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Looking for a multiple romance mod

Ragnarök81Ragnarök81 Member Posts: 6
edited March 2023 in BGII:EE Mods
Having played original BG1 & DLC and BG2 & DLC and finished both almost two decades ago, I just recently bought the Enhanced Editions on Steam.

My goal is to see all the original female romance content in one play through, because I really don't have the time to do multiple runs.

I'm perfectly fine with the vanilla game, but for my second play through (played the original game series, but the EE-versions are new to me) I'd like to see more of the original content, which I didn't see before, especially the romances, without having to play through it more than once.

Since romances are mutually exclusive in the original game, I wonder, if there is some Enhanced Edition compatible mod, which allows my main character to romance more than one character.
I prefer not too much being changed concerning the vanilla game version, just enabling more than one romance.

I already found the Romantic Encounters mods for BG1 and BG2, but I'm unsure, if that's what I'm looking for. This mod seems to add a lot of extra content, even additional npcs and so on.

After all I'm just looking for something, that lets me bypass the romance restrictions of the vanilla game, like having a romance ongoing with more than one of the original romancable female companion characters.

If no such mod exists, is it possible to reset and fast forward romances with cheats/console commands or something like this? Because then I'd simply give it a try with the unmodded EE version.


  • BrokenkatanaBrokenkatana Member Posts: 47
    Tweaks on the Gibberlings Three website lets you do multiple romances of the games NPCS.
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586

    The Rjali Romance NPC mod adds a new joinable NPC to the game while allowing you to romance multiple other NPCs. You can read a description of the mod here and see if it's right for you:
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,941
    Not a solution for you, but it's not entirely true that the original romances are mutually exclusive. You can have two different romances as long as their eligibility requirements are mutually exclusive - for example, when I ran Dorn as a protagonist, I had him romance both Anomen and Viconia. The trick is, the eligibility requirements aren't necessarily checked at the same time, so you can lock in one eligible romance, then change the protagonist's gender and/or race to pick up another. In that Dorn run's case, that was done with my decoy protagonist Patsy before I could recruit Dorn and have him take over the protagonist slot.
    For the original Bioware romances, the eligibility is checked in global scripts before you even encounter them. If you ever meet the conditions, a variable is set to lock in that eligibility. For the EE companions, the eligibility is checked in their scripts, and only when they're in the party. Once the romance talks begin, that eligibility is locked in. (And Dorn is pansexual; no race or gender checks at all for him)

    The "Romantic Encounters" mod sets up a bunch of smaller encounters/quests on a romantic or sexual theme. It's not related to ongoing romance between party members.
  • Ragnarök81Ragnarök81 Member Posts: 6
    edited April 2023
    Thank you all for your replies so far and sorry for the delay. Since this was my very first post on the beamdog board it took quite some time until this thread was approved by the moderators/admins. In the meantime I almost forgot about my thread here...
    Tweaks on the Gibberlings Three website lets you do multiple romances of the games NPCS.

    I might be wrong, but I think, that's not really what I'm looking for (new "fanfiction" romance options with npcs). I'm really just looking for a way to bypass the restrictions/limits of originally romanceable characters of the vanilla EE game. To put it simply, I just want to experience all the female romances the vanilla game has to offer for a straight male main character in just one play-through. I'm not interested in any additional 3rd party content / fan fiction.

    The Rjali Romance NPC mod adds a new joinable NPC to the game while allowing you to romance multiple other NPCs. You can read a description of the mod here and see if it's right for you:

    Sounds very much interesting, really and also like a quality of life improvement, if you want to check out the various romances the game has to offer. But still it adds a new npc (the cleric woman) and even much more additional content to the game. So I'd end up playing a quite heavily modified game with lots of additional 3rd party content.

