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[mod] Quayle BG2

LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
edited September 2022 in BGII:EE Mods
It looks like Quayle BG2 never got his own thread here so... here it is!


Are you tired of Aerie? Would you like to try out some other cleric/mage? Or maybe you'd like to team up with the SMARTEST of gnomes? If so, then try out Quayle BG2 NPC. Enjoy his new mini-quest. If you lose Aerie in the main fight, Quayle becomes available. Decide who to save... thus who to work with.

Well, remember that this mod is quite old (well, it's actually one of my first mods ever, keep that in mind!), but after the recent update, it should work much better and Quayle should be a tiny bit less annoying.

Post edited by LavaDelVortel on


  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
    ...and here's some info about what's new in the version I just released (writing this in a seperate post do seperate it from general mod information):
    -Many rewritten lines and talks
    -Banters between Quayle and EE NPCs
    -Additional proofreading by jmaeq
    -New portrait to match BG2 style
    -Updated .cre file - SoA
    -Updated .cre file - ToB
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,943
    Out of curiosity - did you give Quayle a stat boost for BG2? He's got a stat total of 68 in BG1, lowest of any companion and 5 points lower than any BG2 companion (except Wilson).

    (P.S.: Barad Ding is smarter than Quayle)
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
    @jmerry - no stat boost, BUT instead he got a ring that gives him extra spell slots :) Didn't want to make him too powerful, but let's just say that his ring should totally give Quayle some nice extra force :)
  • CaedwyrCaedwyr Member Posts: 176
    How well does the Quayle NPC mod fit with the Bioware NPCs? I recall seeing another post from @LavaDelVortel that seemed to be warning people off of this mod, but it sounds like it has been overhauled in the recent update to bring it up to standard and I'd love to add this to my list of mods.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
    Let's keep in mind that this was one of my very first mods ever, but I tried to make him better recently. It should work much better now - both coding- and text-wise.
  • AerieAerie Member Posts: 226
    Are you tired of Aerie?
    Would you like to try out some other cleric/mage?

    Don't be ridiculous.
    Or maybe you'd like to team up with the SMARTEST of gnomes?

    Um. About that.. Quayle isn't smart. He's actually quite dumb. All that BRAIN talk is Quayle trying to over compensate for something, which is that no one and I mean no one likes him.

    Note: Personally I don't like Quayle ( I hate him), these above comments were in a joking fashion (not attacking the mod), I haven't tried the mod and yeah.
  • CaedwyrCaedwyr Member Posts: 176
    Based on the mod description, this sounds like an NPC that you can pick up if Aerie has died in your game. Is that an accurate description, or does the Quyale recruitment work a different way?
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
    He can picked if she died in a specific quest. There is a situation where you have to get rid of an enemy in time, otherwise he will focus on Aerie. If she dies, Quayle may join after the quest is done. If she survives, everything goes as in the original game. If she dies later, after the quest, he won't join. It would be too cruel. Picking between two at some point is fine, but Quayle being a spare NPC whenever she dies would feel as if her death became totally meaningless. Even I'm not that evil.
  • CaedwyrCaedwyr Member Posts: 176
    I hadn't thought of it that way. The way I'd thought it would work is that normally, Quayle would be uninterested in joining CHARNAME, partially due to his feeling of responsibility, but Aerie's death would change that and with spur him to join CHARNAME. Of course, I forgot about the revolving door of death, because then the obvious response is "well, you'd better go get her raised asap at a temple".

    Then again, Aerie has always had issues with magic not working when it should (Regeneration for her wings)
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
    So, version 6.1 is up! It includes:
    -Fixed "Brainy Pins"
    -Fixed "Quayle's Glasses"
    -Revised item descriptions for both BG2 and BG2EE
    -Improved Quayle's Certificate, which now can improve his Charisma 3 times per day
    -Added new item icons for: Brainy Pins, Quayle's Glasses, Grunting Ring and Quayle's Certificate
    -Added new ability: "You unwise knuckleheads!"

    And that's my final release you can enjoy during the winter celebrations! So... enjoy! If you want to see a full list of new releases (5 mods, one for each day), it's here:
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
    Quayle has just been traified and updated to work on EET. Thanks, Austin!
  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 741
    I'm currently playing with Quayle in BG1, but with some Skitia's NPC : Kale, Recorder and Helga. It would be nice to have some BG2 crossmod contents for Quayle and thoses NPC, so we can have a full six party of shorty fellows (I know that AionZ's Aura have crossmod content with Quayle already planned). :smile:
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
    I'm always open to such collaborations and creating something with other modders! :) I'll tag @Skitia so she knew you asked about it :) I bet that once both of us have some free time and ideas for such content, it will be created and included in one of those mods :)
  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 741
    Thanks ! So I will probably postpone again my BG2 mod installation, and first try to finish my BG1 shorty fellows run, and of course my evil playthrough with a shapeshifter and Verr'Sza.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
    Have fun! :)
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    I don't mind doing the cross mod request, when free time allows. :)
  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 741
    Skitia wrote: »
    I don't mind doing the cross mod request, when free time allows. :)
    I already like how Recorder banters with Quayle from BG1 reveal why the selfish and prideful Quayle became Aerie's teacher. Their banters in BG2 should be very interesting giving the mod condition in order to recrut Quayle instead of Aerie...
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
    Remember those were banters written about Skitia and I don't know what's in those talks. We may need to find some parts to make our interpretations work fine together, but we'll probably think about this once we move on to writing those crossmod talks.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
    Version 7.0 is up! It includes:
    - New portrait
    - Fixed a few typos
    - Fixed Epilogue script
    - Fixed Epilogue portrait
    - Added missing walls to the quest area
    - Added a few player responses in dialogues
    - Added basic PIDs for SoA and ToB
    - Added XP adjustment for EE games
    - Longer time spaces between dialogues
    - Improved quest cutscenes
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    edited April 2023
    To clarify, will Quayle from this mod join if Aerie dies in the circus quest? I want to ensure taking him is worthwhile to me.

    Does Quayle romance CHARNAME? If so, who?

  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
    Join Aerie during the original quest. Then, right after Kalah is gone and Quayle and Aerie are alive, a new quest will start, a short one. If Aerie falls during that new quest, during the fight that happens in the new area, you will be able to invite Quayle into the party. He ask you for a moment so he could calm down and arrange everything at the circus.

    Quayle comes with a friendship, he will talk to you in both SoA and ToB, comment on things etc. There is no romance included.
  • Chicken7023Chicken7023 Member Posts: 26
    Hello ! I'm trying out Quayle, and i'm down in Sahuagin City. Quayle's homunculus quest advanced to the point where the second homunculus has been summoned. But when i go down the stairs to the prince's lair, the homunculus stays blocked and can't pass the stairs. What can I do ? Thank you !
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
    Ah, I think it's the problem with the script. This is an old thing... I don't exactly remember how it works, but if he's to follow you into next area he just will when you transition to a new area. If that's what you are asking about.
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