Ust Natha (Drow City) glitch on PS4

Just entered Ust Natha after getting the Drow disguise and my cover is immediately blown as soon as I transition from the tunnels. Any way to fix this? The illusion is just instantly dispelled when I walk through the gate. Completed all of the other quests and areas in the Underdark before approaching the guard, so it’s not a timer thing from what I can tell. I really want to do the Drow quests and I can’t.
Is your party visually appearing as drow when you approach the bridge, i.e. is Adalon's spell definitely active?
And how did your conversation with the guard at the gate go before you entered? Did you give the correct answers, that is, behaved like a drow and were accepted as such?
I do have a few thankfully. Spell is definitely working. I believe the conversation went correctly, I’ve tried both bribing and telling them there’s an Elvish battle coming and they let me in. Is there another conversation option that I’m missing perhaps?
Yeah leaving for the surface before you did what Adalon asked of you blows your cover immediately. The entrance to the city is close to Adalon's lair.
Glad for you that it's not a bug! Have fun.