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What is your PC's alignment?



  • EvinfuiltEvinfuilt Member Posts: 505

    It could be worse, you could be sent into nothingness. I border so closely between Neutral Evil and Chaotic Evil I could nearly go either way. I guess I'll be sent to Taterus, to a cold lifeless planet void of anything beautiful. Kinda sucks really, my PC will have to choose Godhood to prevent that horrid fate (and kill anyone who gets in the way.)
  • MortiannaMortianna Member Posts: 1,356

    Tartarus sounds like such a buzzkill. Godhood it is, then.

    At least in the Nine Hells there's a chance for promotion to a lesser devil after a tortuous existence as a mindless Lemure blob. I'm aiming for Falxugon/Harvester Devil.
  • gesellegeselle Member Posts: 325
    true neutral tending to chaotic neutral, I'm shocked, sort of.
  • ARKdeEREHARKdeEREH Member Posts: 531
    My result in the test was on the edge of neutral good and chaotic good, so it said that I was either.

    My current PC is neutral evil. I used to always play as a chaotic good character, but more recently I have been playing either chaotic neutral or neutral evil. Neutral evil was originally because I took Blackrazor in the Hell level in SoA without realizing that it would change my chaotic good character into neutral evil. Later, I became disillusioned with the 'good' characters in the game after I saw how much racism and general social injustice they routinely practiced. This caused me to see the 'neutral' characters as being a truer reflection of what I personally consider good and many of the 'good' characters as being evil, with the 'evil' characters being somewhere in the middle.

    I have gradually shifted my roleplaying to reflect this, so that now my party is always a mixture of 'neutral' and 'evil' aligned characters, who do heroic deeds, but whose reputation stays somewhere in upper middle to reflect that they have not gone out of their way to coddle murderous druids or any other questionable or truly evil behavior which the game considers 'good.'
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 547
    When I play the way I would do things in real life it feels most chaotic good so that's what I pick.

    Took the test and it said I was chaotic good too, so there you go.
  • GemHoundGemHound Member Posts: 801
    I feel like I'm Lawful Neutral, yet 5 or 6 tests told me I'm True Neutral.
  • MortiannaMortianna Member Posts: 1,356
    @GemHound TN (LN) then? I've always thought including tendencies is important. It adds much more complexity to one's PC and role playing in general.

    Although this does create issues for alignment-related magic/cursed items and spells. I usually made it a "half and half" system, as described by EasyDamus:
    "Half and Half"

    For the purposes of the game system, consider each character's alignment to be exactly the alignment as written and halve all effects based on alignment. Thus, a Lawful Neutral (Evil) cleric would be detected as evil by a paladin using detect evil, but the cleric's aura would only be half as strong (since he is only "half evil"). This cleric would be able to use a Talisman of Pure Evil, but would take 3d6 points of damage from touching it. This option is the most complicated and requires the most DM adjudication, but is perhaps the best option to capture the flavor of alignment tendencies.
  • xLegionxxLegionx Member Posts: 197
    I am not neutral evil in rl of course but my mind is divided between reality and imagination. I am Lawful good in rl but Neutral evil always when I play fantasy based rpg's. My necromancer is of course out for himself and also I like to choose whether I should go down the Lawful Evil path or the Chaotic Evil Path in my actions. Whichever one benefits me the most of course. So I guess I am neutral evil imaginatively... :)
  • NecdilzorNecdilzor Member Posts: 279
    Wow what a good test! Just how I really am!
  • MortiannaMortianna Member Posts: 1,356
    @xLegionx Did you score Lawful Good on the test? Just curious. I think it's interesting that most of those who posted comments give their PC the same alignment as their own.
  • VirsalusVirsalus Member Posts: 45
    My PC's alignment is always chaotic good which corresponds with my own alignment. I like to do good deeds, but I am willing to bend (or break) some rules to achieve that.
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    The test actually put me at True Neutral, which was surprising. My current PC is Neutral Evil. I used to play Chaotic Good characters, but recently shifted towards evil because it was more entertaining and all of my favourite NPCs were evil, so I thought I might as well join the club. Plus now I like the image of my Assassin swanning around with her Blackrazor and Claw of Kazgaroth, decked out in armour made of human flesh and a cloak made of the skins of nymphs.
  • HexHammerHexHammer Member Posts: 288
    Chaotic Good
    I'm this overly goody 2 shoes, who help nice old ladies over the road, just that sometimes they let me help myself to some good payment. Ofcause I help the village against all the foul ogres and trolls, just that I have to rest in each house afterwards and I'm such a curious person and has to look in all the shelfs, chests and other weird places.
    ..just sometimes when someone has some overly delecious yummy thingy on them, they suddenly trip and bump their head, I swear I did nothing!!
  • DeciusDecius Member Posts: 5
    Looks like I came out at chaotic neutral... which really isn't much of a surprise!
  • GygaxianProseGygaxianProse Member Posts: 201
    cool test. CG, generally play CG and NG
  • drsahldrsahl Member Posts: 65
    I will start out with a Chaotic Neutral.. I took the test and to my surprise it said Chaotic Evil. I guess that didnt work out as planned..
  • HexHammerHexHammer Member Posts: 288's a bit weird..

