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MegaMod 3.15: Mazzy Romance, Clara NPC, Darkside Anomen, Flying Aerie, For The Evil, & more! (DONE)



  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    Interesting. I could have sworn I looked at that for something else and it didn't work the way I needed, but maybe I should take a second glance. It's entirely possible that I just didn't understand it properly at the time.
  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 350
    edited July 2021
    I am glad to help! An example of how I used this command can be seen here: (or;sa=downfile&id=196)

    The tp2-file contains the necessary blocks - for example, for the Coran to say his phrases between the lines Edwin-Wilson banter from Lava's "Wilson Chronicles" mod:
    OUTER_SET WilsonCoran1 = STATE_WHICH_SAYS 73 IN ~WilsonChronicles\tra\%s\bwilson.tra~ FROM ~BEDWIN~
    COMPILE EVALUATE_BUFFER ~SmilingImpCrossBanterMod/dlg/WilsonChronicles/coran.d~ USING ~SmilingImpCrossBanterMod/tra/%LANGUAGE%/wilsonchronicles.tra~

    And in the SmilingImpCrossBanterMod\dlg\WilsonChronicles folder there are special dialog files for this (for example, Coran.d)

    As you can see, on the second line, I use STATE_WHICH_SAYS to refer to a tra-file from another mod and a specific line from it. What exactly this line will have a number in the installed game does not matter, since it will be determined automatically.

  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    Hmm, interesting. I'd have to see if it works for EXTEND_BOTTOM as well since that's what we would actually need instead of I_C_T.

    I'll admit, we didn't plan to add to other mods just because of the sheer amount of extra content/work required, but the fact that that one completely breaks our quest is annoying.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 547
    edited July 2021
    Calemyr wrote: »
    Ran into a problem, hopefully you can give me the variable/value to kick this back into gear.

    Also, I still have Keldorn in the party, but I'm hoping to swap him for Yoshimo so I can head to Spellhold sooner than later. Do I need to keep him until the quest is done, or is his sponsorship all I needed from him?

    To answer this question:
    I believe you need Keldorn in your party until you get the other sponsorship and talk to the Prelate again. Once that conversation's all done and the Prelate gives Mazzy a quest to do than I don't think you need Keldorn again.

    Of course that doesn't really help you since if you do have Keldorn in your party then the other mod will overwrite the Prelate's first line and you won't be able to do the next step of our mod. After you talk with Windspear I'd head back, drop Keldorn from your party, and see if you have the option of continuing Mazzy's quest when talking with the Prelate then.

    If that doesn't work then the only other option I could see would be to uninstall the other mod to talk to the Prelate and get Mazzy's quest from the Prelate and then reinstall it after (and then whenever Mazzy finishes a quest you'd have to drop Keldorn from the party to talk with the Prelate so that other mod's line doesn't overwrite it).

    I can't think of any other work-around unless Ratatoskr figures out this cross-mod line editing and attaches our Player1 response to continue the quest to the bottom of their mod.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @Calemyr Can you tell me what the new default line for the Prelate is? I'm gonna poke around a bit and see if I can figure this out, but knowing the new line would make it easier. If not, I'll find it eventually :)
  • CalemyrCalemyr Member Posts: 238
    edited July 2021
    Apologies. I'd saved it before walking into the room and I wasn't planning on keeping Keldorn, so I just reloaded and told him he had too much on his plate already (which was true, I prefer to ditch him at the end of his personal quest so he spends more time with his family). Without him running the Order, it went well

    Looking at the TRA file, the line I saw was:
    @1328 = ~It is good to see you again, Keldorn.~

    Also, a couple thoughts on Clara/Anomen
    I assume Macbeth was a major influence for this plot thread? Good saints, but that girl is a horrible influence on him. I'm not much for evil runs (I'll quote George from Yu Yu Hakusho: "I'm a purist, sir. Heroes all the way."), so it's more than a little unsettling how far this going off the rails. Just how much "murder solves all problems" keeps ballooning as a tenet of faith for those two. It's like a train wreck - I am horrified at it, but find myself craning to get a better look just to see where it goes.

    In that vein, is there a clear end to the SoA content for the path? It's really backloaded and I'm running out of content before the final confrontation with Irenicus. If it weren't the Golem Construction mod and the time required to build them, I would have missed at least one of them. Last I saw was Qar Jysstev informing him that he was in the running for the Council of Six and Clara is already scheming on how to advance his status further.
    Post edited by Calemyr on
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @Calemyr Thanks, that should give me a starting point at least. And it's good to know that our quest works without Keldorn in the party if I can't manage to figure this out.

