Anyone else play Magic: The Gathering or any other nerd-related IRL physical hobby?

in Off-Topic
I recently got into both Warhammer 40k and got back into Magic: the Gathering. Hanging out at the hobby store eats up all my free time now, and I'm glad for it.
Anyone else? If so, what do you play as? I've got some fairly obnoxious decks but the serious collectors still kick my butt come tourny time.
Anyone else? If so, what do you play as? I've got some fairly obnoxious decks but the serious collectors still kick my butt come tourny time.
I have another deck that is red/white and follows a similar model, but it uses the transcendence/sulfuric vortex combo so that I can survive if I have less than zero life, but everyone else slowly dies. I also use worship, platinum angel, and form of the dragon as alternatives if the transcendence combo fails.
I also have a black/blue deck that focuses on killing people's creatures and countering their spells. It's also defensive to a point, but unlike the others relies on offense to actually win. I kill people's creatures whenever they try to attack me and then once there's a large number of creatures in graveyards I seize control of all of them and kill my opponents with their own creatures. If that fails, I have a combo with Phage the Untouchable that usually works.
Currently I'm trying to run an Azorius deck. Tons of creatures with detain, lots of ways to bounce them back to my hand to detain again, and my damage comes by way of Invisible Stalker roided up with enchantments. I managed to handily beat someone who had about 16 total creatures in play despite the fact I literally only ever had 2 even touch the board.
I play Quidditch. Does that count?
@ajwz: I'm gonna blame it on me just waking up, but wfb? Not ringing a bell. That an acronym for Warhammer Fantasy?
What is "detain?" I'm guessing that's an ability in one of the newer editions. It's been a while since I've seen newer cards, so I'm not familiar with all of their abilities. Your strategy with Invisible Stalker sounds similar to what one of my friends does with a creature called Rabid Wombat. His whole deck is based around putting enchantments on the Rapid Wombat, which then becomes more powerful for each enchantment cast on it. His creature generally can't be targeted by opponents, can block any number of creatures, and has very high attack and HP.
I run a ton of these. I only have one, but I've got a card called Detention Sphere which is basically the same thing for the same CMC (it just takes 1(W)(U) instead of 2(W)) which exiles that card and every card with the same name.
Also, example of my detain shenanigans:
All your creatures sort of sit around twiddling their thumbs forever.
It's extremely rare I don't make it to that amount of mana. Seriously, the only things that are proving to be a problem for me right now are if I get swarmed before I get a chance to play a creature, or I get a terrible hand.
Also, your combo there is pretty easy to shut down with unsummons. I am running a whole bunch of these right now, too.
Number one is a 2500 point Skaven army, mostly unpainted (240 infantry units can take a while). Took it over from a friend who quit because he didn't feel like doing all the work. The infantry is going bit by bit but occasionally I take a break by finishing a larger model like my Warp Lightning Cannon.
Then I've got a 2000 pt Warriors of Chaos army ( no group shot, alas), which is 90% done (only marauders need work), most proud of my Tzeentch Warriors.
Then I've assembled about 1500-2000ish points of Daemons of Chaos though I haven't formed those into a coherent army yet. They're just models I collected because they looked cool and it recently occurred to me that it's enough to build an army of (30 bloodletters, 20 Horrors, Skulltaker, 3 Bloodcrushers, 3 Flamers, Herald of Khorne and Tzeentch, Daemon Prince).
They're on the painting list after I finish the Skaven.
Aside from Warhammer, I DM two D&D games, I've played Star Wars D&D, Shadowrun and Call of Cthulhu.
D&D 2.0 - 4.0 + D&D Next (I don't partake in version wars)
Classic Spycraft (Anxious for 3.0!)
White Wolf
Star Wars d20
Kobolds Ate My Baby
Also other fun games:
Betrayal at House on the Hill
Any Choose Your Own Adventure books
Dungeon Quest
D&D Board Games
Scotland Yard
Settlers of Catan
Guys, I don't know if this game is very well known, or if it's actually mainstream:
Browbeat my fiance into doing the dishes for once
LOL I can't do the dishes because I have dyshidrosis (sp?) :P
And it's also kind of funny to me the specific cards you mentioned. Nowadays, those cards are kind of meh. Serra Angel, while still good, was downgraded from a rare to simple uncommon about 6 years ago. She rarely sees competitive play anymore because for 5 mana, you could play something like this instead:
Angelic Overseer
Herald of War
And these are just things with the same converted mana cost. There's actually bigger things for less, especially if you start delving into multi-colored cards.
I hadn't played with any seriousness since like 1998 so it was a big learning curve for me, too, finding out all my favorite old strategies were totally awful in today's game.
I've also been watching and analyzing different groups of nerd. At the hobby shop I hang out at all the time now, you have all sorts of folks who come in but I've noticed there's a different attitude that seems to accompany each type. Even among the different CCGs, you see people who are markedly different between one game and another.
M:TG guys tend to be a little more serious and less socially awkward than a lot of the other guys. Yu-Gi-Oh players? Those guys are weird. I don't know what it is. But like. I dunno! I don't mean this in a bad way. They are just different. Kind of otaku-level geek. It's probably the anime show tie-in. Then you have the Warhammer guys, and they are... manlier? than the other crowd. I suppose it's the level of do-it-yourself-ness that comes with the hobby. You've got current and former military dudes playing it at least at my store, and there's actually a 60ish-year-old guy that plays it with his 35-year-old son and 13-year-old grandson.
It's all pretty cool, if you ask me.
I still have the folder and character sheet from that game in my gaming possessions. I asked if I could have it after the game, and the GM said yes.
