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Playing evil

misharsenalmisharsenal Member Posts: 30
edited December 2012 in New Players (NO SPOILERS!)
If I play evil (not supervillain style) but moderately so - will it affect the game negatively in terms of missed quest and experiences? Also considering Bgee2 - thanks


  • Wikkid_SuhnWikkid_Suhn Member Posts: 136
    Is it not under the paladin subset?
  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416
    I find that evil quest options tend to work better in BG2 than in BG1. In BG2, finishing a quest in an evil way often gets you paid well by a rich, immoral benefactor, or perhaps you get to loot some powerful items off of a good person. I'm currently doing my first ever evil BG1 run, and I'm finding that evil options often don't pay well. For example, I just bumped into a disagreement between a dryad and two foresters. Killing the foresters got me some experience, a few good items, and a reputation point. Killing the dryad simply lost me 4 reputation.

    I'm not chaotic evil, so in BG1 more often than not I'm still fulfilling the "good" requirements for quests to get better rewards. Just because I'm evil doesn't mean I need to be poor and universally despised, right?
  • GloktaGlokta Member Posts: 97
    Currently i'm playing my game in a mostly evil way, meaning "if it benefits me, i'll do it" kind of evil :)
    I always thought i usually played the classic "good guy" characher, but when i acctually put some thought into it, it turns out i always played the slightly more evil "if it serves me, ill backstab you" kind of character.. scary stuff.. :p

    But in general, i think i agree with Madhax, unless you are rp'ing a "Chaotic evil", "over the top evil" character, doing a "good" deed because the reward is better seems like a acceptable way to go.
    I mean.. you are evil, but even evil persons might do a good deed if it benefits them (unless they are through and through sadistic persons....) :p

    In the end i think you should not worry to much about the loss of quests/rewards when it comes to these questions, rather stay true to what "your character thinks", if you truely like these kind of games, you will want to playthrough it more then once and in the end try evry possible way - like many of us on this board most likely have, both modded and "classic" ;-)
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    edited December 2012
    What you're describing is called Stupid Evil. Chaotic evil is just all about me attitudes and won't hesitate to abandon or turn against allies or employers if the reward is better, it's basically just like neutral evil, except 10x more likely to backstab you if the reward for doing so is big enough. Hell...BG1 actually shows you how a non-stupid chaotic evil should be played.

    The game fails to take into account for motivations for why you did what you did. It's very possible to do the right thing, but for all the wrong reasons. It's actually acceptable that your reputation goes up (Villains with good publicity and all) but it's unacceptable that your evil teammates would leave just because of a high rep...they should be looking at the boatloads of money, magical items, and prestige doing said deeds gave, and the complete lack or greatly reduced gains that would've probably resulted had you not. Except for probably Shar-teel and Faldorn (who isn't evil only because of BG makes druids be true neutral, there's no such rule in PnP, I've checked both the 2nd ed players handbook and dungeon master's guide several times and there's no mention at all of such a restriction) i can't think of any evil party members that wouldn't be reason enough to go along with you having a steller rep (Hell Edwin, Viconia and Eldoth would be eating it up, and Kagain doesn't care as long as there's boatloads of money, and Tiax could be easily talked into go along with it, since he's luring them into a false sense of security before claiming his rightful place as ruler of the world).
  • misharsenalmisharsenal Member Posts: 30
    I have the following stats:

    Are these good enough to proceed with, or should I reroll. Playing Tutorial now, so can change before main game I guess if needed
  • misharsenalmisharsenal Member Posts: 30
    Forgot to mention, I'm a Human Blackguard with a lawfully evil demeanour
  • JoeWalkerJoeWalker Member Posts: 75
    @misharsenal - Awesome stats
  • misharsenalmisharsenal Member Posts: 30
    edited December 2012