    As for Clara/Anomen, @BCaesar may correct me, but
    I believe that the conversation with Qar Jysstev is the last timed SOA conversation between those two. If you got that, you should be fine to move on. We didn't want to move the confrontation with his father out of its usual chapter 6 position, which is why those last few talks are backloaded. They do have a few additional banters in TOB, and new epilogues, but that should be it.

    And, well yeah, there's a reason we made Clara's alignment evil. She's selfish and amoral and willing to do just about anything to survive, but we've both got a soft spot for her anyway. Hope the train wreck has been entertaining at least :)
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 547
    edited July 2021
    Calemyr wrote: »

    Also, a couple thoughts on Clara/Anomen
    I assume Macbeth was a major influence for this plot thread? Good saints, but that girl is a horrible influence on him. I'm not much for evil runs (I'll quote George from Yu Yu Hakusho: "I'm a purist, sir. Heroes all the way."), so it's more than a little unsettling how far this going off the rails. Just how much "murder solves all problems" keeps ballooning as a tenet of faith for those two. It's like a train wreck - I am horrified at it, but find myself craning to get a better look just to see where it goes.

    In that vein, is there a clear end to the SoA content for the path? It's really backloaded and I'm running out of content before the final confrontation with Irenicus. If it weren't the Golem Construction mod and the time required to build them, I would have missed at least one of them. Last I saw was Qar Jysstev informing him that he was in the running for the Council of Six and Clara is already scheming on how to advance his status further.
    It wasn't actually, it just sort of happened organically. The first project was actually Darkside Anomen, which continued the evil track if Player1 decided to romance Anomen. Otherwise in SoA/ToB your only long-term options for Anomen's romance were for him to be "good" or for him to have "made mistakes but trying to reform". Then once that was done since we figured no one would play Darkside Anomen (since as a rule most people avoid romancing Anomen) we decided to have Clara romancing Anomen as an option as well.

    And once we put them together it just wrote itself. Anomen's side of the dialogue is almost entirely in the game already, all Clara does is encourage his Anomenness.
    Ratatoskr wrote: »
    As for Clara/Anomen, @BCaesar may correct me, but
    I believe that the conversation with Qar Jysstev is the last timed SOA conversation between those two. If you got that, you should be fine to move on. We didn't want to move the confrontation with his father out of its usual chapter 6 position, which is why those last few talks are backloaded. They do have a few additional banters in TOB, and new epilogues, but that should be it.

    And, well yeah, there's a reason we made Clara's alignment evil. She's selfish and amoral and willing to do just about anything to survive, but we've both got a soft spot for her anyway. Hope the train wreck has been entertaining at least :)

    I will indeed correct you :D .
    The Anomen-Clara talks start playing once you get both in your party. The only requirements for the fight with his father is it's a certain number of days after he fails his test, and our game actually makes it significantly faster than it is during the Anomen SoA romance.

    The only back-loaded part is that the last dialogues (with Qar Jesstyv) require the Shadow Thieves being destroyed. Once Anomen's offered a council spot that's it for SoA. The line about the Order of the Radiant heart and Qar's distaste for Paladins is just so Anomen (and you) know that he doesn't risk his seat should something happen to them (and if you get Bodhi as an NPC the Order becomes your enemy).

    If you do most of the game before going to Spellhold then that will reduce the chances of you seeing stuff. Clara's book quest with Rose Bouquet also requires the Thieves being destroyed, and Clara-Viconia's quest (Viconia's Peace, which is part of ForTheEvil) won't trigger until Bodhi's defeated.

    Post edited by BCaesar on
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    edited July 2021
    I love the fact that I coded and tested literally all of this on the Clara side, but have zero idea what the actual triggers are. Are you sure chapter 6 isn't required in there somewhere? I always think it is and I'm not sure why :wink:
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 547
    Ratatoskr wrote: »
    I love the fact that I coded and tested literally all of this on the Clara side, but have zero idea what the actual triggers are. Are you sure chapter 6 isn't required in there somewhere? I always think it is and I'm not sure why :wink:
    It's because we often require the Thieves destroyed and that usually won't happen until Chapter 6. Even for the people who side with Bodhi and destroy them in Chapter 3, they'll usually leave for Spellhold before the timer triggers so they won't see the material until they get back to Amn.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    Before I get sucked into D&D for the weekend, I've posted version 3.01. This gives Clara an optional soundset and hopefully fixes the compatibility issue with NPC Strongholds (I have not tested this in game, but it looks right in the files). It also includes the Russian version since our translator had it ready.

