Each one of them requires their regard for you to be higher than zero, which you start at if you say you don't know them. There are many opportunities for it to change and naturally increase it or decrease it, if it does the former, then you'll start seeing them fire. And if it does the latter too much, she'll explode at you.
Since you're testing it, you can check Recorder's approval with C:GetGlobal("X3RebApp","GLOBAL"). If you manually set it to 1, you'll probably see the talk suddenly fire if you're outside a dungeon, and if you set it to a very high negative number for some reason, she'd threaten to leave unless things changed.
Hmmm...another bug. Or rather an error during conversation.
When Vienxay asks charname if he had some lovers before then after choosing the option "Oh I am "plenty" experienced" my next dialogue option is "NO VALID REPLIES OR LINKS".
It does not crash the game but at the very least I cannot read the original text. The conversation ends up right after choosing said "No VALID REPLIES OR LINKS" option.
It's easier to say what is not in .86 than is so:
-Missing Romance Soundtracks
-Missing Crossmod
Everything else is finished. If you don't need music or crossmod, then you can probably play it as is, though I've not done the final comb through for spelling errors and any unreported bugs yet.
So I decided to try romancing Recorder in the meantime and I get a scene to kiss her and seemingly establish a relationship (I need to rest to activate it). Next Recorder asks me if there is no one else in the party for whom my PC feels anything. Strangely one of the options I get is "Dorn" even though I had neither romanced nor even recruited Dorn in the first place.
The 2nd bigger problem is that after said conversation I get immediately another Recorder conversation. The talk starts with Recorder saying "There is something if find difficult when I am taking the time to write our travels...."
After said conversation is over then regardless of the options that I choose during it I get within 2-4 seconds the very same conversation again and again. An endless loop.
I corrected the 2nd one, but if you don't want to re-download it, just hover over Recorder and type: C:SetGlobal("X3RebLoveTalk","LOCALS",25).
The first one is a strange one: It's not *really* a bug, it's kind of Dorn who is bugged. Dorn's Romance Variable is set to one immediately for some reason, even if you don't take him in the party. I may research a better variable to use to check on his romance still ongoing.
When Recorder asks Charname to become intimate with her (Recorder: Charname, I know you must be eager to get some rest....) during a rest there is no follow up to that neither by resting again nor by waiting for another conversation (none ever comes). The only way for Recorder to follow up on that talk is by initiating a PID with her. That never happened to me when romancing Vienxay or any of the vanilla romances. Is that intended?
Also following that conversation there are no more time related conversations with her. Though this might be due to her romance being completed perhaps at that point plus I'm still in Chapter 2. Perhaps I need to start the next chapter for new events to follow.
Ah, there is also one other thing. Sometimes when I rest I get the option "As you make to rest your mind wanders..." and I can start a talk with any of the companions in this mod. The chance to get this option during rest happens rarely and without a specific reason. Is that intended?
The first part of your report is a possible bug resulting from an earlier conversation that didn't correctly set the romance global. Just type C:SetGlobal("X3RebRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) into the console to fix it (Or download the newest version of the mod.)
The second part is intended. Her story continues in Chapter 4. The last talk fires in Chapter 6.
The third part is also intended like megamike says. They're meant to be rare opportunities to bond with your companions before resting. (You can force them to occur in the PID, so long as you aren't in a dungeon.)
Honestly, I can't thank you enough for catching these bugs and playing the test version. This feedback is super helpful.
Test Version .88 has Kale's completed romance theme, as well as a few bug-fixes that I noticed.
While I re-did Emily's from scratch for BG2, Kale uses his old musical motif, with a clarinet staccato to give it the punch of his personality that I wanted.
I don't usually finish a piece this fast, but my creative juices were flowing so I finished another one! Test version .89 has Recorder's Theme. It is very different than the first two, utilizing a flute choir without a lyrical style. Her theme is meant to express the pain of her past.
There's only one left, then all non-cross mod content should be complete.
As usual, you can listen to it below to help you decide whether to install the music subcomponent or not.
Sorry! I've gotten a behind schedule, I had to move everything off of one PC onto another, which meant re-installing everything. Unfortunately for some reason, no app was launching so I had to get that fixed.
I'm about a third done with crossmod talks nonetheless, and the percentage bar should start increasing again accordingly in the coming days.
That's good news i can't wait for the full version to play it, but i wonder, if there will be a crossmod banter with Tashia, Fade, Nephele or yeslick ?
I'd have to get permission from the mod-authors, but I can see about it after the full-release? For pre-release I'm focusing on Petsy/Yvette, and then I'll work with AionZ on Sirene crossmod post-release, since cross-mod is really easy to add on in future updates.
I've never played Tashia or Fade (Or Yeslick in BG2) so I'd also need to find time to play them.