    This has changed - I posted in another thread that my saved game vanished - how do I load a game? I half played the tutorial, saved, it confirmed, and then when i loaded up today it wasn't there

    here are my new stats

    I'm scared my intel and wisdom are too low, but I heard it makes no difference for a blackguard, but it just feels really low and I feel i'll miss out - rational?
  • JoeWalkerJoeWalker Member Posts: 75
    @misharsenal it makes no difference having low int. and wis. as far as I know

    Must be evil.
    Immune to level drain and fear.
    Can specialize in any weapon (2 slots)
    Can use any armor, wear any armor
    Absorb Health (Level 1) ability to heal self quickly: Absorbs 2hp from enemy per level of Blackguard. Save vs Magic.
    Can Turn Undead (Rebuke) as Paladin of same level.
    Can use poison weapon 1x every 5 levels.
    Can use Aura of Despair. Once per day ability that varies with level: 2nd: Gives enemies -1 to hit, -1 to damage, +2 AC 6th: Gives enemies -2 to hit, -2 to damage, +2 to AC 15th: Gives enemies -4 to hit, -4 to damage, +4 to AC, causes Fear in enemies level 8 or below. 20th: Gives enemies -4 to hit, -4 to damage, +4 to AC, causes Fear in enemies level 18 or below.

    This is a brief rundown of the blackguard I foudn in the forums - you've probably already seen it but jsut in case you haven't here it is
  • Time4TiddyTime4Tiddy Member Posts: 262
    The danger of a low intelligence comes in BG2, when you fight mind flayers. When they hit you, you lose 5 Int (they flay your mind after all). If you Int drops to 0, you die. I see a lot of suggestions for an 11 intelligence to allow 2 hits by mind flayer, especially if you are melee/tank. I do not know if blackguard have any special protection from mind flayer.
  • toshirotoshiro Member Posts: 113
    Only when it come to rewards or options in talk that has the most affect, most members of your party won't complain to much as long as stays above 3 and same thing goes for viconia she leaves if you over 17
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited December 2012
    toshiro said:

    Only when it come to rewards or options in talk that has the most affect, most members of your party won't complain to much as long as stays above 3 and same thing goes for viconia she leaves if you over 17

    I've found actually that evil party members will complain even if your reputation goes from being 1 to 2. It really is a little silly that they'd even say anything.
    Post edited by elminster on
  • FatalFatal Member Posts: 54
    edited December 2012



    This has changed - I posted in another thread that my saved game vanished - how do I load a game? I half played the tutorial, saved, it confirmed, and then when i loaded up today it wasn't there

    here are my new stats

    I'm scared my intel and wisdom are too low, but I heard it makes no difference for a blackguard, but it just feels really low and I feel i'll miss out - rational?

    Your not missing out in anything really. Those are awesome stats! If your roleplaying that character though? He is really STRONG, very quick too. Also hard to take down. If male? He is very handsome. If female? She is very attractive.
    But he is as dumb as a peanut and well he has no common sense so he is pretty mindless =P

    That's pretty much sum up your stats =P

    This is my blackguard
  • Generally speaking, as Madhax says, the "good" method of doing quests gets you a much better reward. On the other hand, there are several places in the game where you can get good stuff by murdering an innocent. On my current Evil playthrough I've been bouncing between Rep 6 and about Rep 9. Staying above 5 keeps you from being an automatic target for guards, being under 10 gets you some evil rewards. When Rep gets too low, I do some good deeds to let everyone think I'm misunderstood. When Rep gets too high, I kill someone to let people know to fear me.
  • misharsenalmisharsenal Member Posts: 30
    @kaigen - that sounds like a good way to go about it!

    @fatal thanks! I just figured i need to max my important stats and I'm a first time player, and playing on a higher difficulty, I needed to sacrifice some roleplaying reality for stats. As the engine and system is old, intelligence and wisdom don't affect my convo options, unlike modern rpgs, so I thought why have them at all?

    Also, am I correct in assuming these stats cannot be improved without items?

    This is the character I will be moving onto BGEE 2 Amn so does wisdom and intelligence matter there? Or pretty much same as BG1?

