Can YOU one shot Firkraag?

So this is a bit of an unusual first post, but I was so stunned that this worked I had to share it - and a critical hit to boot! 

Don't be afraid to post your own Epic dragon slaying moments!

Don't be afraid to post your own Epic dragon slaying moments!
Maybe I'm old fashion but I play the game it was intended to be played.
I also remember finger of deathing a dragon (it felt like I had cheated, and was distinctly unsatisfying).
On the other hand you don't want to artificially hem the experience by introducing silly resistances/protections. I always find it deeply off-putting when a spell or ability says it will kill instantly, or achieve some other effect, but for some unknown reason has no effect on a target.
I think many of these problems can be resolved with simple a.i. enhancements, which I believe we are going to see. Things like the a.i being allowed to open doors, enemies pre-buffing on higher difficulties etc
That said, I think the system itself needs revision, too attractive to have high stats and having low stats are too limiting.
I've never played a monk before, so I didn't know.
Also balance in baulder's gate? Ha ha ha ha, casters are totally fair
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the wonderful thing about this series is the immense variety in the different playstyles it permits. You can't play the game the wrong way as long as you're having fun.
On a related note, it's easy to kill Kangaxx in one hit if you time the Dragon Breath spell correctly. If you start casting it just before he starts talking it will go off as soon as he turns into the floating skull, but before he gets his magical protections up. The result is enough damage to kill him instantly.
Some of his monks also insta-killed my party members in the same manner in Amkethran when that army of monks attack outside the monastery gates.
In the battle with Balthazar I've often experienced insta-kills both in the vanilla game and more recently with SCS installed. I usually try to keep my characters out of reach of Balthazar and only use ranged attacks. I let summoned creatures fight him up close since almost every time he gets close someone dies no matter how much health they have. I play on the 'insane' difficulty level, so maybe that makes a difference.
Response: "Would ANYONE care?"
Stats : Str - 18/90, Dex - 19, Con - 19, Int - 7, Wis - 6, Cha - 20
2 tomes used for Dec,Con, remaining for Str, Int, Wisx3, Cha. Dump stats are dump, rest are sky high.
I just had to say it :P
If I remember correctly smarter AIs or improved dragon mods etc. do make dragons cast death ward on themselves to keep the fair play intact and make a bit harder to "ruin" epic battles.
Lich : "Hey jerkface, you just woke me up!"
PC : "Sorry, I'll just leav--"
Lich : "OH HELL NO! *disintegrates PC* Now then, back to sleep!"
CONGRATULATIONS LICH - you broke Irenicus' master plan nice and easy!