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Why my character changed its alignment from chaotic good to chaotic evil?

I just finished Shadow of Amn in the end I checked my character he was still in chaotic good but when the game changed into next chapter which is Thorne of Bhaal my cham is turn into chaotic evil? Lol


  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,941
    Those "tests" in Hell to earn the Tears of Bhaal? If you take the evil option on even one of them, your character becomes evil. Permanently.
  • wizardforthewinwizardforthewin Member Posts: 23
    jmerry wrote: »
    Those "tests" in Hell to earn the Tears of Bhaal? If you take the evil option on even one of them, your character becomes evil. Permanently.

    Lmao the last time I checked before open the door to Irenicus he was chaotic good after I finished the game and move on to Thorne of Bhaal he is now chaotic evil lol.
    I let Imoen died because I have a trick to resurrect her. Just turn game setting from core rule into normal and res her and turn back lmao
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,941
    The alignment change comes when you use the tears to open that door; it's handled by the door script and the area script.
    And sacrificing an ally instead of yourself is the evil option. Even if you can bring them back. Or they don't die in the first place (Death Ward).
  • masteralephmasteraleph Member Posts: 277
    As others have noted- taking the nonviolent option is generally the correct option here (remember, the question is whether you're giving in to the taint of Bhaal). The sacrifice challenge is actually a callback to the very beginning of BG2- the genie who asks you about whether you'd push the button or not.
  • sephethussephethus Member Posts: 2
    I got completely fucked by this horrible nonsense. The dragon attacked there was no choice but to kill it, there was no indication otherwise from the stupid demon who didn't give a single clue as to another option. I didn't even realize this was a choice. That's how badly this part was designed. Completely unfair and now I have to start ALL over on chapter 7 because none of my saves are available to go back and do it over. I'm beyond pissed off right now. For a game that is otherwise incredible, this is 1000% terrible design.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    I disagree, I noticed just fighting it was not the "good" way to go when I played it the first time.
    I understand your frustration, but it is noticeable.

    You could consider changing your alignment back with Near Infinity.
  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385
    When you get to hell, you are tasked by the demons to claim your heritage as the Lord of murder.

    The demon guardians are a bit vague, but the pointers to the good/evil paths are there in the dialogue. I always power play, so I always end up with the best rewards anyway.
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