Dark Sun for NWN

We now have a new website up and running.
Which you all can find information about the project and you can also follow us on our Twitter page were we post more highlights about the project then any where else.
Thanks for your time.

Which you all can find information about the project and you can also follow us on our Twitter page were we post more highlights about the project then any where else.
Thanks for your time.

If you would like to help with this then you should come join our team and together we will find a way in which you can help with this project.
Don't be scared we are able to find a way in which you can help and it doesn't have to be creating content. However if you would like to learn how to create content we can help you learn.
If you would like to help show your support for this project and/or keep up with what all we are doing you can follow us on our Twitter page because that is where we post more often.
If you would like to find out more information about the project and or join the team then check out our website.
A BIG thanks to Acidchalk and Draygoth for the following.
NWN Dark Sun
Dark Sun SoT (Sands of Time)
Mine will be Dark Sun SoT and it's going to be a little different. I say this because some people will not like it, because we (SoT team) aren't creating a theme park mmo. So we will not be focusing on leveling fast, epic items, raids and boss fights
No no no sir
We are going to be focusing on
- The world
- How harsh and brutal it is
- How hard it is just to stay alive
- The stories/adventures
- NPC's
- Role Play
That isn't to say that players can't level and get nice items but it will be a lot harder then most worlds. This isn't Forgotten Realms, or LotR, or GoT. This is the world of Athas, the Dark Sun Campaign setting, a post apocalyptic desert world. Where magic is outlawed and punishable by death. Where metal is rare and where people can be killed over s flask of water.
So again SoT isn't going to be a high flaying fantasy game.
From what I understand, the tools to create Dark Sun content will be publicly released, so the chance for single player content is high.
I like this. Half the fun is in the struggle! Not to mention if you make it to a higher level it is just that much more valuable. Instant gratification is fun for a minute, surviving the s u c k can be fun for a life time!
Good luck with it! I will be keeping my eye out.
We post a lot more often on our Twitter page some come follow us there and keep up to date on what we are doing.
If you would like to find out more information about our project and or join the team check out our website.
If you would like to show your support for our project and or keep up with what all we are doing you can follow us on our twitter page.