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DRM - Service vs Product

First, I very much like your work, from the idea and concept to the implementation.

For this reason I came here to support you by purchasing one copy, I know that your success with BGEE matters whether you will move forward with BG2 and beyond, so I am all for it. I own the original BG and its expansion, and while I do not expect to have the time to play BGEE anytime soon, I reasoned to add the enhanced digital edition to my personal archive.

Here is what put me off. I am an indie developer myself and we discussed extensively whether using DRM at all. My reasoning is typically this: if you can add a non-intrusive DRM that the users can validate on their own, it diminishes the value of the product only slightly. If you add a DRM that requires an action on your part, online activation for example, you technically change the nature of the product to a service that the user can only use with your consent. My position on this is that I am normally not prepared to pay more than $10 for a service of this kind unless it is exceptionally good.

If I understood correctly (please correct me if I am wrong) you did exactly this, you turned BGEE into a service that can only be used with your consent. I believe this will harm your success, because you are putting off people who would support you out of their goodwill, and I strongly urge you to reconsider this feature. After all Gabe Newell pointed frequently and rightly to abundant data that confirms that sales do not change after a crack is available, and the success of GOG tells its own story.


  • markthesharkmarktheshark Member Posts: 57
    Its not fair to blame Overhaul for what is minimally intrusive DRM. Wizards/Hasbro is more than a little protective of their copyright. There is zero chance they would have allowed BGEE to begin with without some sort of DRM.
  • Greenman019Greenman019 Member Posts: 206
    edited November 2012
    Ye the DRM is very light as Aosaw explained; Whilst DRM is pointless (Piracy will never be stopped unfortunately) Beamdog at least seem to understand this and know that DRM only harms legitimate customers, I think this is a decent compromise.
    Think Ubisoft and Assassin's Creed 2 PC, that was awful.

    P.S Good luck with the indie game development.
  • FrecheFreche Member Posts: 473
    Aosaw said:

    There's actually a thread in the Windows section here:

    The verification here only occurs at the time of installation, and whenever you update the game through the launcher. So it's about as unobtrusive as you can get without eliminating it altogether. After activating your installation, you never have to ping their servers again--not even if you want to play multiplayer.

    As long as I can still re-install if Beamdog happens to disappear I'm fine.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    They have suggested that, should the unthinkable happen, they will release a patch that removes the activation requirement.
  • ElofElof Member Posts: 42
    edited November 2012
    One-off online activation is nothing at all. Internet access is not hard to get so the only danger is that the authentication server gets taken off line (and in all likely hood a patch to remove the online activation would then be released).

    What else could they have done? A CD-key? And what happens when you lose it? With online activation you don't have to worry about keeping some key within reach. Just connect to the Internet.

    Everyone who complains about this activation "DRM" should go and get an Ubisoft game. That'll shut you up.
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    I have a box of CD keys. It's not fun. XD
  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455
    Elof said:

    One-off online activation is nothing at all. Internet access is not hard to get so the only danger is that the authentication server gets taken off line (and in all likely hood a patch to remove the online activation would then be released).

    Twitter said:

    16 Aug Trent Oster ‏@TrentOster

    If we ever go out of business we will patch the game and remove all DRM. From there you could copy it wherever you want.

  • ShadowdemonShadowdemon Member Posts: 80
    I can live with this level of DRM -- although none would be better. At least they didn't completely overreact and implement Diablo 3 style DRM forcing you to be online all of time and the second you loose contact with the server you are done!
  • KilivitzKilivitz Member Posts: 1,459
    edited November 2012
    I'd bet that without some sort of DRM, no contract would get signed by the IP holders. But you won't hear that from any Overhaul employee as they wouldn't want to badmouth said IP holders. It'd be a stupid move on their part, and just the fact that they got this license in the first place should tell that they're not fooling around when it comes to business.

    The DRM as it is will cause some inconveniences to certain people, that's for sure, but I'd rather have a BG:EE with that than no BG:EE any day of the week.
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    CONSIDER that you DOWNLOAD the game when you install it. Connecting to the internet to verify isn't a big deal. The issue crops up when you have the files on a flashdrive or something and go to install it somewhere else. But most people aren't going to be doing that. And if they are they probably just want to avoid downloading it over and over (especially if their connection is poor) so getting online to verify is still not an issue. The people I know without net at home usually have laptops they carry to get online at school or at the library or what have you. So again, still not really an issue.

    There are far worse DRM systems out there.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited November 2012

    I can live with this level of DRM -- although none would be better. At least they didn't completely overreact and implement Diablo 3 style DRM forcing you to be online all of time and the second you loose contact with the server you are done!

    If they had I think its safe to say a lot of people here would be like "yep, sorry guys its been a blast but I'm done."
  • AdventSignAdventSign Member Posts: 96
    Lol....this is far better than Diablo 3 regarding the DRM. I'm just happy they didn't pull that sort of stuff (and that their higher ups didn't either)
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