTwistIDoTheTwist Member Posts: 15
    Thanks for the replies, I do not have SCS installed, pretty sure he did not go invisible. I also checked buildings just in case and ran around the whole area multiple times.

    Anyways I have proceeded without reloading, so my sort of rp story to this is simply that he got so scared that he ran off far away and never returned to complete his mission to kill me (bad for me since those boots would have been pretty helpful, but now I will just have to complete without his boots).
  • monicomonico Member Posts: 571
    edited February 2020
    Even without the boots, with the Elve's Bane belt (+3 AC vs missile), the Claw of Kazgaroth (+4 AC), the Cloak of Displacement (+4 AC), a full plate armor (+3 AC vs missile) and a large shield (+1 AC vs missile) or even the Large Shield of Falling Stars from BG city (+4 AC vs missile), I don't think any enemy would have enough thac0 to hit you with ranged weaponry (max of +18 AC on top of your "normal" AC).

    EDIT: also note that your max AC is capped at -20 anyway, only the DEX bonus and weapon proficiency (from 1 handed fighting style) can take it lower.
  • IDoTheTwistIDoTheTwist Member Posts: 15
    Hehe, yea true, I will be fine ;)

    Btw I have another question for all the no-reloaders here:
    I have noticed (a long time ago) that when I use the final save after killing Sarevok and import this saved game file to use the same character in BG2EE then I will start not with only 161,000 exp but any exp that I accumulated beyond the level cap during BG1EE will be added to the 161,000 exp from start in Irenicus' Dungeon in BG2EE.
    I actually often go and kill Sarevok as soon as I hit the level cap in BG1EE just to make sure that I won't be too OP when beginning BG2EE. Only bad thing about this is that I cannot easily clear all content in BG1EE then if I wanted to.

    So finally to my question:
    How do you deal with this 'problem'? (if you think it is a problem at all)
  • monicomonico Member Posts: 571
    edited February 2020
    Hehe, yea true, I will be fine ;)

    Btw I have another question for all the no-reloaders here:
    I have noticed (a long time ago) that when I use the final save after killing Sarevok and import this saved game file to use the same character in BG2EE then I will start not with only 161,000 exp but any exp that I accumulated beyond the level cap during BG1EE will be added to the 161,000 exp from start in Irenicus' Dungeon in BG2EE.
    I actually often go and kill Sarevok as soon as I hit the level cap in BG1EE just to make sure that I won't be too OP when beginning BG2EE. Only bad thing about this is that I cannot easily clear all content in BG1EE then if I wanted to.

    So finally to my question:
    How do you deal with this 'problem'? (if you think it is a problem at all)

    I've only started to dabble with this, sometimes it happened to me, sometimes not.

    First, which device do you use ? I play on the iPad, and I think exports might work differently between platforms.

    On my iPad, if I export from the Character file, no extra XP is exported, I start BG2 with 161k XP (not 100% positive).

    If I export the savegame, only the extra XP since my last session is carried over (that's where i'm not sure how it works exactly).
    From my non-thorough tests, as long as I keep playing, not reloading nor quiting the game, all the extra XP is added to my character, and will carry over to my 'export save'. If I reload/relaunch the game, my XP is 'reset' at 161k XP (and only XP gained after the reload will start piling up on top of those 161k XP).

    So if you want to avoid extra XP, you might try to export your character file instead of the savegame.
    Note though that it messes the items exported over (for the SoD ones at least, I think the BG1 ones are correctly exported even through the character sheet).

    Or you could just make a save before fighting Sarevok, kill him, quit the game, reload the save before sarevok and 'save-export' to BG2. I think it should reset your XP to 161k.

    EDIT: I suggest using the save before Sarevok, because when I load the Final-Save on iPad, there's always a script launching one of Semaj's spells, even if he's dead, preventing me from save-exporting.
    That may be different on different platforms/settings.
  • IDoTheTwistIDoTheTwist Member Posts: 15
    Hey monico thanks.
    Good tips and info, I will try it out.
  • monicomonico Member Posts: 571
    Grond0 wrote: »
    monico wrote: »
    EDIT: also note that your max AC is capped at -20 anyway, only the DEX bonus and weapon proficiency (from 1 handed fighting style) can take it lower.

    That's true for the main displayed AC - that won't go below -28 (6 for dexterity and 2 for single weapon style). However, I think modifiers to AC for different weapon types are also unaffected by the cap, so you could get a considerably lower effective AC against missiles.

    Well, I had the same assumption before writing the above post, but then I had a doubt. The wiki (not always accurate) only lists DEX & single weapon style as exceptions to the -20 cap.

    But I think it should also work for "specific" modifier, i'd say they work the same way as a debuff to the enemy (like when you cast Protection from Evil, which effectively lowers your AC by 2 but mechanically adds a -2 thac0 debuff to evil attackers), more than a buff to your general AC.

    I'm not sure how to test this though.
  • monicomonico Member Posts: 571
    Thanks @Grond0 , it confirms what we thought then. It's nice to be sure
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    Great stuff @StummvonBordwehr, stay strong in Amn!
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