For what it is worth, I'm going to throw up some resources for you that you or others may find helpful when figuring out what crossmod content might be worthwhile doing. There's no expectation that you'll do all or indeed any of these, just think of this as me putting this here as a tool for your help and not a demand that you produce any crossmod content for the listed mods.
The following BG2 NPC and quest mods tend to be fairly well regarded and are currently supported. I have not played most of these, but they tend to be the ones that get mentioned pretty positively with few detractors.
I've also included expansions of the Bioware characters via Banter Packs and friendships, since they may add some additional characterization that might be helpful to bounce off of (Cernd gets some more interesting characterization in his friendship mod for example).
NPC - Banters or Bioware Character Expansion/BG2 versions of BG1 NPCs
Note I'm not including all the quest mods that are highly rated, just the ones that have things that there is a decent possibility that an NPC would be expected to comment or react. I'm probably leaving some off this list because it has been so long since I last played them, or I've never played them to date.
Sorry for responding so late, but I forgot to update the version number. You have the right version, and I updated the version number so it's correct.
The full version should hopefully be out this week as well. I'll play some of the suggested mods and see if there is any that I'd like to write crossmod for after its released. It's a few weeks later than I wanted to start, but I'll be taking a modding break for Thanksgiving week and I'll start Wings the week after.
After meeting Saemon in the Asylum after completing all the trials I got told what to do in order to fight Irenicus and Vienxay comments that the insane mages will make good meat shields...and then she leaves my party with no explanation and I cannot find her anywhere.
EDIT: Ah, and it looks like Saemon does not leave the room after talk like he usually does. I tried killing Vienxay before said conversation and after doing so Saemon leaves the room as always. Hmmmm.
Yes, I fixed this in version 0.95 which I just uploaded onto github. Sorry about that, I probably missed it was a leaving dialogue and didn't add a callback. But if you redownload it, all should be well.
With Thanksgiving over I can focus on finishing the last 5%...which on my end is just editing dialogue lines and waiting for crossmod submisisons to be approved. Version 0.95 has completed Petsy crossmod that is now available, and a lot of writing corrections in banter dialogue.
Version 1 Released, and with it, the Download Button is now on the first page.
-Hundreds of dialogue edits and corrections.
-Fixed a line that belonged to Helga that was really for Kale.
-Yvette Crossmod added.
Despite being complete, some future additional content planned to work on Next Year for this is:
-Wilson Banters (I forgot about the bear!)
-Sirene Crossmod
-Adding Aerie to the Rest talks (Will release at the same time Wings is finished.)
The rest of the year will be spent playing and planning out the work for Wings. There are so many mods I haven't ever played that I'd like to try for myself, and look forward to finally having time to play them.
Thankee and thankee and alleluia for making and releasing and publishing your mods, including this! Enjoy your rush of euphoria as you read and reflect on this!
ERROR: cannot convert kit_code or %kit_code% to an integer
ERROR: [override/QD_MCT01.spl] -> [override] Patching Failed (COPY) (Not_found)
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
ERROR: [X3VK.2da] -> [override] Patching Failed (COPY) (Not_found)
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Since you're testing it, you can check Recorder's approval with C:GetGlobal("X3RebApp","GLOBAL"). If you manually set it to 1, you'll probably see the talk suddenly fire if you're outside a dungeon, and if you set it to a very high negative number for some reason, she'd threaten to leave unless things changed.
When Vienxay asks charname if he had some lovers before then after choosing the option "Oh I am "plenty" experienced" my next dialogue option is "NO VALID REPLIES OR LINKS".
It does not crash the game but at the very least I cannot read the original text. The conversation ends up right after choosing said "No VALID REPLIES OR LINKS" option.
It's easier to say what is not in .86 than is so:
-Missing Romance Soundtracks
-Missing Crossmod
Everything else is finished. If you don't need music or crossmod, then you can probably play it as is, though I've not done the final comb through for spelling errors and any unreported bugs yet.
So I decided to try romancing Recorder in the meantime and I get a scene to kiss her and seemingly establish a relationship (I need to rest to activate it). Next Recorder asks me if there is no one else in the party for whom my PC feels anything. Strangely one of the options I get is "Dorn" even though I had neither romanced nor even recruited Dorn in the first place.
The 2nd bigger problem is that after said conversation I get immediately another Recorder conversation. The talk starts with Recorder saying "There is something if find difficult when I am taking the time to write our travels...."
After said conversation is over then regardless of the options that I choose during it I get within 2-4 seconds the very same conversation again and again. An endless loop.
The first one is a strange one: It's not *really* a bug, it's kind of Dorn who is bugged. Dorn's Romance Variable is set to one immediately for some reason, even if you don't take him in the party. I may research a better variable to use to check on his romance still ongoing.
