Fighter/Mage - Level caps at ToSC/SOA/TOB?

Hi, assuming the XP caps are unchanged in BGEE and BG2EE, I was wondering what levels a Fighter/Mage multi could feasibly reach (non-Solo) by the end of each of BG1 (TOSC limits)/SOA/TOB? Thanks
In TOSC the XP cap is 16100, so 80500 EXP per class = 7 fighter / 7 mage.
In TOB the cap is 8 million, so 4 million per class = 24 fighter / 20 Wizard.
I cant remember the SOA cap, I never played it without TOB.
So for the SOA part I would be between 7/7 and 13/13, and just trying to plan a F/M build for whole series and trying to figure where my levels would be in different parts