    I can't put this game down!!! Last night I started after dinner at about 10, and when I stopped playing, I realized it was 5 am!
  • misharsenalmisharsenal Member Posts: 30
    That's (12 hour/ 14 hour play sessions with no concept of time passing) happened with modern rpgs, but I didn't think such an old game would pull me in like it did, even though I had my suspicions there was something special about it....
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    edited December 2012
    There's several books in the first game that permanently increase a stat by 1 (1 for each stat except wisdom, which as 3). And in the sequel, there's a few places to gain some more stats from various sources (especially if you're evil).

    At the end of the series (well..technically SoA, if you do the side area early), if you got them all you'd have ....24/20/21/5/9/20 base stats (though at one point you lose 1 point of a stat of your choice...)
  • misharsenalmisharsenal Member Posts: 30
    @ZanathKariashi thanks!
  • misharsenalmisharsenal Member Posts: 30

    I had another question for you

    I think I'm gonna rebuild my character a sorceror or multi (fighter/mage) = I'm thinking this because people tell me as I move this character onto BG2, a fighter is pretty useless. I'm a complete newbie to BG, but a long time RPG fan

    I like the less complex (learning spells by level and set amounts of casts vs resting and learning)

    1. Do you think its okay to take a pure fighter build over the course of both BG's?

    2. Is a sorceror build recommended? I'm more interested in the experience of playing and the story rather than combat? Also, for a great sorceror build, what stats do you recommend?

    3. Are the cooler and must have items better for sorcerers or for fighters over the course of both game?

    Considering I'm playing evil (lawful), and the devious party members are the ones I'll probably prefer to keep, what build is best?

  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416
    It's okay to take a pure fighter, but I find them extremely boring. Until ToB, the only thing your fighter would be able to do other than attack stuff are the few special abilities the PC gains throughout BG1. They're quite boring, in other words.

    Sorcerers are quite powerful, and you can't go wrong with them. The only downside if you're new to BG is that if you choose the wrong spells to learn with them, you're stuck. Having the foreknowledge of beating the game under your belt makes a sorcerer much more effective.

    Sorcerers don't require any stat to boost their spellcasting, so you don't need high intelligence, wisdom, or charisma. You'll probably want 16 con for maximum health per level, as much dexterity as you can get for better AC, and enough strength to carry stuff. Wisdom would only come in handy if you intend to take the character into BG2 and learn the Wish spells. Charisma is good to have for interactions with NPCs if you have extra stats to use.

    I can't think of any specifically sorcerer- or fighter-only items, but there are probably a few.
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    A pure fighter if fine, though until they start getting epic abilities, any flashy extras will come from your gear. Fighters aren't really useless per say, they're just very front loaded, and baring their HLA, get almost all of their benefit by lvl 9 (just missing a 1/2 attack from 13). This lends them well to dual or multi-classing, since they don't really lose any thing, and lvl hitting level 10 for any other class is actually quite painless so there's literally no loss for doing so. (Gives their full hitdice, potential for GM in a single weapon type with enough points for ** in two weapon style, or two-handed weapon style (dual-wielding is recommended though, since it combines well with improved haste, where as two-handed REALLY needs GWW to compete).

    This however, only applies to wizard slayers (which should never be played unless you're EXTREMELY bored) and plain fighters. Berserker's and Kensai, ESPECIALLY the kensai, gain futher benefits from continued advancement. The overpowered kit ability of the berserker allows them to pretty much ignore most status effects, for a modest damage increase, while the kensai hits harder and faster, and gains further uses of their ability to maximize damage rolls for a round and a half (combines VERY well with improved haste from items or a mage). And the further you get in game the less armor class matters as the enemies have enough thac0 to hit all but the most ridiculously min/maxed AC builds (the little bit you'd have from items/class/dex is sufficient for filtering out mook attacks).
  • ToxicToxic Member Posts: 30
    The Soul Reaver is one weapon that comes to mind for an evil fighter. That is in BG2 sadly though 8(
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    It's kind of bland ability-wise though, reasonably powerful especially if you have a lot of attacks, but bland. The background history is pretty neat though.
  • misharsenalmisharsenal Member Posts: 30

    What weapon profficencies are good for an evil character? What would be recommended?

