Will the trolls leave any time soon?

in Off-Topic
This forum was previously my favorite forum on the web. Every body was respectful, creative, and offered various opinions on what they expected from the game and just general interesting discussions. I rarely even saw a swear word, even though to my knowledge there's no repercussions for swearing on this forum.
Though since the release of the game, the forum has been plagued with trolls and idiots. I understand the game does not work properly in it's current state for every one. Though, to be honest, I can't think of ANY PC game that works properly for every one on release but regardless, I get it.
That doesn't give these people license to be douches.
Beamdog has a support e-mail, I believe its support@beamdog.com. If you want your money back, e-mail them and cry about it and maybe something will get done. Stop pestering the forum.
Will the trolls ever leave or are they stuck here now?
Though since the release of the game, the forum has been plagued with trolls and idiots. I understand the game does not work properly in it's current state for every one. Though, to be honest, I can't think of ANY PC game that works properly for every one on release but regardless, I get it.
That doesn't give these people license to be douches.
Beamdog has a support e-mail, I believe its support@beamdog.com. If you want your money back, e-mail them and cry about it and maybe something will get done. Stop pestering the forum.
Will the trolls ever leave or are they stuck here now?
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Ignore anyone you find annoying and move on. The forum will balance out, or it won't. Making "Damn those trolls!" threads isn't improving the atmosphere either.
Honestly, this kind of thing is expected. Those happy with the game are less likely to be vocal about it on the forums because we're content. Takes someone being pissy to really get worked up enough to make a thread about their opinions on it.
From what I've seen, there hasn't even been too many here. I've only spotted one or two.
The same -- and worse -- goes for Reddit. At least people on 4chan can truly be clever once in a while like you say, but Reddit is just a hive mind. It's actually quite disturbing to me.
Btw good post @Kitteh_On_A_Cloud well said
And a lot of people feel strongly about BG, simple as that. Some do so much that the problems with the game, minor or major, are overblown to epic proportions in their minds. Plus, now that BG moved into the modern market from it's hallowed fourteen-year-old podium in the closet, it met with the new kind of gamer, one that trolls as much as he plays. It's evolution, baby.
Nothing compared to this forum of course, BGEE is not a fatally flawed product, just one that needs a bit more polishing and TLC.
There are so many operating systems, video cards, CPUs, etc. for programmers to worry about when they release a product. It's inevitable a lot of weird issues that couldn't be tested for will crop up. I wish the mass market would understand this and instead of "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE SMASH" they'd calmly post they're having problems and instead of preaching fire and brimstone, they calmly request their money back if they feel the product is unsatisfactory.
I've bought things in person that didn't work, and when I went back to return it to the store, you'd be surprised how helpful people will be if you remain calm and don't attack them.
But, you know, leave it to me to have good advice buried deep into a thread where anyone it'll actually help won't ever see it.
I would imagine if your desire is to wreck havoc and contention this would be magnified sevenfold. But unfortunately the reason why trolling is so prevalent is because trolling in itself attacks the things we hold dear, are passionate about, and like to discuss with others of like minds. And that interest is a target. And for some reason many of us cannot comprehend someone going out of their way to besmirch what we hold so dear. And so we react to it. And that reaction, like any chain reaction, can cause more problems than Neera's wacked out spellweaving.
I truly think that Atlantis failed because of trolling. They were the pinnacle of success...and then someone started trolling...and they sank into the sea.
Seriously if you think someone is trolling just do not answer. Send a PM to a moderator and let it be dealt with by the Omnipresent Authority Figure wielding the Flaming BanHammer +6
Also when you find a good or interesting thread, bookmark it or it'll be lost in the smoke.
People are angry with all the bugs (minor or major), especially those who can't even get the game running. Also, why would Beamdog take out voice overs? (eg. Bassillus' Oh Brother Thurm..') I really don't understand that decision.
At the very least, it should be better than vanilla BG1 with no cut original content. If they cut content, then they should replace it with something better. Hence, 'enhanced'. At the moment, even Vanilla BG1 is better in some respects than BGEE which is baffling.
So no, people being angry aren't necessarily trolls. Unfortunately, Beamdog have dropped the ball on this one.
I'm a big fan of the Total War games. Fantastic games, but you're lucky if you get some of those games to run optimally EVER, especially not on release.
And I saw obnoxiously hateful threads on the day of release. Within like 3 hours of the game going up, there were people saying Beamdog sucks and the game sucks. That's stupid behavior.
Also, it probably wasn't a "decision" to cut some of the voice work. Maybe the original voice actor didn't want it in, or the file was lost or corrupt. It could have been any number of issues.
I can name a lot of games. All the goldbox games worked on PC on release. Same with Archon Ultra. Similar with Microsoft Golf 3.0 and Links LS 1998.
Again, take it in context. If you bought a game that was supposed to be enhanced and the previous version works on your computer and this version doesn't, then wouldn't some people be angry? Whether it's stupid behaviour or not, who are you to criticise other people?
And what is the purpose of this thread anyway? It's arguably a troll thread in itself. No need for speculation and excuses as it doesn't mean anything. As far as the game goes, it's cut original content. Unless Beamdog come out and say what has happened to the voice overs with Bassillus and others, then it will always be regarded as cut content.