    Main Mod: All Things Mazzy
    1. Coded a fix so that the NPC Strongholds Mod doesn't break our Radiant Heart quest if Keldorn is in your party. NPC Strongholds needs to be installed first for this to work.

    Main Mod: Clara
    1. Gave Clara an optional soundset. (This will appear as an optional component at the end of the Weidu install and you will need to start a new game/be pre-Clara for the sounds to appear.)

    A general coding note, it looks like STATE_WHICH_SAYS does in fact work with EXTEND_BOTTOM/EXTEND_TOP situations, but you do have to repeat the entire conversation in the optional file, so it's a little awkward.

    @BCaesar Let me know if I forgot anything.
  • zartanzartan Member Posts: 13
    Encountered some issues with this component. Probably not working as intended. v3.00
    - An evil player option w/ the dryads in Irenicus' dungeon.
    1. Doing the evil option causes both Minsc and Jaheira disappear from the game. Not to be found on their normal re-recruitment spots and neither present in Waukeen cut-scene. The "new version" of Imoen is in Spellhold maze.
    2. Imoen doesn't drop her equipment in Waukeen cut-scene. I lost an unidentified pommel jewel crafting piece with her. Minsc disappeared with the sword that Ascension mod add some extra dialogue in ToB.

    I did a couple tests and Jaheira seems to give all items she has back to you. Imoen and Minsc only give "quest" items back to you.

    Are Minsc and Jaheira supposed to be gone forever when you do the evil dryad scene?

    My suggestion is either make everyone give their items back to you in the dryad scene or make them drop items in Waukeen scene like Imoen should normally do without doing the evil dryad scene.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 547
    Ratatoskr wrote: »
    @BCaesar Let me know if I forgot anything.

    It's in the spoiler text, but sounds are attached the first time a character is created in game. So if you already have Clara in your party (Named "Clara") then you won't get the sounds. You'll have to load a save from before you rescue her.
    zartan wrote: »
    Encountered some issues with this component. Probably not working as intended. v3.00
    - An evil player option w/ the dryads in Irenicus' dungeon.

    Sorry, but it's mostly working as intended, other than one bug I found (if Jaheira was holding the dryad's acorns during the conversation) that I fixed for the next release.
    Turns out there was one bug where Jaheira sometimes didn't take the acorns, but I was able to minimize the odds of it happening by recoding part of it and making it so she doesn't give you her items either if she leaves. There's no way for Minsc or Imoen to give you their items without potentially breaking Jaheira's part too.

    Minsc and Jaheira are supposed to be gone forever. Imoen attempts to leave forever but she gets captured by the cowled wizards, and then once you rescue her from Spellhold she forgives you forever for all past or future evil actions.

    It's just the game's standard good party-member objection to doing really horrible stuff. Jaheira and Minsc have many times in the basic game where they leave if you do something they don't like, or even try to kill you. So you'll just have to avoid being that evil with good party members, especially because in this case you don't really gain anything lasting from it.
  • SBlackSBlack Member Posts: 32
    I get not making Mazzy a real Paladin as dealing with that is her whole character arc. But it would be cool if - after joining the order - she could use Paladin equipment like Carsomyr. Similar to how some other weapons are character locked.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    Making an item usuable by paladins + Mazzy is actually a lot more difficult to code than you'd think. It would probably be much easier to just give her her own version of the sword or a special ability. But I'm not sure how we'd justify that narratively since
    all she's really getting from this quest is a membership pin, that's kinda the point. It doesn't actually change who she is.
    Thoughts @BCaesar
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 547
    Ratatoskr wrote: »
    Making an item usuable by paladins + Mazzy is actually a lot more difficult to code than you'd think. It would probably be much easier to just give her her own version of the sword or a special ability. But I'm not sure how we'd justify that narratively since
    all she's really getting from this quest is a membership pin, that's kinda the point. It doesn't actually change who she is.
    Thoughts @BCaesar
    And not even an actual membership pin, like Jaheira gets from the Harpers. More just a metaphorical one and a bunch of experience.

