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Returning player/former modder with a new name (Deadname: MajorTomSawyer).

Just recently purchased BG I & II for my phone.

I truly thought I was done with those games...


  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385
    Welcome @Annabelle_Rose
    The games are awesome on phones as well. I have played them for almost 20 years, and I wouldnt be playing them if they werent made for phones.
  • Annabelle_RoseAnnabelle_Rose Member Posts: 4
    Working on mods just burned me out so bad.

    I almost got sick to the stomach just looking at them.

    I had $12 in Google credit, so with BG1 on sale, I bought 1&2 and Neela because she is adorable and a wild mage.

    So here I am, back again.

    Thank you for the warm welcome!
  • ber5nie5ber5nie5 Member Posts: 430
    Ah yes, the BG games are rather quite addictive! Welcome to the forum!
  • McGollumMcGollum Member Posts: 22
    Oh, wonderful. I had deleted my Goruma account, but @Gusinda also made me return. Tragically, my last purchase (#Android) was BG - Siege of Dragonspear, as I knew my hardware will not suffice for BG3.
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