    2 handed, dual weapons, katanas, longswords, maces, clubs

    Ive always liked maces in rpgs, are there good ones in BG1 and 2? what's the most effective?

    Sorry for the questions, making a character that will last me 2 games and 150 hours, so need to be prepared.

    I'm more of a play-through a game once, but fully and completely type

    I like the idea of kensai mage with switching to mage at level 9 - but I guess I wont be able to change until bg 2, and i'll be really weak as level 3-6 mage near the end of bg1 - am i correct?

  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416
    In BG1, I'd recommend longswords. There's never any shortage of them. Conversely, I think there's only one enchanted katana in the game, and there are hardly any enchanted clubs or shortswords at all from what I've seen. In BG2, while longswords still tend to be the most common, there is much more variety in weapon selection and you usually can't go wrong.

    I wouldn't recommend dual-classing without the possibility to reactivate your previous class in BG1 to anyone, especially not to a new player such as yourself. The last chapter of BG1 is quite difficult even with a normally-powered party, and gimping your main character is asking for a headache. If you want to play a kensai9->Mage, I think it would work to simply stop leveling up at 9 and dual-class after you import into BG2, though you'd waste the excess xp that you had gained after level 9. You could also consider just playing BG1 as a straight-up Kensai and dualling over at level 12 or 13 in BG2.
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    edited December 2012
    You can't reach level 9 Kensai in BG1. And any excess experience is lost when you dual (if you had 200,000 xp above what was required to be lvl 9, it goes poof when you dual). Your 2nd class always starts at lvl 1, 0 xp, no matter how much you had saved up on the prior to dual-classing.
  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416

    You can't reach level 9 Kensai in BG1. And any excess experience is lost when you dual (if you had 200,000 xp above what was required to be lvl 9, it goes poof when you dual). Your 2nd class always starts at lvl 1, 0 xp, no matter how much you had saved up on the prior to dual-classing.

    Blah, misread the xp tables. Level 8 fighter is the max, sorry about that. That's what I get for neglecting sleep =\

    I'm aware that extra xp is wasted upon dualing. Let's assume that the OP wants to dual out of Kensai at level 8, just as an example. Since it would be impossible to regain kensai levels within BG1, I would recommend instead to hold off at level 8 Kensai through the end of the game, then dual upon beginning BG2 and accept the wasted xp points. The alternative would conserve some xp, but would force the PC to play as a low-level mage for the final battle of BG1, which I wouldn't recommend.

    Of course, that line of thought is totally moot, since level 8 for a kensai isn't a "sweet spot". The OP should either dual at seven, or play through BG1 as a Kensai and dual later in BG2.
  • As Madhax points out, there's no shortage of long swords in the game, and you start getting magical ones early, so that's always a viable option. There are a couple of magical clubs in the game, but they're currently bugged and won't affect creatures immune to normal weapons, so I'd stay away from those for now. There is a rather good mace in BG1 now called "The Stupefier" and some decent options in BG2, but you can do much better with Fighter weapon proficiencies. If you wanted a two-handed weapon, there are some excellent quarterstaves in all of the games, and two-handed swords are always a safe bet. Bastard Swords might not be a bad idea either, as there are certain sections of BG1 where some particular bastard swords are very useful, and hardly any NPC's can use them. Plus, there are some pretty good bastard swords in BG2 and TOB.
  • raywindraywind Member Posts: 289
    you might be able to make 7lvl kensai (i prefer berserker) then dual to mage and get to lvl8 mage and get abilities back. fighter needs 64k exp for lvl7 and mage 90k for lvl8
  • raywindraywind Member Posts: 289
    forgot to add that why bother dualing when there is blade kit available
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