    @SBlack As Ratatorskr said, changing existing in-game items is actually a lot of code and can really screw up other mods if done wrong. We could probably give her an item if you have any suggestions. A two-handed sword probably isn't the best idea since all of her points to start are on short-bow and short-sword.
  • masteralephmasteraleph Member Posts: 277
    Do Mazzy’s interactions with Viconia change her alignment? Debating PCs and I’ve always wanted a cleric who can make undead go *pop!*
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @masteraleph To answer your question,
    yes, they should eventually. But not until TOB.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    Very minor update, hardly worth the extra #. Just had a bugfix and wanted to post it before I forgot.
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 931
    I recently completed the tetralogy and used this mod for the final two parts (SoA and ToB). I thought it was excellent and added a lot to the game. Below are some comments: one (minor) criticism, one observation, and two pleasant surprises. I also have a question. But I want to emphasize again that, overall, I think that this is an excellent mod and plan to use it in future games (even those in which I don’t include Mazzy in the party).

    My one criticism concerns Imoen and Mazzy. I was taken aback by how quickly Imoen asked the main character about hooking up with Mazzy (in the Spellhold Asylum). Just moments before she had lost her soul, and now Imoen was talking about “jumping Mazzy’s bones.” It seemed too quick. I have no problem with Imoen being attracted to Mazzy, but I found it somewhat immersion-breaking for her to be pining after her so soon after being tortured by Irenicus and having her soul ripped from her and given to Bodhi. Perhaps the “jumping the bones” dialogue could be postponed until after the party leaves the Underdark or even until after Imoen recovers her soul?

    Observation regarding “halfling culture”:
    Perhaps my picture of halflings (and their culture, norms, etc.) is overly influenced by Tolkien. But the hedonistic, almost orgiastic lifestyle that is presupposed by the mod – and which comes across in the conversations with Mazzy (as well as her family) – certainly was not Tolkien-esque! And at times, during the romance, Mazzy expressed a coolly clinical, almost detached attitude towards sex and relationships. The halflings of the Sword Coast, at least as depicted in the mod, are not the traditionalist, culturally conservative hobbits of the Shire, to say the least.

    I found it somewhat interesting and entertaining for my expectations to upended in this way. So this is not a criticism (although I prefer the “classic” conception of halflings overall). I mention it as something that stood out to me about the mod.

    One pleasant surprise:
    Like many who have played these games multiple times, I began with a pretty clear idea of whom I wanted in my party and how I wanted the game to unfold. I thought that I would have Keldorn in the party for the “Unseeing Eye” quest, but would lose him later because of his personal quest (I almost always agree to let him stay permanently with Maria and his daughters). So I was surprised when, having left Keldorn in his manor house, Mazzy suggested that we ask him to rejoin us. I thought: “sure, let’s see if he’s there.” And to my surprise he was! So Keldorn rejoined. This led to the Order quest for Mazzy, and Keldorn sticking with the party until the end of the Throne of Bhaal, contrary to my earlier plans.

    Another surprise twist:
    I had planned to include Viconia in my party throughout the tetralogy (she had been in my party in BG and SoD, and she joined in SoA shortly after I rescued Mazzy). But I had installed the “For the Evil” component, which changed my plan.

    Viconia masterminding the take over of Ust Natha and installing her daughter Imrae in power was an awesome twist to the familiar drow city storyline. Of course, I had to let her stay with Imrae and wield power in the newly conquered city! I chose the option to let her remain. (But when she eventually did leave, shortly before the party departed the city, she said that she would find me in 15 days, even though I thought that I had clearly chosen the dialogue option that permitted her to stay with Imrae thereafter. This did not become an issue because I finished SoA in less than two weeks, so Viconia never reappeared in any case. My character wanted her to stay forever with her daughter in Ust Natha!)

    This development meant that I had no divine caster in the party for the rest of SoA and throughout ToB (rather than find another priest I stuck with my plan to recruit the wraith of Yoshimo in ToB, using the “Yoshimo Redemption” mod). Even Keldorn, now in my party for good, couldn’t cast any minimal cleric spells because of his kit. That was a challenge, but a fun one.

    I love it when mods do this: change my plans for the game by introducing exciting twists and surprises.

