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Solo, no reload BG1-BG:SoD-BG2:BG:Tob

skroq12skroq12 Member Posts: 3
edited November 2019 in Challenges and Playthroughs
I decided to create an account here and make a post to finally say goodbye to my all times best video game.
I have been addicted to this game for far too long, I love it and all, but now that I have finally (after 20 years lol, as I got the original BG1 in 1999) did what I have always wanted - beat the game No Reload and Solo on Core rules.

I do realize I am new here, so maybe I can brag a bit more (sorry!) , I am one of the top PlayStation players in the world, I am also the first person in the world to platinum (sort of like get all steam achievements) for:
Baldur's Gate 1
Baldur's Gate: SoD
Baldur's Gate 2:

.. so yeah, I think I literally beat BG1 about 200+ times, Sod (5 times) and BG2 (about 100 times). The idea of no reload/solo appeard in my head maybe 5 years ago. I used to try with Mage, than Barbarian BG1-BG2. I was really close two times. One I reached Amelyssan and the second time Ravager killed me. Other 50 or so tries were some stupid errors, like in BG1 Dopples killed both Belt and Liia Jannath, or I used explosives arrows on the bridge on the mage who created the portal (blowing up the bridge myself), I didn't bring +3 weapon to BG:SoD demon boss, I took the Unseen Eye Wand outside sewere area (auto death), Kuo-Toa's stunn, charm in the Abazigal Lair <3 , ToB opening seal to Demagorgon level draining succub, Sendai's lair drows stunning me, way too many to list and remeber.

Today, 3.11.2019 I did it. I went through BG1 - BG:SoA - BG2 with my Dwarven Defender, in maybe 4-5 days without a single death, or reload, not using any cheat, any mod, not changing difficulty from Core Rules.
Although I ticked the max HP upon lvl up option.

Anyway, I started BG stats roller overnight to get some cool stats, rolled 95 or 96, Charisma 7 rest max i think. I decided to specialize in dual wield, hammers since there is a very nice hammer early on in BG1 (+2 sorry Bassilus). BG1 I simply got max XP all books, Pantaloons, best items and killed Sarevok and went straight to SoD. Here I ran fairly quickly through the game, didn't to any optional quests (apart from the one which gets you Void Hammer +3). Behilfet fight was a close call, because I couldn't get another +3 hammer Sundermaul +3 since even with Strenght 25 you cannot bash that lock.
So I ended up with Void Hammer and Acid Tongue +3 Sword (without any * in specialization), glad I took like 15 potions of healing. Fight would be much easier if I could have joined with Caelar, but this it not the point. For the einter BG1-BG2:ToB overall my companions were with me for total of 1-2 seconds (Imoen autojoin).

Ok, so after BG1 and BG:SoD I have imported my character to BG2. I used to CLUAConsole bag of holding for my playthrought years ago, but not this time. I didn't enable cheats, the only change I did in options was framerate 60, and I kind regretted for the latter fight, but let's say I got used to that over the course of those year. So without Bag of Holding getting money was a bit tedious, as I had to run back and forth to Promenade to sell stuff.

After Irenicus dungeon (which I almost died after Memphit paralyzed me and goblins left me with like 15 hp or less) I did the easiest quests (no mage fights) possible. My goal was simple, get the Vhailor's helmet, Protection from Magic and Protection from Undead. Once you get those 3 items, it got much easier. I finished all quests I started, got money to buy all potions in Athkatla (3x Potion of Magic Shielding never to be used before Final Fight in ToB and later 3x more in Underdark). I went for Gaxx really early, perfect weapon against him is with the Lich in City Gates. The other weapon I bought Sword of the Mask. Fight with Gaxx took maybe 20 seconds.

The crappy thing about Dwarver Defender is you don't have any good weapons until Crom and Axe of Unyelding, so I was stuck until very late game with +3 Axe (bought from Joluv) and +3 Axe (D'Arnise keep).

Over the couse of BG2 I lost a single potion of Magic Shielding (stupid mistake of answering riddle in Spellhold incorrectly and being teleported into a pit with three Kuo-Toans, I panicked was afraid of the stun and popped one of those potions) and went to ToB with 5.

