Am I misremembering?

I have got Dynaheir in my party for the first time in ages and it has been fun hearing the impatient, supercilious tone in which she addresses everyone (superb work by Jennifer Hale). However, one of her phrases when selected is "As directed" and every time she says it I hear her voice in my head saying "As directed. For now." Did she used to say this or am I getting her confused with someone else?
I really shouldn't get those two mixed up. Neither of them would take it as a compliment.
"Imbecilic simian!" is what I'm sure he'd say.
As a fun fact, back when I first played BG1 I had no idea who Jennifer Hale was (and I think, at the time, she was also just starting out and hadn't yet become the prolific VA she is today). It wasn't until I came back to play SoD just a couple of years ago and then, upon hearing Dynaheir's voice, going "Wait a sec... That's Jennifer Hale!" It was a fun little moment, like watching some random old movie or ad and suddenly recognizing a big name actor from back before they were famous.
Currently, yes. But what about the cd version? I swear the mine had kamikazes.
Maybe you're mistaking the kobold 'commandos' for kamikazes. They don't explode but they do shoot nasty, +3 flaming arrows at you!
Then, eventually, you can afford to buy those arrows yourself...
Still have the cds, no exploding kobolds I'm afraid.
That one I agree with you on. I remember a robed figure too...
Oddly, I also remember Koveras being robed. I wonder if pre-TotSC had him robed? Or maybe we all just share a hallucination.
This might help