    Finally, one question:
    Is it possible to learn what happened to Mazzy’s father in the game? I think that I completed that dialogue sequence before finishing ToB but I’m not sure. I never the learned the ultimate fate of Mazzy’s father. It’s great if that is meant to be left a mystery, but I’m just curious if I somehow missed it.

    Thanks again for this great mod! I really appreciate all the work you put into it.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @Thrasymachus Thank you for your thoughts and you're very welcome. I always like hearing what people think about this mod, both good and bad :).

    To be honest, I don't entirely disagree with you about Imoen, though I do find it interesting that that remains the most contentious part of this mod. If I recall, part of the issue in writing that section was accounting for the fact that you can go straight to the Underdark and the timing on the Imoen romance. That narrowed down where things could start (and how much time we had) significantly.
    In my head at least, part of the idea is that Imoen is throwing herself into this potential thing with Mazzy as a way to avoid thinking about all the terrible things that just happened to her. It's not about love at that point, but comfort.
    That said, @BCaesar may have more insights since he wrote most of that section (and despite creating this entire mod together, we still disagree on several character interpretations :wink: )

    Also, I will check on the code for
    Viconia Rules Ust Natha.
    It's possible we just linked the wrong line of dialogue if you chose the other option. (Yep, looks like I need to fix that).

    Finally, for your last question,
    no, you never learn the complete fate of Mazzy's father because she doesn't know it either. You can find out everything she knows, and his Wraith tells you a possible version of his fate, but that's not meant to be solved entirely. His death wasn't part of some grand conspiracy or related to one of the main villains. It was just bad luck, bad timing and an unknown fate.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Been off the forums lately, only really lurking specific mod threads (like this one!). But I had to pop in to say congrats on the full release.
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    ThacoBell wrote: »
    Been off the forums lately, only really lurking specific mod threads (like this one!). But I had to pop in to say congrats on the full release.

    It's nice to see you back. You have been missed.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    ThacoBell wrote: »
    Been off the forums lately, only really lurking specific mod threads (like this one!). But I had to pop in to say congrats on the full release.

    Thank you :smile: It's been a long time coming and I'm not entirely sure what to do with myself now. Though there will probably continue to be little corrections here and there.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 547
    edited August 2021
    I recently completed the tetralogy and used this mod for the final two parts (SoA and ToB). I thought it was excellent and added a lot to the game. Below are some comments: one (minor) criticism, one observation, and two pleasant surprises. I also have a question. But I want to emphasize again that, overall, I think that this is an excellent mod and plan to use it in future games (even those in which I don’t include Mazzy in the party).

    My one criticism concerns Imoen and Mazzy. I was taken aback by how quickly Imoen asked the main character about hooking up with Mazzy (in the Spellhold Asylum). Just moments before she had lost her soul, and now Imoen was talking about “jumping Mazzy’s bones.” It seemed too quick. I have no problem with Imoen being attracted to Mazzy, but I found it somewhat immersion-breaking for her to be pining after her so soon after being tortured by Irenicus and having her soul ripped from her and given to Bodhi. Perhaps the “jumping the bones” dialogue could be postponed until after the party leaves the Underdark or even until after Imoen recovers her soul?
    Hah, and you're playing the version that's been almost completely re-written twice. As Ratatoskr said the timing was really constrained. If I had to do it again I'd probably just not bother to do it at all, since the various requirements made things move faster than I wanted.

    But we have a rule never to uncode anything that's been written and coded. So we edited it as best we could and left it at that. At1`
    Observation regarding “halfling culture”:
    Perhaps my picture of halflings (and their culture, norms, etc.) is overly influenced by Tolkien. But the hedonistic, almost orgiastic lifestyle that is presupposed by the mod – and which comes across in the conversations with Mazzy (as well as her family) – certainly was not Tolkien-esque! And at times, during the romance, Mazzy expressed a coolly clinical, almost detached attitude towards sex and relationships. The halflings of the Sword Coast, at least as depicted in the mod, are not the traditionalist, culturally conservative hobbits of the Shire, to say the least.

    I found it somewhat interesting and entertaining for my expectations to upended in this way. So this is not a criticism (although I prefer the “classic” conception of halflings overall). I mention it as something that stood out to me about the mod.

