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[answered] Master Server List Maintenance time or is it down?

Wall3tWall3t Member Posts: 90
edited May 2022 in Technical Support
okay servers went back up i... guess its fine now? no clue what happened there but alright...
Post edited by Wall3t on


  • Wall3tWall3t Member Posts: 90
    edited May 2022
    Direct connect doesn't seem to work, thanks for everyone who tried it and confirmed this
    Post edited by Wall3t on
  • SigmaStoicSigmaStoic Member Posts: 1
    I use the GOG client, and it's the same. Also, direct connect does not seem to be a viable workaround.
  • Drizzt1180Drizzt1180 Member Posts: 41
    edited May 2022
    Having the same issue (server list is blank). Can't even connect to my own server, neither over LAN nor Direct Connect, presumably because the server can't check back with the master server to validate the CD key of my client. Connection log:
    Attempting to find server.
    Server found. Attempting to log in.
    Connection to the server has failed.
    Connection error: The game server that you are connecting to was unable to verify your password. The game server has 
    opted not allow players to join unless their password can be verified. Please try again later.

    Also, I tried renaming my NWN data folder and launching through Steam to let it regenerate the cdkey.ini, but it hangs while checking the receipt against the vendor database.

    FYI, my server is not password protected for players, and I even tested setting a password and using it. No change. Then I tried setting the following in my server settings.tml:
    		mode = "always"

    		mode = "never"

    However, launching the server software always resets this back to "always" so I was unable to test having my server not check CD keys.
    Post edited by Drizzt1180 on
  • Bad_KarmaBad_Karma Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2022
    This seems to be a consistent past issue with Beamdog. They never post that the server is down, they just repair it and move on. It would be nice if there was a pin at the top of the forum stating that the service was interrupted but it would be back momentarily... even if that is hours later.

    Also, this is 3.5 hours after first being noted on this forum.

    Just sayin'
  • UchachangaUchachanga Member Posts: 4
    So... Beamdog, any official announcements on this please? Because it's been hours and it seems like you just don't care.
  • DavenutninjaDavenutninja Member Posts: 2
    Halp us Beamdog, you're our only hope.
  • Drizzt1180Drizzt1180 Member Posts: 41
    Looks like the master server is back.
  • Wall3tWall3t Member Posts: 90
    Drizzt1180 wrote: »
    Looks like the master server is back.

    So they're choosing to be quiet about this? 🤔

    Kinda ridiculous if you ask me, what happens if they choose to shut the server down for good?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Wall3t wrote: »

    So they're choosing to be quiet about this? 🤔

    We were asleep. The problem was fixed in the morning European time.
  • Bad_KarmaBad_Karma Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2022
    So it looks like it was down for more than 6 hours and no information about why or how. Like I said above, this has happened before and I assume will happen again with little to no information given nor recognition of problem.

    Just dead air!
  • Drizzt1180Drizzt1180 Member Posts: 41
    Looks like it's down again. I submitted NWNS-10216 but we'll see if anyone's awake to respond.
  • Drizzt1180Drizzt1180 Member Posts: 41
    edited May 2022
    Was just able to get the client to pull a partial server list, so some tinkering is happening. Hope all goes well.

    Edit: Apologies for the double post. I'll edit this one going forward.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
  • Drizzt1180Drizzt1180 Member Posts: 41
    Awesome. Seeing genuine improvement in support from you guys. Thanks a ton for us few players who want our little micro-MMOs to play with.
  • grom56grom56 Member Posts: 114
    Looks like it's still down. 1pm eastern US time.
    It would be really nice if there was something said in the forums about this.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Grom, we're working on it. Please bear with us. Btw, the last time it happened it was a cosmic ray (!)
  • Drizzt1180Drizzt1180 Member Posts: 41
    edited May 2022
    Grom, we're working on it. Please bear with us. Btw, the last time it happened it was a cosmic ray (!)

    That is... rarer than rare. I keep putting off grabbing some ECC memory for my servers. Perhaps now is the time.

    Good luck over there, and remember to apply generous amounts of coffee and doughnuts.
    Post edited by Drizzt1180 on
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Totally. After some digging, we found a random article which stated (via a citation of a paywalled article) that the chance of a single undetected (ECC) bit flip in 3 years of the runtime is 9%.
  • grom56grom56 Member Posts: 114
    Thanks for the info @JuliusBorisov I'll let the folks over at my forums know that it is being worked on.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    It's now resolved! Online games should function normally.
  • QuilistanQuilistan Member Posts: 187
  • Wall3tWall3t Member Posts: 90
    i was wondering why my old post was being repopulated again lol. this one is labeled as answered so i may ask the mods to remove this if needed.
  • ElGrilloElGrillo Member Posts: 11
    Thanks to Julius for the updates. It is great to see a message go out on BD's twitter too. I get that the potential for negative publicity for server outages might be offputting (though... publicity of any kind for nwn... bad thing? :-P) but IMO it makes a big difference to the community to see BD making efforts to keep us all informed, even if it's after the fact. I know that BD gives a damn about our little niche, but others may not!

    FYI for next time Drizzt1180 (and for anyone who may check this during subsequent downtimes) if you're changing server settings obviously make sure that server is shut down before you do. But also you may have to try a couple of times. I have experienced before that the server can sometimes appear to reset settings.tml on load. Also in a previous configuration of our server, it would always reset. FWIW the setup we use now (which works perfectly) is this:
  • DnDDiceRollerDnDDiceRoller Member Posts: 1
    This same issue seems to be occurring again, master server has been down for several hours
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