input on evil roleplay (talon of malar)

The question is simple, I want to roleplay evil from the beginning to the end (TOB). Any suggestions on how to do that. I've played this game a dozen times, also with lots of mods, but struggle to find roleplay reasons to do things.
Just in case, this is my build: elven ranger-cleric chaotic evil, talon of Malar (a mod, an ee keeper to change allignment to CE).
Short Background: “Malar growled in frustration but could do nothing, and yet again only the beasts were left for him.” This quote refers to how Malar, god of beasts, failed to force the Dead Three to share their powers with him. But... Malar did not give up (he is god of the hunt after all). The main character can't stand the suffocation of Candlekeep, and resents Gorion for seeking to "tame" his wild nature (both wood elven and bhaal).
I have a whole backstory, involving how his mother ended up seeking to sacrifice him to Bhaal (in the temple you visit in SOD and as mentioned later in TOB). Practically, elves will reject him, which he thinks is because of how his brith has tainted elvish purity. So I start with Kivan and Jaheira (as a half elf). They will leave him when reputation becomes low. Later I will take Xan (also in BG2), Viconia and Tiax (modded followers include Ver'sza, Tamoko and other interesting evil companions) The background is that Malar nurtures his lust for power and the chaos of the hunt. He will become fascinated with Sarevok and especially Jon Irenicus, as another rejected elf. The hunt is on, they are hiding, they must be hiding weakness. Eventually he will seek recorgnition of his strength from his god directly but, what if he rose to become a god himself?
The question again, I don't want to go around just killing commoners to lower reputation (and make Kivan and Jaheira leave). What part of the story of BGEE would you suggest I use to accomplish this through roleplay? And other suggestions for the game later on? (I get that there are quests that lower reputation, but still how would this type of character approach such events, or are there other such events to think up)
Just in case, this is my build: elven ranger-cleric chaotic evil, talon of Malar (a mod, an ee keeper to change allignment to CE).
Short Background: “Malar growled in frustration but could do nothing, and yet again only the beasts were left for him.” This quote refers to how Malar, god of beasts, failed to force the Dead Three to share their powers with him. But... Malar did not give up (he is god of the hunt after all). The main character can't stand the suffocation of Candlekeep, and resents Gorion for seeking to "tame" his wild nature (both wood elven and bhaal).
I have a whole backstory, involving how his mother ended up seeking to sacrifice him to Bhaal (in the temple you visit in SOD and as mentioned later in TOB). Practically, elves will reject him, which he thinks is because of how his brith has tainted elvish purity. So I start with Kivan and Jaheira (as a half elf). They will leave him when reputation becomes low. Later I will take Xan (also in BG2), Viconia and Tiax (modded followers include Ver'sza, Tamoko and other interesting evil companions) The background is that Malar nurtures his lust for power and the chaos of the hunt. He will become fascinated with Sarevok and especially Jon Irenicus, as another rejected elf. The hunt is on, they are hiding, they must be hiding weakness. Eventually he will seek recorgnition of his strength from his god directly but, what if he rose to become a god himself?
The question again, I don't want to go around just killing commoners to lower reputation (and make Kivan and Jaheira leave). What part of the story of BGEE would you suggest I use to accomplish this through roleplay? And other suggestions for the game later on? (I get that there are quests that lower reputation, but still how would this type of character approach such events, or are there other such events to think up)
Post edited by Quill_Armguard on
Other evil idea is a talonite cleric or fighter/cleric but ofc another backstory needed.
One key thing to start thinking about is that there are only five evil companions in BG2. You can, of course, take neutral ones. And even use good ones in ToB, but I think it's really worth sticking with the five in SoA for a themed playthrough. They're given some cool interactions, sometimes involving more than just two of them. And their classes are -- fighter, paladin, thief, cleric, mage. So they can cover most of what you need, but you should think about how your protagonist fits into that group.
I choose Shaman in order to add access to druid spells. But the ideal might be a cleric/mage multi, to help compensate for Edwin's missed spells and add a second divine caster.
I'd also recommend not just being stupid evil. You really have to finesse the reputation system in this playthrough to stay somewhere between 6-9 to avoid fighting the authorities. So, the smart playthrough will probably have you taking the "good" outcome from certain quests. Or make usage of temple reputation purchases.
4 or less: Amnian soldiers patrolling Nashkel go hostile. They're pre-placed, so no more spawn if you kill them all.
3 or less: Generic bounty hunter shows up (Nashkel). Fighter, can be bribed (expensively) into leaving without a fight the first few times. Killing lowers rep.
3 or less: Nestor shows up (Ankheg farm). Ranger, can be talked into leaving without a fight. Killing doesn't lower rep. Trap doesn't reset, so this only applies the first time you pass through.
3 or less: Tel-anon shows up (Wyrm's Crossing east). Fighter/mage, can be talked into leaving without a fight. Killing doesn't lower rep. Trap doesn't reset, so this only applies the first time you pass through.
2 or less: Flaming Fist enforcers show up (Beregost, Baldur's Gate, Friendly Arm). Killing lowers rep.
There's also a Flaming Fist ambush area; I'm not sure what, if anything, triggers that.
I'm aiming for 6 as a reputation to sit on in my current evil run, but dropping to 4 by killing Drizzt wasn't a problem at all. (Method: kite him in a circle for an in-game hour chasing one party member while the rest use missile weapons)
Why 6? A bit of a buffer, and I can play "hide the drow" to raise rep to 10 and get decent store prices any time I feel like it.