    Just to explain where my stance is coming from: It's not like I have played the BG series x-times and thus am rather bored with the vanilla content. Altogether it will be my second play through of the BG series, but the very first and also only one of the EE game version (I'm not planing a 3rd run). Therefore I really want to experience the vanilla EE game version (just without being restricted to only experience one of the female companion romances the vanilla game has to offer).
    Nothing against mods, but I don't know if it's well written or not, if it suits me or ruins the game for me. Therefore I really just want to experience the vanilla EE version, which is new to me, unlike the original BG series, but without having to choose only one romance for the whole game and having to abandon the others.

    jmerry wrote: »
    Not a solution for you, but it's not entirely true that the original romances are mutually exclusive. You can have two different romances as long as their eligibility requirements are mutually exclusive - for example, when I ran Dorn as a protagonist, I had him romance both Anomen and Viconia. The trick is, the eligibility requirements aren't necessarily checked at the same time, so you can lock in one eligible romance, then change the protagonist's gender and/or race to pick up another. In that Dorn run's case, that was done with my decoy protagonist Patsy before I could recruit Dorn and have him take over the protagonist slot.
    For the original Bioware romances, the eligibility is checked in global scripts before you even encounter them. If you ever meet the conditions, a variable is set to lock in that eligibility. For the EE companions, the eligibility is checked in their scripts, and only when they're in the party. Once the romance talks begin, that eligibility is locked in. (And Dorn is pansexual; no race or gender checks at all for him)

    The "Romantic Encounters" mod sets up a bunch of smaller encounters/quests on a romantic or sexual theme. It's not related to ongoing romance between party members.

    I remember when I played BG2 more than 20 years ago, there was some amusing cat fighting going on between Aerie, Jaheira, Viconia and you as the player of the game ultimately had to choose one, while the romances with the other ones stopped/were quitted.

    So this time, with the EE version I'd really like to see all the romance content with female companions in one play-through without mutual exclusivity.
    I disliked it the first time, that the game "forced" me to do several time consuming runs, if I wanted to see different romances and I strongly dislike it now, that even so many years later with the Enhanced Edition this still is a problem (not being able to have multiple romances in just one play-through).

    I also remember that it was a real pain in the ass, if you tried to check out what you might have missed, because a lot of in-game time had to pass for the various steps/stages of these romances. So you couldn’t just check out quickly, what you might have missed by choosing one lover instead of the other one, without also losing a huge amount of game progress, when loading the save game before making the ultimate love interest decision.

    I find it hard to believe, that there is no simple mod, which just lets me experience all the possible vanilla romances for my character in one play through, without adding tons of additional content…

    But it seems like I have no other choice, than trying my luck with console cheats (like resetting romances and trying to fast forward them) and the unmodded game.

    Post edited by Ragnarök81 on
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,941
    Most of the romance timers aren't game time, actually - they're real time. The time until the next talk runs down even if you're just keeping the game paused in the background, but that also means you can't speed things up by wasting time with needless rest and travel.

    Even if you remove the direct conflicts that prevent multiple romances from reaching the committed stage, you still won't see everything in a single run. At certain points in the plot, whoever you're romancing will interject - for example, when you head to the graveyard in chapter 6. That interjection will only come from one romance partner, and any others at lower priority will be preempted so the event doesn't happen for them. Only one of your lovers will be turned into a vampire.
    This is a particular issue in ToB, as much more of the romance is tied to the plot during that campaign.
  • Ragnarök81Ragnarök81 Member Posts: 6
    edited April 2023
    Thanks a lot for the further clarification, @jmerry . I appreciate your helpful explanation and get it now, that storywise it's impossible to have several romances in the committed stage . That's really unfortunate.

    And mods are no real solution for me, because these rather address people, who know the BG series through and through and therefore might be bored with the vanilla content by now, instead of people coming back to the game for another playthrough after two decades.
  • BrokenkatanaBrokenkatana Member Posts: 47
    Unless I'm misunderstanding you, I'm still pretty sure the Tweaks mod is what you want. It lets you do the romances without adding fan fiction stuff. You just romance them at the same time.
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