    Roleplaying as a goodie 2 shoes who protects the sacret life of all beings and the callous asshole who curse and yells at eeeveeerybody, even the guild master and tells him to go to Hell, and he laughs his ass off (true story)

    BUT!!! Having it in writing and playing as an evil person, just can't do that for some weird reason O_O
    Mostly play Chaotic Good.
  • Montresor_SPMontresor_SP Member Posts: 2,208
    Test Result: Chaotic Good.

    PC: I have played just about every alignment but generally prefer chaotic characters.
  • YuweeYuwee Member Posts: 30
    Test Result: True Neutral

    Funny enough that's the alignment I normally play.
  • KirkorKirkor Member Posts: 700
    edited October 2012
    The test showed True Neutral, with small tendency towards chaotic good
    I usualy thought about myself as chaotic neutral, which is also my charname alignment.
  • FigrutFigrut Member Posts: 109
    edited October 2012
    The test said I was true neutral. 9 balance, 5 chaotic, -2 evil or something like that. I am going to run 3-4 games along side another and finish mostly around the same time. I am picking CE because I have not rolled one up in way, way too long. I think I play 15% LG, 18% NG, 24% CG, 13% LE, 6%TN, 10% NE, 8% LN, 4% CN, 2% CE in PnP. I wanna get it out of my system I guess. Even in video games you cannot revel in the fruits of stoking virulence and diminishing hope while traumatically educating entire peoples on the folly of interdependence.
  • MortiannaMortianna Member Posts: 1,356
    Figrut said:

    I am picking CE because I have not rolled one up in way, way too long. [...] I wanna get it out of my system I guess. Even in video games you cannot revel in the fruits of stoking virulence and diminishing hope while traumatically educating entire peoples on the folly of interdependence.

    Sounds like you'll be doing proper Chaotic Evil in BG:EE, then. :)

  • ZalphaZalpha Member Posts: 4
    I always make my character Lawful Evil, I like the thief and Drow types in D&D realm. I took the test and answered it like I would answer those in real life (me), I scored Neutral Good and Chaotic Good, I then went back and took the test as I would answer it in game with my game Avatar, I got Neutral Evil.
  • SecriaSecria Member Posts: 85
    I'm not really sure what I am, those that know me think I'm a good person. My character Mev is neutral evil. She's firm but impolite, world weary, cynical, sarcastic, thinks everyone is an idiot that takes life too seriously. She absolutely hates her fate of having people try to kill her all the time. Basically having an adventure she doesn't want to and she also hates prophecies. They're like a non-physical prison.

    We're pretty similar here and there, besides where she is almost completely selfish and I'm not.
  • DinoDino Member Posts: 291
    Got Neutral Good! I was thinking about that or True Neutral for my PC.

    10-15 yrs ago I usually preferred chaotic alignments. I guess you evolve, whatdoyouknow :)
  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    Hmmm, well that's odd. I always played and consider myself to be chaotic neutral, but the test says I am chaotic good.
  • MortiannaMortianna Member Posts: 1,356
    @Dino I think there's a direct correlation between getting older and becoming more Lawful ~.^
  • MornmagorMornmagor Member Posts: 1,160
    As i get older, i become more chaotic :X

    But i'm between Lawful and Neutral Evil for BG:EE and can't decide :p
  • ZafiroZafiro Member Posts: 436
    edited November 2012
    Well the test is saying Neutral Good or Chaotic Good - 5 chaos, -13 evil and 10 balance!
    With regards to Law and Chaos, you are Neutral or maybe Chaotic. With regards to Good and Evil, you are Good.

    I guess you could say NG. And I usually play on LG. I pretend to follow the Moral Law.

    But, my own philosophy is something around Ethical egoism, and 'Rational self-interest'. That test said something like "good is whatever benefits me without hurting anyone else"; that's not bad at all. I'm saying the greatest asset is the moral law, and the only good in life you can truly own. I'm saying lying is never good, not even "to save a life"; you can never be sure of the outcome; why compromise yourself if you can't even be sure about the result. I know if I tell the truth I keep the one asset you can't lose, can't be taken away from I went on like this, I haven't said much lately.
  • DreyyDreyy Member Posts: 118
    Turns out im Lawful Neutral or maybe Lawful Good, i guess i tend to follow the bigger picture but still wll do good if i can, the descriptions did make sense and i usualy play as a Lawful Neutral character in BG so i'm content with that. But there goes my grandmothers theory of me being born of evil, to quote her "Tattoos are the devils mark! Youll burn in hell if your not careful! God didnt put you on this earth to scar your flesh with ink!" Ahh Gran you have a way with words, you vicious old trollop...
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