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Baldur’s Gate: Siege of Dragonspear for Mac App Store?

LookToWindwardLookToWindward Member Posts: 179

I would like to get Baldur’s Gate: Siege of Dragonspear, however I bought my copy of BG1 on the Apple App Store. Is this a problem? I can't see it anywhere on the App Store?

All the Best


  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Unfortunately, Siege of Dragonspear is unavailable on the Mac App Store.
  • LookToWindwardLookToWindward Member Posts: 179
    So can I get it elsewhere? What's the deal on this, do you mean it's not available at all or just not from the App Store?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    It's not available on the Mac App Store. You can get it from another store (but in order to buy it for PC, you need to have BG:EE from the appropriate store). Find the store links here:
  • LookToWindwardLookToWindward Member Posts: 179
    I'm really not with you! I have a Mac Version from the Mac App Store, I just want to get the Mac version of BG:SOD, can you point me on where to get it from?
  • LookToWindwardLookToWindward Member Posts: 179
    I've just checked and there is an iPhone/iPad version, why no Mac version? I'd forgotten that I contacted Beamdog directly in August 2018, then they said:

    The reason why it isn't already available is the restrictions Apple has on the App Store when it comes to updates and betas.

    Why is this different from the iOS version, has Apple blocked the release of this on the Mac for some reason? I just want to get and play BG:SOD on my Mac, why is this such a drama?

    Anyone else in the same boat?
  • Adam12Adam12 Member Posts: 2
    I am in the same boat. I want to play Siege and the the BG2. How do i do that considering my BG is downloaded from the app store on my MacBook Pro?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    edited March 2020
    Unfortunately, for that, you'd need to buy BG:EE from another store, and then buy Siege Of Dragonspear. On mobile (iOS and Android), SoD is a separate app, so that can be a solution as well - and you can import your BG:EE party there.
  • LookToWindwardLookToWindward Member Posts: 179
    edited March 2020

    I bought BG:EE from the AppStore in good faith that it would be kept up to date and expansion packs would be available in a timely manner.

    To Date:

    I have bought the original (7 CD-ROM?) version of the game, I can't remember the exact price but it was at least $50 back then, scaled to today's cost it would be nearer $80 or $100.
    BG:EE - $20 from the AppStore (I think maybe it was more?).
    BG2:EE - $20 from the AppStore (I think maybe it was more?).
    BG:IWD - $20 from the AppStore.

    Total: $110 (at least).

    If I wanted to expand all of these (given that there are or will be expansions), I'd have to spend $60 plus the price of the expansion pack.

    Does this seem fair?

  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    You can purchase SoD for Android or iOS where it's a separate app and it won't require you to re-buy the Mac version of BG:EE.
  • LookToWindwardLookToWindward Member Posts: 179
    I don't want to play it on Android (lack of device) or iOS (screen too small) that's why I bought the Mac version!
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2020
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  • LookToWindwardLookToWindward Member Posts: 179
    edited March 2020
    That's my point, it's now nearly two years since I asked the original question, why hasn't this been released yet? I have BGEE: Version 2.6.17 installed, if I understand you correctly (from the above), BGEE:SOD should work ok with it?

    Also, do you know if BGEE:SOD contains a new executable file(s), or is it really a big "mod"?

    Thanks for taking the time to reply.....
  • LookToWindwardLookToWindward Member Posts: 179
    Also why don't/didn't they let everyone know that the AppStore version is treated differently from other platform? I would have bought it from elsewhere had I'd have known. In fact why don't they take it down from the AppStore completely, that would solve the problem. Of course they might miss sales revenue and also advertising, seems to me like they wan't the best of both worlds with no regard to their users.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2020
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  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    edited March 2020
    @subtledoctor No, we updated BG, IWD, BG2 on the Mac App Store to the 2.5 version, and did that at the same time as on other platforms.
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  • Adam12Adam12 Member Posts: 2
    Ok so I bought them from Beamdog. Is there a way that i can bring my saved game file from the BG:EE i downloaded from the app store into the new one?
  • LookToWindwardLookToWindward Member Posts: 179
    I think the time has come for Beamdog to come clean on this and do one of two things:

    1. Bring the Mac App Store products up to date with the other platforms and then release updates and expansions in a timely manner, or

    2. Take all Apps that they are incapable of keeping up to date from the AppStore and give a free copy (or Steam Key) to all those that bought their products from the AppStore.

    It's the only fair thing to do.

  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Adam12 wrote: »
    Ok so I bought them from Beamdog. Is there a way that i can bring my saved game file from the BG:EE i downloaded from the app store into the new one?

    They should share the same folder in Documents. (Documents - Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition - save)
  • kmroachkmroach Member Posts: 1
    I'm in the same position. Bought BG1 on the app store years ago, just finished playing through for the second time and would like to play SOD but I am against having to pay twice for the BG1. Agree with LookToWindward that a compatible free copy should be made available to those of us who bought the app store version.
  • LookToWindwardLookToWindward Member Posts: 179
    edited April 2020
    I'm tempted to complain to Apple, I'm not sure what their terms are, but if there are versions of games bought are that are better if bought from places other than the AppStore, surely they are giving an unfair advantage to those sources. Basically, they are lowering the odds that someone will purchase from the AppStore which to my mind anyway is unfair to Apple. Not that I really care about being unfair to Apple, it's just they have a bigger and better stick (it's a stick of mass ligtigation +100d10 Dammage and No Saving Throws!) than I do!
  • LookToWindwardLookToWindward Member Posts: 179
    edited April 2020
    Adam12 wrote: »
    Ok so I bought them from Beamdog. Is there a way that i can bring my saved game file from the BG:EE i downloaded from the app store into the new one?

    Did you know of the lack of support for expansions and the slowness of updates before you bought it? If you didn't, then would you have bought it from another source if you had known before hand?

  • LookToWindwardLookToWindward Member Posts: 179
    Anyone that has the AppStore version installed, BG1 and BG2 (and other) games are on sale at Beamdog, it you want to play SOD, you can get BG1 and SOD from the game store for around $15 which is cheaper tham SOD would be by itself normally! The Sale closes soon, so make the most of it!
  • ValafeinValafein Member Posts: 19
    Any news about SoD in Mac App store? I like many others have bought bg ee and bg2 ee in this store.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    There is no news and most like there won't be.
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