Haha, where I used to play mtg in London, half of the room was dedicated to yu-gi-oh players and half to mtg players. It was really funny seeing mtg player looking down on yu-gi-oh players and thinking "thats nerdy"
There's two guys I know of who play both M:TG and YuGiOh down there. One is one of the owners, so he obviously doesn't let people turn-nose at anyone else's hobby in the store. Other one is a guy who's always dressed head to toe in either Philadelphia Eagles gear or Utah Jazz swag, so he's clearly a sports geek on top of a card geek.
Just hanging out at the hobby place reminds me of my favorite customers back when I worked at GameStop. I guess I just love nerdy, awkward people. Reminds me of myself before I learned how to be loquacious and a smooth talker, I guess.
This really all has nothing to do with anything. Just typing. Hasn't really been a lot to talk about here on the forums that hasn't already been beaten to death multiple times so sue me for gabbing for the sake of gab.
Squad Leader, a WW2 tactical level board game that is more a simulation than a game
Munchkin rocks
Dominion, although i play much less frequently than i used to
i started playing D&D out of the pink box & still play, although my current group has turned up their noses @ 4th ed.
also played a gi-normous number of other RPG's--Top Secret, Gamma World of varying editions, Star Frontiers (yuck), Traveller, various super-hero games, GURPS, Twilight 2000, Star Wars Saga & on & on...
also lots of Uno & Weed...both card games pretty much mindlessly entertaining...
also a die-hard Steelers fan
Dude I tell you what, I'm stressed as hell about Roethlisburger's injury. Apparently he cracked a rib and it's hovering over his aorta. If he got hit again before it healed, it could puncture his <i>heart and kill him. So, the timetable on him returning needs to be guestimated long-side rather than short side of the recovery.
yeah...just as the Steelers were gelling on both sides of the ball
Roethlisberger seems to play through injury each season, but this can't be played through
at least Leftwich & Batch, who both have issues, have seen significant playing time...
i miss Bettis
Since we needed a new D&D game anyway (The last one got a chaotic infighting party eventually), I suggested that I'd start a campaign based on Baldur's Gate, a thought that'd been in my head for a while. Loosely based, of course, the linearity of the computer game doesn't translate well to PnP roleplaying, but generally on the course.
I made a trailer for a character creation afternoon a while ago;
What came out was;
One human Barbarian, we're ruling he's not a 'from the savage land' barbarian but just an undisciplined, emotion driven fighter with a temper issue. He's originally from Mulhorand and living with foster parents, his real parents dissappeared shortly after he was dropped off in Candlekeep. He assumes that his continued stay in Candlekeep has something to do with the mysteeerious tattoos all over his body. He'll go with the group because his foster father wants to use Gorion's 'expidition' as a way to get someone outside the walls of Candlekeep to look into the Iron Crisis. (I needed a better hook than the flimsy one the game provides)
One Aasimar Cleric of Lathander, about to embark on a self-imposed journey to gather as much influence as possible to rid the world of evil forever. Other than that, the player hasn't given me much to work with, so I'm going to have to make shit up as it comes along.
One Half Elf Sorceress and (unbeknownst to her) a Bhaalspawn. Unsure of her new powers, she will try to develop them in a way that allows her to protect the ones she cares about, like her foster father Gorion. (heehee). We're going with the Pathfinder sorcerer class so she'll have a specific bloodline, which the player has graciously allowed me to pick for her (since it'll make for more effective roleplaying if she doesn't know where her power comes from). It was most excellent.
And lastly
One Human Dread Necromancer, bhaalspawn #2. To prevent the story from revolving around 1 player only, I included a second Bhaalspawn (and with classes like Sorcerer and Dread Necromancer, I basicly had to). His mother will accompany Gorion and the others on their flight out of Candlekeep where she will defend her child with her life.
Baldur's Gate is fairly player-centric of course, so with four players (and thus four people demanding prime attention) I've made sure to include enough plot for all of them to stay hooked (or so I'm planning).
The first portion of the game will mostly revolve around the two Bhaalspawn, while I'm seeding the first hooks for the Barbarian and Cleric. Around the BG2 area, I'll flip attention to them, involving the Cleric in the Amaunator questlines (Unseeing Eye and Shade Lord, roughly) and having Irenicus mostly interested in the Barbarian's tattoos, unraveling his past in the meantime.
The Throne of Bhaal portion (which'll take 2-3 years to get to probably) will go balls-to-the-walls, with massive levels and massive combats in a startling finale (which won't be like the ToB portion at all, because that'd be fairly boring to play, but I have time to figure that out).
Anyway, figured some of you might be interested in hearing about it, if anyone has any particular ideas on what things to include or look out for (one Speak with Dead spell can ruin a lot of BG's plot, for example), feel free to pitch in (*cough @LadyRhian becauseyou'rehardcoreatDMing cough*).
For example, I've been planning to include some NPC's as cameo's or questgivers. A friend of mine (and veteran DM) suggested that I should keep the Khalid and Jaheira/Xzar and Montaron conflict alive, making both groups possible questgivers and allowing the players to decide which side to pick.
Edwin and Minsc are of course obvious questgivers, and so on.
Anyway, just sharing.
I'm going to write up locations, a timeline and possible quests in those locations. Then I need to think of what to put in a new trailer for the upcoming session. Huzzah!
now study chess
play ad&d for 15 years. 2013 16 years!
great dalmuti
wintertales ( a very funny italian game, based on a battle between winter and spring. players tell stories and should create a link to other story players tell. based on simply rules, at the end of the game you put all stories together to create a tale. )