Cleric/thief robe of vecna

Can an assassin>cleric or cleric/thief use ac bracers and robe of vecna? I vaguely remeber cleric/mage gained casting speed for both genres of casting so i assume the use any item for the vecna robe would also. Is the robes effects just increase casting speed or increase mage casting speed? Could a shadowkeepered avenger/thief get an increased casting speed?
Yes, you could give a cleric/thief the Avenger kit. It just wouldn't do anything, because that's not a valid cleric kit or thief kit; the character would be indistinguishable from a cleric/thief without a kit. (Because when a kit doesn't match a character's class, the game defaults to using the no-kit tables for that class.)
Wild mage just is a mage kit. The wild magic stuff is hardcoded to the kit ID, but other than that there's no real obstacle to a multiclass or dual-class wild mage. The only reason you can't dual from wild mage is a table that says you're not allowed; if you forced it, it would work just fine. And building a multiclass wild mage is as simple as assigning the kit to a multiclass and updating the spellbook (wild magic spells might not get assigned automatically, and the specialist boost to spell slots only updates when you level up),