Highest AC Monster?

Trying to decide on which hated enemy my ranger will choose. I'm thinking I'll just pick the monster with the highest AC (or one of the highest). I couldn't find a list anywhere.
Which monsters have the top 5 highest AC?
How about BG2? I'm planning to take this guy through both games, so I may yet pick dragons or something. Which monsters have the top 5 highest AC in BG2?
Bonus question: Does a ranger only ever get 1 hated enemy?
Which monsters have the top 5 highest AC?
How about BG2? I'm planning to take this guy through both games, so I may yet pick dragons or something. Which monsters have the top 5 highest AC in BG2?
Bonus question: Does a ranger only ever get 1 hated enemy?
In BG2 dragons have the highest AC's .
Yep, gets only one!
Any idea which monster have high AC in BG1?
Trying to find a decent compromise between BG1 and BG2 if one exists. Otherwise I'm not sure which games I'll take the hated enemy for.
An archer with Dragon favored enemy rips through all the dragons in BG2, out of the rest Golems tend to be the most difficult.
Its a shame you cant pick sirenes, bassilisks or ghasts for BG1 though.
As for monsters, I would guess at doomguard, but I'm far from certain.
Ah, doomguards. I have so many unpleasant memories of those.
I think I'm going to just pick spiders and hope I can change my hated enemy in BG2, rather than try and pick one that'll be decent across both.
Spiders get an armor bonus vs. ranged weapons so the bonus helps.
Edit : Well, just checked their Effective Armor Classes on Near Infinity :
Invisible Stalker -3
Doom Sayer -2
Battle Horror -2
Doom Guard 0
Helmed Horror 0
Maaan, was I wrong O_O
1.) Adalon
2.) Firkraag
3.) the Shadowdragon
4.) Abazigal
5.) the dragon who guards Abazigal's chamber
6.) Draconis
7.) Saladrex
8.) the dragon in one of the challenges in Watcher's Keep
9.) the dragon in Hell
Edit: 10.) the dragon in Suldanesselar
11.) the second dragon in Hell (with SCS)
Therefore the monster with the lowest AC in the game would be me with -15
Buuuuut I'd like to have hated enemy be useful to me through some part of BG1 as well, so maybe undead or demon would make sense.
If the choice was in me, I'd pick Spiders for BG1 and once in BG2 I'd go with Vampires. Maybe I'm alone in this feeling. Sometimes AC doesn't matter as much as monster danger.
Besides, Dragons are easily hittable. Problem comes from their Magical Stoneskin which Breach cannot, well, breach. That is, unless you fix the bug :P
Drizzt doesnt go hostile on you unless you go hostile on him, therefore he is only defending himself from your attack. To him / his party, you are a monster