When Recorder asks Charname to become intimate with her (Recorder: Charname, I know you must be eager to get some rest....) during a rest there is no follow up to that neither by resting again nor by waiting for another conversation (none ever comes). The only way for Recorder to follow up on that talk is by initiating a PID with her. That never happened to me when romancing Vienxay or any of the vanilla romances. Is that intended?
Also following that conversation there are no more time related conversations with her. Though this might be due to her romance being completed perhaps at that point plus I'm still in Chapter 2. Perhaps I need to start the next chapter for new events to follow.
Ah, there is also one other thing. Sometimes when I rest I get the option "As you make to rest your mind wanders..." and I can start a talk with any of the companions in this mod. The chance to get this option during rest happens rarely and without a specific reason. Is that intended?
Skitia did say the vanilla/ee npcs wll be added to those later. as it would help say jan who does not have a friendship mod.
The second part is intended. Her story continues in Chapter 4. The last talk fires in Chapter 6.
The third part is also intended like megamike says. They're meant to be rare opportunities to bond with your companions before resting. (You can force them to occur in the PID, so long as you aren't in a dungeon.)
Honestly, I can't thank you enough for catching these bugs and playing the test version. This feedback is super helpful.
This is optional and can be excluded if desired. You can listen to it below to help decide. Eventually I'll also post it to my website.
This is an original work by myself using notation software.
We appreciate the extra music to positively distinguish your characters!
While I re-did Emily's from scratch for BG2, Kale uses his old musical motif, with a clarinet staccato to give it the punch of his personality that I wanted.
There's only one left, then all non-cross mod content should be complete.
As usual, you can listen to it below to help you decide whether to install the music subcomponent or not.
Vienxay's melody starts with a lone oboe, to express the solitude of exile.
There's only 10% to go, which is Crossmod & Spell Checking/Debugging. This will probably be finished by either the 23rd or the 30th.
Alleluia! I thank you for your diligence on these mods, and what seems like a handy inclusion on your resume!
I'm about a third done with crossmod talks nonetheless, and the percentage bar should start increasing again accordingly in the coming days.
I've never played Tashia or Fade (Or Yeslick in BG2) so I'd also need to find time to play them.
The following BG2 NPC and quest mods tend to be fairly well regarded and are currently supported. I have not played most of these, but they tend to be the ones that get mentioned pretty positively with few detractors.
I've also included expansions of the Bioware characters via Banter Packs and friendships, since they may add some additional characterization that might be helpful to bounce off of (Cernd gets some more interesting characterization in his friendship mod for example).
BG2 mod NPCs that generally seem well received and are currently relatively bug free and playable. I may be missing some.
Note I'm not including all the quest mods that are highly rated, just the ones that have things that there is a decent possibility that an NPC would be expected to comment or react. I'm probably leaving some off this list because it has been so long since I last played them, or I've never played them to date.
The full version should hopefully be out this week as well. I'll play some of the suggested mods and see if there is any that I'd like to write crossmod for after its released. It's a few weeks later than I wanted to start, but I'll be taking a modding break for Thanksgiving week and I'll start Wings the week after.
After meeting Saemon in the Asylum after completing all the trials I got told what to do in order to fight Irenicus and Vienxay comments that the insane mages will make good meat shields...and then she leaves my party with no explanation and I cannot find her anywhere.
EDIT: Ah, and it looks like Saemon does not leave the room after talk like he usually does. I tried killing Vienxay before said conversation and after doing so Saemon leaves the room as always. Hmmmm.
Any help?
With Thanksgiving over I can focus on finishing the last 5%...which on my end is just editing dialogue lines and waiting for crossmod submisisons to be approved. Version 0.95 has completed Petsy crossmod that is now available, and a lot of writing corrections in banter dialogue.
-Hundreds of dialogue edits and corrections.
-Fixed a line that belonged to Helga that was really for Kale.
-Yvette Crossmod added.
Despite being complete, some future additional content planned to work on Next Year for this is:
-Wilson Banters (I forgot about the bear!)
-Sirene Crossmod
-Adding Aerie to the Rest talks (Will release at the same time Wings is finished.)
The rest of the year will be spent playing and planning out the work for Wings. There are so many mods I haven't ever played that I'd like to try for myself, and look forward to finally having time to play them.
Thankee and thankee and alleluia for making and releasing and publishing your mods, including this! Enjoy your rush of euphoria as you read and reflect on this!
ERROR: cannot convert kit_code or %kit_code% to an integer
ERROR: [override/QD_MCT01.spl] -> [override] Patching Failed (COPY) (Not_found)
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
ERROR: [X3VK.2da] -> [override] Patching Failed (COPY) (Not_found)
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.