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Cleric/thief robe of vecna

Can an assassin>cleric or cleric/thief use ac bracers and robe of vecna? I vaguely remeber cleric/mage gained casting speed for both genres of casting so i assume the use any item for the vecna robe would also. Is the robes effects just increase casting speed or increase mage casting speed? Could a shadowkeepered avenger/thief get an increased casting speed?


  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 741
    You can't make a multiclass druid / thief.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,941
    The robe is only usable by mages. If you want to use it on any class that isn't at least part mage, you need the "Use Any Item" high-level ability.
  • justreportingabugjustreportingabug Member Posts: 42
    You cant hack a druid/thief? Ive been on android for the past decade with no computer; i am rusty on shadowkeeper.i thought you could shadow keep any combo. Ok so it has nothing to do with class and will make any casting faster as long as its equipable. Story mode is the fastest i can playtest high lvl characters, i cant shadowkeep builds into existance. Thanks for the info.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,941
    Throwing in kits willy-nilly? Sure, that's easy. But classes are hardcoded, and doing anything outside the standard list is very hard. For a druid/thief, you basically have to hack either a cleric kit or a mage kit into casting druid spells and following the druid tables. At best, very hard. And some parts may not be possible at all.

    Yes, you could give a cleric/thief the Avenger kit. It just wouldn't do anything, because that's not a valid cleric kit or thief kit; the character would be indistinguishable from a cleric/thief without a kit. (Because when a kit doesn't match a character's class, the game defaults to using the no-kit tables for that class.)
  • justreportingabugjustreportingabug Member Posts: 42
    edited April 2024
    Oh so someone making a druid/monk/bard would have a nuclear mess of a time and probably would just not work? Ive seen others talking about odd combinations but really the only viable options are making say two specialist classes that are from origional multiclasses like making an enchanter/shadowdancer from the mage/thief pre set? I could just imagine me getting frustrated thinking it was a cakewalk making a shaman/barbarian and getting nowhere. Glad i wont have to waste hours if i ever borrow a computer to port a editied character to import to my game. Wild mage is an exception, no? Im assuming its coded off of the mage kit like other specialist mages so a fighter/wild mage wouldnt be too hard?
  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 741
    Oh so someone making a druid/monk/bard would have a nuclear mess of a time and probably would just not work?
    Not even possible to do.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,941
    Wild mage is an exception, no? Im assuming its coded off of the mage kit like other specialist mages so a fighter/wild mage wouldnt be too hard?

    Wild mage just is a mage kit. The wild magic stuff is hardcoded to the kit ID, but other than that there's no real obstacle to a multiclass or dual-class wild mage. The only reason you can't dual from wild mage is a table that says you're not allowed; if you forced it, it would work just fine. And building a multiclass wild mage is as simple as assigning the kit to a multiclass and updating the spellbook (wild magic spells might not get assigned automatically, and the specialist boost to spell slots only updates when you level up),
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