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Today I bought the new iPad just so i could play Baldur's gate EE when it comes out.

HeasHeas Member Posts: 54
Just saying..
Really excited..

25/10/2012 Edit - Now I just feel like an idiot. Oh well.. :(
Post edited by Heas on


  • salierisalieri Member Posts: 245
    I will never admit it publicly, but this is 98% the reason I bought mine last month.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    You mean there's another reason to get an iPad? ;)
  • jolly_bbjolly_bb Member Posts: 122
    we are happy for you.
  • RisingsunRisingsun Member Posts: 99
    Would be funny if the rumors are true and the 3rd gen iPad gets updated next week.

    One of those "Damn, you Apple!" moments.
  • CorianderCoriander Member Posts: 1,667
    Yeah, October is usually New iPad Month. I'm expecting at least a dock connector conversion to match the iPhone 5. On the other hand the 3 is really good.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    We already had the new IPad of the year with the release of IPad 3, so a new model won't be out until next year. We may see the IPad mini being released next week if the rumors are true, though.
  • RisingsunRisingsun Member Posts: 99
    edited October 2012
    March is when most people expect updates to the main iPad line.

    The iPad Mini is basically a lock at this point and the minor iPad update I was referring to was talk from various sites about a minor change to the new connector and slightly different internals, but basically the same device, Similar to when the iPad 2 was quietly updated to a 32nm A-5 chip from the previous 45nm version.

    I'm far more skeptical about the iPad 3 update, but you never know, but the iPad Mini is a much better bet.
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    I confess when I bought my iPad I did not even think of BG:EE. Then afterwards I was like... 'Oh Yeah!'
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,020
    i've almost considered buying an ipad, and it was soley for the reason of playing bgee on it, seriously trent should get some royalties for ipad sales, i bet at least 100 000 new ipads were purchased mostly because of this game
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    I never wanted an iPad or any other tablet before hearing that BG:EE was being released on that particular medium.
  • KonabugaKonabuga Member Posts: 135
    I just bought the Asus transformer infinity tf700t (sheesh, what a name. I'm exhausted and have blisters on my fingers). Now I can purchase BGEE again. I hope it works on the android tablets as well as it does on the Ipad.
  • ginger_hammerginger_hammer Member Posts: 160
    edited October 2012
    There is a new Samsung tablet with 2,560 x 1,600 resolution going to be announced very shortly on Oct 29th running Andriod 4.2. Worth a look me thinks.

    Edit: link
    Post edited by ginger_hammer on
  • RisingsunRisingsun Member Posts: 99
    Its funny, a week ago I was joking that it would suck if the OP just bought an iPad only to have a new model get announced the very next week.

    Well, thats exactly what happened with the 4th Gen iPad. Luckily, some Apple stores are offering a 30-day window to exchange it for the updated model with the better cpu and graphics. So go exchange it if can.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    A new model this year was an actual surprise. Everybody expected an IPad mini but not an IPad 4…
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    Sounds like now would be a great time to get an iPad 3 on the cheap, from someone looking to buy #4.
  • whitewolfwhitewolf Member Posts: 12
    lol I ordered an ipad a couple of weeks ago as well... i have already preordered Baldurs gate but there isnt anything wrong with have two copies is there ;)
  • CorianderCoriander Member Posts: 1,667
    Well I was a little wrong saying that it is usually New Ipad Month, but I think it will be in the future. Surprised they're still selling the iPad 2.
  • BytebrainBytebrain Member Posts: 602

    Hmm, what would be the advantages of iPad BG over just playing the PC version on a laptop?

    Is this really a reason to buy an iPad in addition to or instead of a laptop?

    Can't you get a laptop that could play the PC version of BG:EE for about the same price as an iPad?

    Either way, you still have to pay monthly for a wireless service.

    Sorry, I still need some selling on the whole concept of tablet computers. And when you add in the iPhone phenomenon, it gets even more to smelling to me like, uh, why do you need to spend your hard-earned money on a laptop, a tablet computer, AND a smart phone?


    I'm not sure if you're really interested in knowing the pros and cons of buying an iPad, or if you're only writing to make a statement on why you feel iPad is a useless piece of tech?
    I've never understood why there's so many people who obviously never handled an iPad is writing on boards like these, stating why they think iPads and iPhones and their users are somehow inferior to existing tech, I mean, I don't remember seeing posts like this dissing the laptop contra desktop computers when laptops was the newest thing. Or net books...

    There's numerous websites dedicated to the iPad where you can read about the pretty amazing apps that exists for the iPad, that is, if you really was interested in why an iPad is a neat tool for so many people.
    If you want I'll give you some links, but somehow I get the feeling you're really not interested, and have made up your mind.

    I can tell you that for me, I'm currently sprawling on my couch writing this on my iPad, and my laptop is collecting dust in a corner. The battery died on it a year and a half after I bought my laptop. It was too heavy to rest for longer times on my lap, it got way too hot, and I had to have a cable connected at all times due to the lousy battery.
    My laptop was twice the price of my iPad 3.

    I'm reading my books and comics on my iPad on my way to work on the bus every day, surf these boards on the train on my iPad, and have it with me everywhere as it weighs next to nothing.
    To me it's the best piece of tech I've ever owned, and I've had computers since 1989.

    But, as I said, I don't think you're really interested, are you?
  • TreyolenTreyolen Member Posts: 235
    I think this game will be much better on a computer. That gives the option to use a large monitor and I think a mouse will still be a better input method than any touch controls they come up with for the tablets. But for portability the iPad just can't be beat at this time. I'll probably pick up a copy of BG for the iPad both to support the devs and for convenience when I need my Sword Coast fix on the move.

    The tablet thing can be summed up pretty easily in my mind. These devices are for people with disposable income who desire another device to more conveniently consume media. I fit squarely in that category and love my iPad. The closest I ever come to "work" on the device is an RDC app that I use to connect to a Windows Home Server. But for web browsing, message board flaming, and certain games the device is worth its weight in gold. Videos, books, and music are real nice on these machines too. I have big hopes for the MS Surface. Competition is a great thing and the sky is the limit for this form factor.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @Bytebrain, why so sensitive, friend? Sure, I'm interested. I was just saying I don't really see the appeal yet, and I posted a cartoon I thought was funny that agreed with me.

    I have a friend who also always adopts all the latest technology, but he doesn't get mad at me about the fact that I don't. We joke around with each other about it.

    I guess I didn't realize it could start arguments to say what I said, or I wasn't thinking. My apologies.
  • Space_hamsterSpace_hamster Member Posts: 950
    The thing is, Infinity Engine was MADE to use on a touch device (they were obviously thinking of this way back in '96 - or whenever they started on BG ;) ) The interface is just so perfect for something like the iPad, as any iPad user will immediately understand.

    It's true that Tablets still are rather cutting edge at the moment, similar to how the first smartphones were years ago, but they are becoming cheaper all the time. The first iPad was $500, the new iPad mini that came out yesterday is $329, and refurbished models can be had for cheaper still.

    I have a wi-fi iPad 3, I LOVE Retina, the screen DPI is so sharp. I must have over 100 apps installed, so many are useful. From Map apps, to science apps, to comics and ebooks, PDFs, games, and browsing the internet. The only game I really play is a pinball game, BG will be the first real game I buy for the thing. Another thing, All the Apps I have are free one's I have paid for anything yet (well except for the ebooks).

    Tablets are definitely here to stay. ;)
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