    As far as I remember there's actually no sex in Lord of the Rings whatsoever, whether elves, halflings, humans, orcs, dwarves, etc. Whether that was because Tolkien preferred it that way and didn't have any ideas about the sex lives of his races and cultures, or because he was writing fantasy in 1930's-50's England and couldn't put it in I have no idea. D&D largely follows this idea and writes very little about how each culture approaches sex, marriage, and relationships and just leaves it to players.

    So given that we had no guidelines of any kind we just did whatever we wanted. The only thing we knew we didn't want to do was follow the in-game romance approach where how much a female character enjoys sex is directly related to her alignment (e.g. Aerie, Jaheira, Viconia).

    This was fine with the original game since it never mentions anything related to Mazzy and sex, though it did put us in conflict with much of the mod content for Mazzy that's already out there, which mostly made her Aerie-like (the whole Good=sexually naive chaste virgin thing). But we decided we didn't really care what other mods did with their writing (even though we went out of our way to make all of our code compatible with them).
    Another surprise twist:
    I had planned to include Viconia in my party throughout the tetralogy (she had been in my party in BG and SoD, and she joined in SoA shortly after I rescued Mazzy). But I had installed the “For the Evil” component, which changed my plan.

    Viconia masterminding the take over of Ust Natha and installing her daughter Imrae in power was an awesome twist to the familiar drow city storyline. Of course, I had to let her stay with Imrae and wield power in the newly conquered city! I chose the option to let her remain. (But when she eventually did leave, shortly before the party departed the city, she said that she would find me in 15 days, even though I thought that I had clearly chosen the dialogue option that permitted her to stay with Imrae thereafter. This did not become an issue because I finished SoA in less than two weeks, so Viconia never reappeared in any case. My character wanted her to stay forever with her daughter in Ust Natha!)
    As Ratatoskr said that was just us accidentally putting the wrong line in. She never would have shown up since the coding for her reappearing was correct, it was only the line she said that was wrong. Ratatoskr already found the line bug, we'll fix it next post.

    I'm glad you like it; that one was a lot of work
    (though the part where you can side with the demon and fight alongside the drow against the elves was the really complicated part).
    Finally, one question:
    Is it possible to learn what happened to Mazzy’s father in the game? I think that I completed that dialogue sequence before finishing ToB but I’m not sure. I never the learned the ultimate fate of Mazzy’s father. It’s great if that is meant to be left a mystery, but I’m just curious if I somehow missed it.
    You never do find out.
    My assumption is that he died.

    Thanks again for this great mod! I really appreciate all the work you put into it.
    You're welcome! It was one of those things were I'm glad we did it, though if I had known how much work it was going to be I might never have started it in the first place.
    ThacoBell wrote: »
    Been off the forums lately, only really lurking specific mod threads (like this one!). But I had to pop in to say congrats on the full release.

    Thanks! And thanks for being one of our first fans.
    Ratatoskr wrote: »
    It's been a long time coming and I'm not entirely sure what to do with myself now. Though there will probably continue to be little corrections here and there.
    So far I'm filling the free time I gained with writing a fantasy novel. Ratatoskr is filling hers with gainful employment.
  • skushaskusha Member Posts: 139
    @BCaesar, @Ratatoskr
    I want to thank you for the titanic work to create this wonderful mod, and the result met all expectations!
    Maybe one day inspiration will make you come back to this mod and add something interesting for example for Jan or other characters, and maybe you will have some more new ideas, who knows. ;)
  • rossbach451rossbach451 Member Posts: 168
    At what stage can Bodhi join your party? Does it conflict with having Imoen in the party?
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @skusha Thank you very much :smile: Glad you enjoyed it. I'm sure I'll be posting little fixes here and there (I've got another one going up today to fix a small dialogue error in FtE)

    @rossbach451 To answer your questions:
    1. Chapter 6 after you confront her in her hideout. 2. Yes, very much so (and with most other good people as well).
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    As an aside, you all might see if this mod could be listed on the known EET compatible list. I actually didn't realize it was EET compatible, and skipped it in this build - which is a shame, because I really enjoyed it in my previous pre-EET game. Even though I never seem to have room in the party for Mazzy, it added so much to the game.

    Now that I know, I will add it to my next build.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    This mod is already on the EET list as "Ratatoskr and BCaesar's Multi-Mod: All Things Mazzy, Clara (Human Hexxat) NPC, Darkside Anomen, and more v1.038 or above." Having @Ratatoskr rename it to its current name or another name may help in discoverability.
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