10% experience bonus for good stats

I was reading through some of the AD&D player's manuals and I saw the rule that if a character has a 16 or better in their primary attribute for that class (str for a warrior, dex for a thief, etc) they get an extra 10% experience bonus. I was wondering if Baldur's gate followed that rule?
Second question was I saw that once Wisdom gets above 18 the player becomes immune to certain effects (fear, etc), I was also wondering if BG incorporated that rule as well?
Thanks for any info in regards to this post.
Second question was I saw that once Wisdom gets above 18 the player becomes immune to certain effects (fear, etc), I was also wondering if BG incorporated that rule as well?
Thanks for any info in regards to this post.
I will say I'm all for when we're talking NPCs, giving ones with bad stats some sort of exceptional ability just for them. Tiax's Summon Ghast, for example.
On the other hand, what exactly is logical about further rewarding someone for being lucky enough to gain a high roll on their stats? Your higher stats should be rewarding enough, theres no need to increase EXP gain on an already godly stat character.
And as for dirt farmers becomming adventurers, Hublepot surely doesnt mind adventuring along with you in BG2 if you feel like adding him to your game:
Based on their stats, most NPCs in BG1 dont even pass for adventurers that I would want to group with in such a game, but then again lower stats simply increases difficulty and challenge which is how this game is meant to be at first.
As for the wisdom bonuses, I would murder for these to be implemented, same for intelligence. As both wisdom and intelligence are already somewhat moot stats and offer little bonuses (higher percentage to learn spells with slight spell book capacity increase and a few low level bonus divine spells). It would really add to NPCs that have high or low in both stats when their class needn't require them. Notable NPCs - Xzar's high wisdom, Viconia, Safana, Imoen, Khalid, Kagain and Skie's high intelligence.
One of my older discussions talked about this with Monk rebalancing, except Monks require 2 stats to be at 16, rather than having just 1.
And something being in AD&D isn't enough of a reason to include it. Racial class level limits were in AD&D, and I sure am glad those aren't in BG.
It just doesn't work as well as a game mechanic, IMO.