BG2 has that same "3 or less" threshold for the reputation traps around Athkatla. In that case, it's either a Radiant Heart party or a party of soldiers and Cowled Wizards. Both can be killed without losing further reputation.
I wish it was possible to donate to the temple of Umberlee rather than Helm and Lathander. That would solve a lot of the roleplay probems. With the character being a ranger he can hide, which makes it possible to get to places, complete quests etc. It’s risky but also kind of fun that way. But, of course, at some point rep needs to go up again and the guards need to loose their hostile status.
So maybe that’s goes some way to limit the “stupid” evil, but there’s inescapably some of that. I try to maintain that my character carers about the main storyline, he wants to hunt down who’s after him, and in cities he’s out of his element and careful. However, he shows his chaotic side more clearly on all the side missions in the countryside.
I did some modding to keep it fresh. My core group is Viconia and Ver’sza who is a ranger (a mod) because both have content for BG1, SOD and BG2. I will pick up Tiax who I placed much earlier in the game for some minimal thief skills and have a mod to make him available in BG2 (in the asylum). I will pick up Xan because I never used him before and I have a mod for Xan in BG2. That covers what i consider the minimally needed skills.
On the other options: I can’t stand Safana and Baeloth any more. I like Edwin and Dorn but have used them so many times... I am considedering Quale because there is a mod that has him replace Aerie in BG2 but no SOD content.
Other mods that I have are Vynd (evil), Dave (evil) and Moidre (neutral) who interact with each other and have SOD content. I had hoped for Viernax (an evil elven mage) but she's not in her starting position and would have been the reason to check other modded npcs by the same author (who are not evil).
So the plan seems to be, to start with the core group, while later dropping Tiax and Xan (who are not in SOD) for the three modded NPCs and carry that over to SOD.
Since I was at 2 when this triggered, I just took the opportunity to kill them all.
A disappointment for my current evil party, which is at rep 3 after flooding the Cloakwood mines with the slaves inside.
Also, don't talk to Officer Vai if your reputation is below 5. Instead of opening up her shop, she goes hostile.
By the way, Scar and the Flaming Fist guy on the bridge don't care about reputation. I talked to them at rep 3 and it was just fine.
The reputation change on flooding the mines comes when a slave approaches you to talk as you go outside; +2 if you freed the slaves before pulling the plug, -2 if you didn't. If you snuck by that guy somehow, no change.
One of my little tricks with this party is "hide the drow". I have both Baeloth and Viconia, so I ask them to leave when shopping for a temporary +4 reputation and lower prices. Then they rejoin as soon as I'm done buying stuff.
The party also has Dorn, but he's my protagonist. Leaving isn't an option for him.
On those bounty hunter ambushes ... there are a number of ambush areas (AR5610, AR5710, AR5810, AR5910, AR6010, AR6110) with Flaming Fist enforcers or bounty hunters.
Normal travel links have ambush areas associated with them ... and never these ones. I don't know what, if anything, triggers these ambushes. And I haven't seen them in my game.
Just for convenience I sell everything to the mage at high hedge. I always do that, he buys everything and if I accidentally sell stuff that I need later on, I can easily find it. I basically check the other shops to see what are the few items my characters might really want. I don't buy a lot, makes no sense again from a roleplaying perspective. I still have to decide before SOD whether to metagame with buying a ton of wands and fancy arrows so that my money does not get lost.
My character is chaotic evil and is being used/worships Malar. That seems to me to indicate that I can't happily cooperate with the city based authorities, like Scar and Duke Elthan. So I avoid them, wherever the story allows even if this locks me out of certain quests. It'll be impossible not to engage with the Duke but I'm sure as hell going to steal from him, insult him, and whatever else I can come up with. Any ideas?
I'll roleplay that Imoen became a mage under their protection once the helmet was taken off, still half under my influence but not quite, and I want her back from them. Gives me extra motivation in BG2... I'll take her from spellhold, only give her scrolls with clearly evil spells, and park her in the temple of Talos or the poisoned druid grove. I'll probably find a way to keep the helmet (console or going back for it, i'm using EET) and put it back on at that point. Depending on whether her (modded) dialogue makes any sense like this, I'll use her in the group or not.
I'll soon kick Tiax and Quale out to make space for other followers. I'll roleplay that my character, Viconia and Ver'sza got sick of them fighting. I've been collecting cursed scrolls and rings but I still have to find a want of petrification. I'll put them on display together somewhere, my current favorite is the temple of Helm or Lathander where I massacre the priests and other inhabitants, leaving them behind as stupid, ugly statues. We'll meet them again in BG2 but their characters are so blind to anything that it's not at all inconsistent to assume they would still be part of the group.
So that's a 1 reputation well earned. At some point, I think I'll go on a little rampage, assassinating the pillars of society wherever I can. After all, they treated me badly and after Candlekeep I'm switching from being the hunted to being the hunter (the power! the power!). I'll get to roleplay annoyance when I'm put on trial at the end of SOD about how they leave out the really good stuff.
Don't know what to do with Xan yet, he's not in SOD but he'll be back in BG2 (mod), so I do want to switch him out, but he's not an idiot like the others. So I have to come up with a different "evil" plot. Suggestions? Or any other sensible "evil" paths to consider?
I tried reloading to an earlier stage (basically before and after the fight in hell) moving to the location with console commands, changing the chapter in EE keeper (and moving to the location), and generally searching for possible global strings to change. No luck.
Has this (great!) run come to an early end? Any suggestions on what I might do to get the cutscene to trigger?
Anyway, I'll try and solve the next hurdle but it's great that I got the end of SOD solved by asking around.