Twisted Rune Bug

in BGII:EE Mods
I installed SCS (and some other Mods) and when I enter the twisted rune Hideout, only Shangalar is present .
Even after I kill him , the rest never appear and I'm just stuff in that room .
So I want to know has anyone ever experienced something like this before from any component, so I could know what I would possibly have to uninstall to fix this?
Even after I kill him , the rest never appear and I'm just stuff in that room .
So I want to know has anyone ever experienced something like this before from any component, so I could know what I would possibly have to uninstall to fix this?
So ... did you give him a chance to talk? Did he teleport away from that central platform?
If you killed him without giving him the chance to talk, then it's not really a bug. If he did talk and move, that means the area script didn't work properly - maybe a bad edit from some mod? That script is AR1008.BCS.
Now I'm asking will this also affect anything else or is it just only this?
Additionally I've experienced a similar issue before with a similar solution.
I installed SCS in BG1EE and Tanari appearing in the cult hideout in Shalandar house would crash the whole game , so I ended up deleting the file from override , just like this and never had the issue again.
So is this a similar issue to that?
(If you want to upload a game resource here, zip it up. Zip files are allowed to be attached, random extensions like the game uses for its resources aren't.)
There are several variants of "trilogy" mods that combine the games into one continuous narrative; EET is the most current version, using the EE versions of the games as its base. These mods deal with resource overlap like this by renaming the BG1 versions; in a proper EET install, the ice island exterior would be BG1008 instead (BG1008.ARE for the area file, BG1008.BCS for the script).
Of course, this still leaves the question of how you got things crossed up between the two games.
Maybe the install file was corrupted or something, which is wierd since I've not actually had issues , though this is my first SCS full self install on BG2EE.
Could you send me the proper AR1008 if you have it in your override?
For them to appear faster , because I alreadu am seeing all the Ai difficulty improvements from SCS , or is it somthing more nuance?
But from the original developers of the SCS Mod , why exactly would they then add a script to thier mod, if in the original override folder, it originally does nothing.
Like wouldn't it save time energy and resources, just to focus on what actually does affect the game?
I recently got to spellhold dungeron level 3 where you're supposed to first turn into slayer form fighting bodhi.
But I got no slayer transformation, instead Bodhi doesn't attack unless I talk to her first (the other two vampires attack regardless).
Then when I talk to her she just says "Your last victory is hollow. You've only delayed the inevitable" then when I win she says "Well done, child of bhaal. Run faster, and perhaps you'll soon escape!".
What did she say when you talked to her?
While I've played with it once, I've never deliberately installed the component, so I'm not very familiar with how it's scripted.
Thanks @Trouveur