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[MOD] Lefreut's enhanced UI for IWDEE



  • BubbBubb Member Posts: 1,008
    @deratiseur: I made a simple one quite a while ago; it hasn't been tested extensively, but you can try it and see if it works. I've attached the files - unzip the attachment and drop them into your override folder to install.

    Note that you also need a UI mod to actually enable the HLA screen UI-side, and I do so believe that you are in the thread of the only mod that does this, (again, fantastic work @lefreut!) :)
  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    sarge945 said:

    I know this is a pretty big ask, but would it be possible to port this UI in it's entirety to BG:EE and BG2:EE, since the BG UI is a crazy horrible mess and I hate it.

    It's possible but requires a lot of work. Maybe one day.
    sarge945 said:

    Also, I really like how you have replaced the 4 seperate text boxes in the inventory screen with 1 big one. I wish you would do the same in the Character Record screen, however it still looks good enough that it doesn't matter either way. The inventory was horrible originally though, so good work fixing that up from vanilla.

    Like I did with my other UI mods? I try it but was not satisfied with how it looks with the IWD skin.
  • deratiseurderatiseur Member Posts: 266
    That's work !!!!! How Yeahhhh. With your files and Lefreut's UI, there are HLAS in IWDEE :)

    My characters has 5M xp before the test, and no hlas proposed, so your files are needed.

    Good news : that's work with unique hlas from kits :)

    Bad news : there is a bug in the hlas interface with unique hlas from kits :(

    The bug is : the interface shown the sub spells. In the hlas with 3 flames, the selected hlas is a spell (A) who give the spells (B). The spell B use 3 effects for summoning 3 elementals.

    For the hlas with a fire ring, the selected hlas remove Two spells and give an ability.

    So the interface shown the given sub spells/abilities.

  • sarge945sarge945 Member Posts: 9
    edited November 2018
    lefreut said:

    sarge945 said:

    Also, I really like how you have replaced the 4 seperate text boxes in the inventory screen with 1 big one. I wish you would do the same in the Character Record screen, however it still looks good enough that it doesn't matter either way. The inventory was horrible originally though, so good work fixing that up from vanilla.

    Like I did with my other UI mods? I try it but was not satisfied with how it looks with the IWD skin.
    Fair enough. I am surprised it can't look good since your BG:EE one looks fine, but I guess that style doesn't translate over well.

    Any chance we will see some of the features from the BG:EE stuff ported over? Such as the vanilla spell bams and the small sidebar buttons? I especially miss the item comparisons! Also the ability to quit the game right from the in-game menu is a nice feature that I miss.

    Would it make sense to add in the ability to see Reputation? I know it barely affects anything in IWD, but it can still have somewhat of an impact on certain kits IIRC.

    Some messages are too big for the message box in the inventory. For example, the "You don't have enough strength to wield this" message goes onto the next line, so the bottom half of the text get's cut off.

    The textures on the BG:EE one seem to be a lot higher resolution, I guess maybe the BG2 UI textures just look better. That's fine, it just looks a tad less polished than the BG one. But that's cool, it still looks fantastic!

    Lastly, any plans to add the new Journal UI to this and the BG:EE versions of this mod? The new journal is way better in Vanilla, IMO, as it takes up a lot less screen space and is much easier to navigate.
    Post edited by sarge945 on
  • sarge945sarge945 Member Posts: 9
    Is there any chance we could see some of the features from the BG:EE version of this? (which by the way looke 30000x better than the default BG 2.5 UI). The item comparison screen is specifically what I miss
  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    sarge945 said:

    Is there any chance we could see some of the features from the BG:EE version of this? (which by the way looke 30000x better than the default BG 2.5 UI). The item comparison screen is specifically what I miss

    See this for the item comparison:
    lefreut said:

    Sadly no, the code is ready in the but the IWDEE engine does not expose the needed information (and I don't know why).

  • sarge945sarge945 Member Posts: 9
    lefreut said:

    sarge945 said:

    Is there any chance we could see some of the features from the BG:EE version of this? (which by the way looke 30000x better than the default BG 2.5 UI). The item comparison screen is specifically what I miss

    See this for the item comparison:
    lefreut said:

    Sadly no, the code is ready in the but the IWDEE engine does not expose the needed information (and I don't know why).

    Right. I must have missed that. It's a real shame, but I guess that's how it is.

    Still a fantastic looking UI in any case.
  • agrisagris Member Posts: 581
    lefreut said:

    sarge945 said:

    I know this is a pretty big ask, but would it be possible to port this UI in it's entirety to BG:EE and BG2:EE, since the BG UI is a crazy horrible mess and I hate it.

    It's possible but requires a lot of work. Maybe one day.
    I would like to second this. While your UI mod for BG1/2 goes a long way at remedying what Beamdog did to it, going from your IWD UI to your BG UI feels like a distinct downgrade. The way the character record screen is presented in IWD is much better, as is how you display spell info.

  • RadwulfRadwulf Member Posts: 49
    @lefreut Is it possible to mod the inventory system to serve more like a global stash? Gem bags, scroll containers and such would not be collectible items but rather buttons to filter the content of the stash.

    The main reason I ask this is because once you get bag of holding, etc, you're often doubling up on inventory clicks. That is, click to put in inventory, click to move to storage bag, clicks to open bag, and so on.

    Thanks for the UI mod. It's good.
  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    @Radwulf I don't think that's possible :/
  • ThomasLiberauxThomasLiberaux Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2019
    Hey. I got a question about UI in Icewind Dale EE.
    I have been already looking for the answer in this forum and in mods,
    but no results.

    In the original Icewind Dale the magic items visible in the character's inventory are surrounded
    by a beautiful blue frame, as a clear indicator which item is magical and which is not.
    In Icewind Dale EE beamdog team decided to remove this effect from UI.
    (or maybe it is only disabled by default?)
    Only the not identified items are somehow highlighted with a full violet/purple background.

    @lefreut Is there any chance to revert this change (in IWD EE version) to look like in original IWD?
    I can help you if you need a pair of hands to implement this feature in the code. Just need a hint about
    where to start to dig. It should be some kind of "border" attribute, in IWD EE set to inactive or 0px. Isn't?


    I really miss that unique feature, present only in IWD series... :disappointed:
    Post edited by ThomasLiberaux on
  • Christom72Christom72 Member Posts: 1
    Hi im having issue downloading this mod i downloaded it when i go in try to make it work i can't find the .exe to set it up..
  • FelipefplFelipefpl Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 131
  • AxieAxie Member Posts: 23
    edited July 2021
    Will this work on 2.6.6? Guess I will try it...

    EDIT: Works like a charm. <444 Lef!
    Post edited by Axie on
  • HillgroveHillgrove Member Posts: 17
    .. besides the spell book.. what exactly are the changes?
  • MistercuriousMistercurious Member Posts: 43
    I want to try this mod.

    Downloaded the archive.

    I cannot find "setup-LeUI-IWDEE.exe", it does not seem to be in the archive.

    How do I install?

    Sorry for being such a newbie.
  • JohnBobJohnBob Member Posts: 223
    edited April 2023
    You can use any setup-mod.exe from another mod and rename it Setup-LeUI-IWDEE.exe or you can download the last official release here. ( )

    The link in first post download the master at github it is the last update of the same mod but not yet released.
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