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If this is an indication of Overhauls capabilities and quality assurance stay the hell away from BG3



  • Space_hamsterSpace_hamster Member Posts: 950
    Guys, they did this on a shoestring budget. Give it a chance.
  • MordeusMordeus Member Posts: 460

    Honest question here: do you think they will be willing to patch it? I still believe it can work out but it will require lots of patching. Do you think it will work out or no?

    It's the developer's intention to regularly patch the game and support it in the future with downloadable content as per customer feedback. Major changes to the interface and most of the original graphics will be off the table because it would require rebuilding the game from the ground up. But gameplay bugs, scripting bugs, interface bugs, etc... will most definitely be patched.

    It's just a matter of time for the team to tackle each one by process of elimination. Atm they are consumed with getting the other three platforms up and running. But the development team are aware of the problems that users have submitted to them.

    Expect things to be different a week or month down the track. Things aren't going to stay as is.
  • theJoshFrosttheJoshFrost Member Posts: 171
    CRYocore indeed.
  • AdventSignAdventSign Member Posts: 96
    Mordeus said:

    Honest question here: do you think they will be willing to patch it? I still believe it can work out but it will require lots of patching. Do you think it will work out or no?

    It's the developer's intention to regularly patch the game and support it in the future with downloadable content as per customer feedback. Major changes to the interface and most of the original graphics will be off the table because it would require rebuilding the game from the ground up. But gameplay bugs, scripting bugs, interface bugs, etc... will most definitely be patched.

    It's just a matter of time for the team to tackle each one by process of elimination. Atm they are consumed with getting the other three platforms up and running. But the development team are aware of the problems that users have submitted to them.

    Expect things to be different a week or month down the track. Things aren't going to stay as is.
    Ah well if I wanted the original it is on the other website for download...they had to do something different I guess. I haven't given up on Overhaul at all and I probably won't for sometime...after all they are the first studio to actually attempt to "enhance" Baldur's Gate and bring it back again. No matter how it turns out, I don't really feel like I wasted my money (unlike Diablo III but that's a whole other topic altogether...)
  • MessiMessi Member Posts: 738
    Mordeus said:

    Honest question here: do you think they will be willing to patch it? I still believe it can work out but it will require lots of patching. Do you think it will work out or no?

    It's the developer's intention to regularly patch the game and support it in the future with downloadable content as per customer feedback. Major changes to the interface and most of the original graphics will be off the table because it would require rebuilding the game from the ground up. But gameplay bugs, scripting bugs, interface bugs, etc... will most definitely be patched.

    It's just a matter of time for the team to tackle each one by process of elimination. Atm they are consumed with getting the other three platforms up and running. But the development team are aware of the problems that users have submitted to them.

    Expect things to be different a week or month down the track. Things aren't going to stay as is.

    Maybe they should concern themself with getting ONE platform running properly first. No wonder the other releases got delayed because this piece of poop would never pass any kind of real QA. Only reason the PC version is out because there is no-one telling them it isn't working like is the case with other platforms.
  • tarasistarasis Member Posts: 20
    Oh this is all disappointing to hear. I had high hopes for this, I will wait to see how the iOS version is.
  • AdventSignAdventSign Member Posts: 96
    That is true as well although I don't think its REALLY bad. It was either a hit or miss to release it on multiple platforms at a similar time depending on if everything went perfectly with the PC. Unfortunately it didn't. Nothing that can be done about it now :(
  • jlkawaiijlkawaii Member Posts: 33
    tarasis said:

    Oh this is all disappointing to hear. I had high hopes for this, I will wait to see how the iOS version is.

    when i heard about the iOS version in FIRST launch, and not an after, i was in doubt with a quality pc version... All the game i've seen launch at more that PC plateform don't privilege it and by consequence have faulty UI, breaking bugs, ....
    i was hoping that beamdog/overhaul wouldn't follow this road, but once more i'm disapointed...
  • ratoaratoa Member Posts: 15
    what game doesn't have bugs at release? go back a few years and try to play Oblivion or Fallout 3 at release date......There is no way you will know how the game is going to run on so many configuration till you release to the masses, even with a game that has been done for many years with their new Enhancements, no wonder developers do games for Consoles and Tablets now days, and why bi..and moan so much? like you never been a PC gamer the last 15 years, WE know there are going to be problems, let them fix it shall we?
  • IshmarilIshmaril Member Posts: 10
    I think the initial post is a very harsh and cruel comment, i see your point, but i think the game is still pretty decent as it is right now.
  • raywindraywind Member Posts: 289
    Only game i know of that didnt have any bugs on launch is super mario bros. This company bashing is just pointless shit. 20$ isnt that much. UI looks good to me. Journal is way better than it were before. Some enhancements are rather pointless to me like that zoom feature but i dont bash the company for putting it in. As long as i can play bg without 20hours of finding mods 20hours of reading installation instructions and 20hours of installing the mobs im happy.
  • Space_hamsterSpace_hamster Member Posts: 950
    Even the original BG had patches. ;)
  • MessiMessi Member Posts: 738

    Even the original BG had patches. ;)

    I got the original BG as soon as I could and never encountered any problems anywhere near this level so let's not go there.
  • Space_hamsterSpace_hamster Member Posts: 950
    Messi said:

    Even the original BG had patches. ;)

    I got the original BG as soon as I could and never encountered any problems anywhere near this level so let's not go there.
    Well, I first played BG on my iMac and had to wait a good year for a dev company to port it over from the PC. So, at least now, we are getting multi-platform release, but it obviously comes with a cost.
  • cryocorecryocore Member Posts: 121
    Complaining ≠ Whining
    Disappointment ≠ Entitlement

    I expected a quality release. We got a crap one. The most obvious "enhancement" the movies are sub par and look like low grade animations from old budget titles.

