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I've recently acquired a Nexus 10 and the thought of playing Baldur's Gate on it is almost too much! I have fond memories from many many years ago of being chased round and round a cart by an ogre (I think it was) and every so often managing to fire off an arrow until it eventually died. Happy times :)

Just thought I'd post this so the devs know there's another android user out there looking forward to the release. I know I could buy it for PC but for this game I think a tablet has to be perfect.

My partner will sigh with deep despair when she sees BG on our nexus lol! :)


  • plattingplatting Member Posts: 1
    @kyorei, Isn't it? I'm SUPER excited to play this on my N10.
  • SouthpawSouthpaw Member Posts: 2,026
    well...iPad version got out today (ppl. are already happy playing it), MacOS version is in the approval process, which means...

    it's our turn!
    Devs were so far quite quick to fix issues with the PC and iPad version and as far as I know, 95% of the code is the same, rest is plattform-specific. Hopefully it will be only a matter of couple of days.
  • AristilliusAristillius Member Posts: 873
    Does anyone know how long google apps take to approve? I know Googleplay is less nitpicky than Itunes, but...
  • smartroadsmartroad Member Posts: 47
    Please before the 18th :D Wanna have it for my longhaul flight!
  • cajuntechiecajuntechie Member Posts: 1
    I have a Nexus 10 and have a few games that have issues with the upscaling - let's hope we don't run into that problem!
  • MystraTheMageMystraTheMage Member Posts: 71
    I'm also excited. Can't wait to buy it and install on my Galaxy Note 2.
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