Another mistake I made was used one of two protection from magic scrolls in the Beholder lair in Underdark, I was afraid I stayed too long there and was afraid of inprisonment, so I decided to use one of the scrolls.

One more mistake was almost losing ESP amulet in Sendai's Lair (something drained my Rod of Ressurection to 0 and it got destroyed, but fortunately there is another one in ToB uff!).

Final mistake, was when I sold Ibratha sword which let's you do a Mirror Image, oh well.

My first MindFlyer fight was when I had the ESP amulet.
My first Observator fight was when I had Shield of Balduran (works perfectly with the 2.5version of the game)
All the time in ToB I was protected from Magic and Undead from scrolls, and the places I knew I could get charmed (Adjatha the drinker saves from both charm and domination), ESP amulet so yeah, I really took it slow and safe.

Things that surprised me:
- How I handled the Y'Tossi and team to get the Bracers. I managed to lock myself in a room with 1-2 enemies the room on the right on the trial where you use the Skull of the Warrior
- How easy fire giants were with 100% blunt resistance, 120+ fire resistance (only ones that could do damage were the elite ones)
- How Reveger dire charmed my similarcum and I ended up using Rod of Ressurection 2-3 times on myself
- How I couldn't get the +5 Rune Hammer upgrade as the f***ing Rune of Clangedin is in a chest which you cannot bash with strenght 25, that was a downer because I knew I would use that hammer for Amelyssan fight (protection from level drain), so I ended up using +4

So as for the Amelyssan.. I buffed myself to the max and went to Throne. 400hp, -20 AC (with big metal unit armor), I didn't waste Protection from Magic Shielding for phase 1. Amelyssan summoned some bone fiends (yay!), no Death Tyrans (who I think dispell everything). I used Amulet of Cheetah and mointored if I am being dispalled. I was so scared of her stun. She didn't even dispell me. I used FoeBane+5 and Rune Hammer +4 as weapons. For all items in my inventory I care about saving throws (helmet of Balduran, Seldaring Amulet (changing with the ESP one), Ring of Gaxx, Ring +2, Cloak of Displacement, Boots cheetah, belt ifernal barrier.

Second phase, before unlinking the pool i summoned 5 fire elementals from the staff and than I did the same as first phase, but this time I started using whirlwinds. I was again lucky with no death tyrants. After 2-3 whirwinds she gave up.

Third phase: Again 5 fire elemtals, those keep her busy during time stop. This started dangerously as she dispelled my ESP and I gulped potion of Shielding, this was dispelled immediately again (obviously with all my buffs), so I ran to her avoiding the summons and gulped another potion of shielding and finally we clashed melee and after some whirlwinding madness she gave up.

Fourth phase: Buff to the max, similarcum and two Adamantine Golems Crushed her to bits.

I still cannot believe it! Sorry about the bragging part, I am simply very happy I did it after all those years.

PS. If you guys wanna ask me something feel free, I will share my strategies.
PPS: Does anyone know if the Arabene's Sword protects vs Stun indeed? I didnt check it during my playthrought as you know.. no reload :)



  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Sword of Arvoreen can be equipped by halflings and it indeed provides immunity to stun effects. So your Dwarven Defender wouldn't be able to wield it, unless you use mods.

    Congrats on beating the game!
  • monicomonico Member Posts: 571
    Well done ! I have been trying no-reloads runs lately, but I just don't have the discipline to refrain from reloading when I make a small mistake. I rarely need it for "tough" fights since I prepare very carefully for those, but the mundane fights or exploring mistakes (forgeting a useful item, stuff like that) happen often for me and I often find myself reloading making excuses like "that doesn't count, it is just for convenience sake".

    Anyway, congrats, that's quite the achievement !

    If you are looking for a new challenge, try solo LoB runs -->

    (the thread states Sword Coast Stratagems on top of this, but vanilla solo-LoB is quite challenging as well). You discover new strategies, spells, items when playing this way. Although I admit that solo-LoB tends to promote cheese.
  • RedKirrRedKirr Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 5
    Very well done! Also, did you try to play starting in ToB and with fighter class? I found it the way too difficult. But solo-runs are still quite fun.:)
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