BGEE: Marek and Lothander Antidote Didn't Work

I drank the potion that I got from Marek, but nothing happened. I assumed it work. Then after a couple of chapters my PC keeps dying. I have no way to fix. Anyway I can reset in EEkeeper?
if you somehow can, you can try using the console and summoning in these potions;
and try drinking those and see if that helps
the only thing that i can recognize on your file with ee keeper is the ;
BDMAREK global, but that seems to be just the portrait icon ( which also must be custom because it goes beyond what ee can detect )
if at all when you look at your "effects" tab for your character, anything that deals with or has a "marek" in it, i would suggest just deleting that and see if that works
If that doesn't work then enter this command into the debug console while the mouse cursor is placed over the protagonist's portrait or selection circle: It should complete the quest after a few moments with a journal entry.
If that doesn't work either then enter this command instead: It will mark the quest as completed but doesn't add journal entries, XP or other clues that it worked.