NWN Art Pack HD FPS drops

I have problem with FPS drops after installing Art Pack HD Patch, most of the time game has 60fps but there are huge FPS drops when moving (every 10 seconds maybe?). Switching through Low, Good and Best graphic settings changes nothing...
My specs:
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8300H CPU @ 2.30GHz 2.30 GHz
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 4GB
Could you give me some advices to get rid of this sluttering?
I have problem with FPS drops after installing Art Pack HD Patch, most of the time game has 60fps but there are huge FPS drops when moving (every 10 seconds maybe?). Switching through Low, Good and Best graphic settings changes nothing...
My specs:
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8300H CPU @ 2.30GHz 2.30 GHz
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 4GB
Could you give me some advices to get rid of this sluttering?

Nothing wrong with your PC specs, the reason for your lag and stuttering is because the models are not compiled.
We have more or less finished the work with the Art pack that was released by BD, which can be found here https://neverwintervault.org/project/nwnee/hakpak/original-hakpak/beamdogs-hd-art-pack-community-fixes
From our official stance, we're still low on resources and manpower for NWN:EE and IE games. All the focus RN is on a new game.
I like to turn on timegraph on the console, take a large number of NPCs with waypoints to walk, and then examine how they affect the game with and without EffectCutsceneGhost() applied. Was doing this with about 20 human models after applying the BeamDog HD pack and I noticed a discrepancy between where my character stood in the scene and the amount of intermittent lag I experienced. As per the attached image, if I stood at 1 then the intermittent lag spikes (green by timegraph, so CPU?) were negligible or nonexistant, but if I stood at 2, the intermittant lag spikes were bad to very bad.
I have so little time to test things or mod these days, but after (maybe unnecessarily) removing the OnBlocked and OnPerception scripts from the NPCs (if, for some reason, those weren't affected by EffectCutsceneGhost()) and still getting the lag spikes at position 2, I started to wonder if at least some of the lag with the models is being caused by line of sight processing and if the wall for the stairway and/or the wall by the entryway aren't somehow being dealt with differently depending on where I'm standing. In testing, I made sure other programs were closed down and made changes to the processor affinity from 0 to another one of my cores, then to spread over multiple cores with no discernable change in behavior. I also did not experience these lag spikes with regular (but non part-based) models, such as town NPC models or creatures.
Anecdotal and FWIW.