    I like the gfx... mainly due to the fact they are the original gfx and I have always liked them.
    The frame lock is daft as it affects how the NPCs and Monster react and move. The path finding and AI updating is also locked and well below where I would set in it the original release.
    The "enhanced" engine is laggy and buggy
    Various scripting errors are obvious to within the first 30 mins.
    UI scales but is low res and cant be scaled independently of resolution
    Resolution is locked at desktop resolution. Something that even the original wasnt restricted to.

    All in all considering the time in development, the delays, and the promises made this is a failure. IT may work for a lot of people and thats great. It doesnt work for a lot of others and that in unacceptable.

    As someone who has played BG1 and BG2 literally dozens of times each the changes they have made to scripting and AI is obvious and reduces the quality of the core game.

    They enhanced the game to the point of making the core game demonstrably inferior to the original.

    I have NEVER had a CTD with Vanilla BG, and even my uber modded tutu crashed less than this and was actually a lot more responsive and just plain better.

    The ONLY good thing I can see here is the zoom function which I am very pleased with. Shame they screwed up almost everything else.

    I dont see this buggy lacklustre release gaining them a following and as a result the chances of them reviving the franchise is thankfully very slim, and they had better keep their hack hands off Planescape: Torment.

  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    Ok. Let's skip the part about hour and half delay, which kind of destroyed my plans for the afternoon. What happened next was even better. Five fucking hours of downloading 100 mb with downloader crashing over and over. And when I finally downloaded the damn thing, when trying to play, it either doesn't work (play by beamdog client) or BG:EE launcher opens and trying to make me download goddamn thing ONCE again from SCRATCH. For what fucking reason was pre-loading and pre-ordering, when it's so useless?!

    Overhaul couldn't make game in time. That's one. Judging from many recent topics, it released buggy game in spite 2 and half months delay, which supposed to be for bugfix. That's two. Unable to prepare properly for game launch. That's three. And finally, having no abillity to ever make BG3. That's final.

    Sorry Overhaul, but do not expect positvity from customer you're screwing up with.
  • AK47AK47 Member Posts: 28
    Is this game really worth 20$ ?
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    For me it's worthless right now.
  • raywindraywind Member Posts: 289
    i would pay that 20$ instantly for it or even for the original if i didnt have it allready.
  • AmityAmity Member Posts: 6
    You're better off just playing with mods.
  • raywindraywind Member Posts: 289
    Yes you are correct on the fact that you are better off with mods if you want to use few days to install them and then uninstall and install them again after discovering you need to put them on in precise order not to screw things up.
  • drawnacroldrawnacrol Member Posts: 253
    As much as I was anticipating this game and counting down the days I'm going to sit this one out until January/February when most of these bugs will hopefully be fixed. I am on a mac so I don't really have a choice anyway to sit and wait for a few weeks.
  • xxxsmb1987xxxxxxsmb1987xxx Member Posts: 280
    Only thing that bugged me was the blurry text and that was just with my graphics settings after that everything works well for me luckily which usually isnt the case. Neera is kinda of fast lol but its umm interesting?
  • RyzakRyzak Member Posts: 3
    I'm afraid I have to agree with the OP. I've played BGEE enough now to have a grasp of the quality of the studio's work, and to know that I have no interest in supporting this studio at all. I hope they stay far, far away from the rest of the series. Frankly, it would be best if no more "Enhanced Editions" were attempted.
  • WinterRoadWinterRoad Member Posts: 3
    I hate to say it, but I have to agree with OP. This game has just been a major grief for me so far. The new cinematics give the game a cartoony feel. The video options are nil, just fullscreen or windowed. Instead of exploring a classic game and stumbling upon new content, I find the only thing I stumble upon are bugs. The only redeeming quality I've found that free mods cannot do better is the voice acting for the new NPCs. At least the wildmage, is quite satisfactory and fits nicely with the rest of the game. Other than that, this Enhanced Edition has been grossly unprofessional.
  • HooHoo Member Posts: 128
  • drsahldrsahl Member Posts: 65
    cryocore said:

    Im sorry so your lack of issues. It doesn mean they dont exist for anyone else. Look at the multiple threads stating the issues and the dozens of people who cant even get it to run.
    Get a grip.

    Win7 64
    i7 2600k
    16 Gigs DD3

    I think my GF's rig is more than capable of running this except it runs like crap.

    I have almost identical setup! it runs like a charm here and I didnt encounter any bugs yet at all... there will always be minor problems for pc releases (since we all have so many different systems) but for me this is just what I expected and its so good that I lost track of time last night playing the game..

    So there is nothing to criticize ? ofc there is! stuff can always be better! but atleast for me and alot of others (if you count polls on the forum) the game is exactly what we expected and runs without issue!

    I would also like to state that the vast majority that have fun with the game are less prone to visit the forum and complain! so its a good sign that half that people in pulls love the game :)
  • drsahldrsahl Member Posts: 65
    AK47 said:

    Is this game really worth 20$ ?

    I already played BGEE more than I did with alot of modern games.. those games are usually 50-60$
    So short answer yes!! its worth it! the fact that I now play BG again after so many years and have so much fun that I lost track of time make it worth alot in terms of "cost/benefit" for me
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