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Romance code not working :S

Hi, everyone! (Bg2:EE

Im gnome, i have made with console that romance start and in global values of eekeeper was JAHEIRAROMANCE 1. I use the code lovetalks and get two talks. Now in global values of eekeeper appear: JAHEIRAROMANCE 1133415 ... What does mean???? I have LOVETALK 10 and doind the Summoning Harper quest


I want to know the currently status with Jaheira Romance and I have enable console but CLUA or C: romance console doesnt work (i have tried other codes to be sure and adding 5 gold works)

I have type: C:GetGLOBAL("JaheiraRomanceActive","GLOBAL")

The console says: [string "C:GetGLOBAL("Jaheira Creative","GLOBAL")"]:1: attempt to call method 'GetGLOBAL' (a nil value)

Also, I put CLUAConsole:GetGlobal("LOVETALK","LOCALS")
And console says: [string "C:GetGLOBAL("LOVETALK","LOCALS")"]:1: attempt to call method 'GetGLOBAL' (a nil value)

What does mean? Why this romance codes are not working and other does?

Thank you all!!


  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,524
    Console commands are case-sensitive. Try this:

    Local variables also require a target. Since you probably want to know the LoveTalk variable from Jaheira, place the mouse cursor over her selection circle or character portrait when executing this code:

    Btw, "JaheiraRomance" is a timer variable. It stores the internal game time which isn't really meaningful for players.
  • etxxuetxxu Member Posts: 15
    edited May 2020
    argent77 wrote: »
    Console commands are case-sensitive. Try this:

    Local variables also require a target. Since you probably want to know the LoveTalk variable from Jaheira, place the mouse cursor over her selection circle or character portrait when executing this code:

    Btw, "JaheiraRomance" is a timer variable. It stores the internal game time which isn't really meaningful for players.

    Im trying to know if the romance is working after started with consoles commands, how can i know it?

    Thats the code i have wrote in the post and dont work :S

    And what does mean that hace change from 1 to JAHEIRAROMANCE 1133415?? Lovetalks was in 9 when JAHEIRAROMANCE 1 and when LOVETALK changed to 10 JAHEIRAROMANCE changed to 113345
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,973
    What that means is that an event in the romance happened, advancing the LoveTalk variable. That event also reset the JaheiraRomance timer; when it runs down or you catch up to it, the next event will be ready.
  • etxxuetxxu Member Posts: 15
    jmerry wrote: »
    What that means is that an event in the romance happened, advancing the LoveTalk variable. That event also reset the JaheiraRomance timer; when it runs down or you catch up to it, the next event will be ready.

    So console commands worked making romance with Jaheira despite being a gnome????? :0
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