Monk class in BG:EE

Just curious what people think abut the monk class in general in BG:EE never tried one with bgtutu. So how do you think this class will be able to handle? Additionally, what would be some good/neutral party lineups you can think of, preferably not including the canon party (I have another playthrough planned for them

On the other had, who cares? It's D&D 2nd Ed. Housecats can kill wizards
I'd go (avoiding too much canon):
Kivan (archer setup)
Ajantis (tank)
Branwen or Viconia
Imoen until you can trade for non canon thief
Use lots of buffs from Ed and your cleric to keep you alive. Monks are good mage killers, even here. Deflecting arrows is always helpful, too.
Hope this helps.
"Component 'Monk +3 AC and +1 THAC0 Bonus'
3) Monks are missing the WIS bonus to AC (Thanks Bioware!) and are certifiable pussies. Even in Baldur's Gate II monks are generally considered weak until around level 12. In Baldur's Gate they are pathetic, bruised, bleeding, simpering fools. At the beginning of Baldur''s Gate monks that have greater than 15 WIS will receive a permanent +3 AC and +1 [thac0] - it makes them playable but by no means overpowered. At level 5 my monk had about the same kill/xp record as Imoen just using a short bow. If carried over to Baldur's Gate 2 I doubt that the bonus would ever overpower them, since by the time AC gets really high it really isn't an issue anymore, and it is in the AD&D rules after all. Well, the AC bonus at least - the THAC0 bonus is to make up for the readily available +1 weapons in Baldur's Gate."
I'm just concerned that they will die extremely fast at lower levels before the AC bonuses start to pile up. They also are supposed to use unarmed moves so that would put them in danger a lot more often then lets say a mage who can sit back before they begin to become powerful.
Monks in BG2 can be powerful, but in BG1 they won't be as good as other classes. I like them anyway
A Monk does not accept rewards. It's all about the mindset of the player. I enjoy the concept of a Monk so even if that means playing a gimped class, I'm going to do it.
Roleplaying > loot - to some people.
He had 18 Str, 18 Dex, 18 Con (even if he didn't benefit from it) and 13-16 Wis. Int and Cha around 10, not lower.
In the beginning of the game, I used slings to even survive. I gave him all the tomes for 19 Str etc. I gave him the best items. He still struggled a lot. I think in the final battle he barely contributed. Mostly running around to lure Sarevok and friends away from the party as they bombarded them with arrows and spells.
Not recommended at all in the first game, UNLESS they include Katanas and maybe monk-only items. Hell, why not robes or clothes or bandanas or straps or something.
Why katanas? 1d10 damage, great weapon speed, can be used with one hand unlike two-handed swords and they fit to a monk. Plus, with Single-Weapon Style, you get -2 AC and +1 Critical chance.
Another fix, which is less likely to happen, is to use Wisdom like Dexterity for AC purposes for Monks.
Did they say that they would get an AC boost? Any AC boost is great, no matter how they do it.
Also, the useless Find Traps skill should be replaced with Detect Illusion. Aren't Monks supposed to be mage killers?
If they can find a trap but not disarm it, it's like giving a class Pick Pocket but they can only tell if the person has anything of value without being able to steal it. There's no point.
If a Thief can disarm a trap, then obviously he can detect it, which makes it a useless skill for Monks.
And isn't Detect Illusion the least picked skill in the game? That would make them more special.
(I agree with you about Detect Illusion, though. That would have been cool.)
The monk is playable and can be pretty strong but will never, ever be as good as so many other combinations.
I really liked playing my monk, although my next play (I only did one playthrough) will be a different class.
However, since their fists are itemized it's easy to manually edit them and give the monks a bit of a break in this regard.
1) from PNP, Monks with a weapon get to choose attacks based on weapon - they can, for each, use hands or equipped weapon, or any combo therein. Since monk weapons get the speed bonus of monks (attacks per round) this would be a big improvement. Shurikens should fly from a monk's hands at an alarming rate, for instance
2) Monk Weapons need some 'love'. The quarterstaff is the quintessential monk weapon, and is a bigger part of martial arts training than the kama. Martial arts grew out of the need for peasant class to defent itself (couldn't afford and/or own weapons of the upper class) and they made weapons out of common items.
Additionally: the spear is a 'monk' weapon. A club should be, too. Katana, not so much. Expensive, rare weapons were not what they tended to use. People want katana monks, but this is a huge twist from the concept, as it were.
I would love to see sub-classes or something to allow for different focus by monks. So there could be a staff master or whatnot.
*edit fixes bad English on my part - words in my brain didn't make it into the post*
The problem with staff Monk is that they don't have animations for Monks using two-handed weapons. They don't have animations for dual-wielding either.
In the defense of the katana Monk though, there is a Monk in the Forgotten Realms that uses a katana (though mostly his fists): Raidon Kane.
The Katana Monk is a fan fiction creation. I'm fine with that - people want what they want. My point was more to do with 'using common items as weapons' being the true legacy and more in keeping with the detached aesthetic/spirutual focus (consistent with PNP descriptions and whatnot).
PNP monk is more interesting than the BG rendering because of the complexities of the class.
There's a lot of stuff that would be fun to see. A hoplite fighter kit (uses spears one-handed with a shield) would be cool (and historically accurate/feasible) is one that comes to mind; my guess is that this is game-engine limited, as a single hand spear technique is different than the 2-hand. Tripping weapons with a knock-down possibility (great way to deal with pesky mages).
It's like anything - people always want more! This isn't a knock on the huge list of things we can do already.