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Fighter / Mage / Cleric most underused Multiclass!

I gotta have to say its a pain to level up 3 classes at once but it worth it if you can do it and i would say its pretty powerful in the long run when BG2 EE comes out, and its very under used as most would go for F/M/T more often.

Have your say.


  • Markus_ZhangMarkus_Zhang Member Posts: 13

    IMO, almost any multiclass becomes a hassle as you progress through BG2, because it becomes increasingly harder to get enough XP to level up each class.

    I get frustrated enough waiting for a 2-class multi char to level up - I can't imagine what waiting for a 3-class one would feel like.

    But FMT is extrememly powerful. FC is not bad, not sure about MT though.

  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    edited December 2012
    I like multiclass mages for the utility spells. You don't get enough spell slots for 1 mage to have all the damage + utility spells you need, so I use a multiclass fighter/mage to fill that void.

    Fighter/mage/cleric is nice as you can use mage or cleric armor spells, cleric summoned weapons, but still have decent HP, THAC0, and proficiencies from the fighter.
  • badbromancebadbromance Member Posts: 238
    I would have to have a 4 party maximum if I used a 3 class multi for my sanity...
  • DaelricDaelric Member Posts: 266
    My only character that I imported through the entire BG series so far was an elven cleric/ranger... He was so nasty with his bow TRY gettin a spell off! Go on, TRY IT! lol
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    Daelric said:

    My only character that I imported through the entire BG series so far was an elven cleric/ranger... He was so nasty with his bow TRY gettin a spell off! Go on, TRY IT! lol

    Cleric/Rangers use bow how?
  • DaelricDaelric Member Posts: 266
    Hmm... well I promise you in the original my cleric/ranger used a bow, also I'm pretty sure he was an elf not half elf, if someone would like to clarify this?

    I know I did this, they musta changed it cuz I remember correctly even though it was 11 years ago.
  • DaelricDaelric Member Posts: 266
    In fact, I remember absolutely he was a cleric/ranger and used a bow so they must have changed it or update the rules or something.

    I remember he was Leofric, an all blue elf, cleric/ranger who used bow. This is fact, no noob is gunna tell me otherwise.
  • RedrakeRedrake Member Posts: 426
    Maybe you used some sort of mod. But I can assure you, a cleric/ranger cannot use anything other than blunt weapons and slings in 2E.

    Anyway, back on topic, a FMC is very difficult to build. Basically you need high STR, CON, INT and WIS. Not to mention high DEX if you plan on using robes or giving him/her a ranged weapon. In the end the character is going to be jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none.
  • MordeusMordeus Member Posts: 460
    I only use those three way multiclasses for solo runs. They are just a pain if you have a party of like Jaheira, Tiax, Quayle leeching your exp.

    I'm really not a fan of Mage/Clerics either. I acknowledge that they have quite alot of spells to use but there's something about mixing wizard and divine spells that feels wrong to me.

    My preferred multiclasses are Ranger/Cleric and Cleric/Thief because they feel like unique classes almost like a Shaman and Support Monk. F/M/Cs are like one giant kitchen sink.
  • NazadNazad Member Posts: 55
    Fighter 13/Mage13/Cleric 13 gets a lot of attacks with improved haste, which you combine with holy power and righteous might. It takes forever to get there, though.
  • lockmundlockmund Member Posts: 354
    Redrake said:

    Anyway, back on topic, a FMC is very difficult to build. Basically you need high STR, CON, INT and WIS. Not to mention high DEX if you plan on using robes or giving him/her a ranged weapon. In the end the character is going to be jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none.

    You don't need high STR, starting out with 12 should be fine.
    You don't need high CON, 13 + tome + DoHM is fine.
    You don't need super INT, 15 + tome will cover your needs.
    You should have high WIS, but in BG1 I reckon 14 + 3 tomes is enough.

  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    lockmund said:

    You don't need super INT, 15 + tome will cover your needs.

    If you want to have a truly powerful mage (and especially one that will remain powerful through BG2), you should have Int. of at least 17 IMO.
  • MechaliburMechalibur Member Posts: 265
    Eh, people keep saying it's worth it in the long run, but honestly I think the most difficult part of the game is the begining. Careful spell selection can make nearly any BG2 encounter trivial once your mage is a high enough level (which will happen a lot sooner if it's a single class mage...)
  • DaelricDaelric Member Posts: 266
    Redrake said:

    Maybe you used some sort of mod. But I can assure you, a cleric/ranger cannot use anything other than blunt weapons and slings in 2E.

    Wrong. I used him in the original Baldur's Gate all throughout ToB. Is there anyone here who actually played this game 12 or 13 years ago?

  • PentiumDPentiumD Member Posts: 62
    Cleric/Rangers cant use Bows its the 2.5 D&D rules
  • DaelricDaelric Member Posts: 266
    What if I had dual classed him from ranger to cleric? He would eventually be able to use bow again... I'm thinkin I might have done that instead of him being multiclass.
  • HexHammerHexHammer Member Posts: 288
    I love the T for it's ability to PP, open locks very early and move silently at will.
  • PentiumDPentiumD Member Posts: 62
    Daelric said:

    What if I had dual classed him from ranger to cleric? He would eventually be able to use bow again... I'm thinkin I might have done that instead of him being multiclass.

    You would still have to use cleric weapons.
  • BerconBercon Member Posts: 485
    The problem with FMC is that you are not that good at fighting because you don't have armor. You are not that good at mage spells, because you never reach level 9 spells and you are always far behind other mages in the party. You'll be a fairly decent cleric I guess. But then why not pick either fighter/cleric that can actually fight or mage/cleric that can actually cast mage spells?

    FMT on the other hand is a bit like bard. Fills the thief slots, is a decent archer and can cast some buffs in between shooting.
  • DarkovanDarkovan Member Posts: 90
    @Daelric - I played BG2:SOA from the day it was released but never played BG1 much. I had a half-elven Cleric/Ranger towards the end duel-wielding war hammers, it was the only character i actually completed a hardcore solo run on, was an awesome xp.

    You might be thinking of a pure ranger (Archer spec), i had an elven Archer myself as well and it was and is still my fav toon ever for exactly the reason mentioned...try and cast a spell try i dare you!
    +5 arrows and whirlwind ftw!
  • DarkovanDarkovan Member Posts: 90
    edited December 2012
    the biggest let down for me in BG history is not being able to duel-class an archer (at all, but especially into a mage).

    In fact i believe the only ranger kit that CAN duel-class is the beast master kit from memory? correct me if I'm wrong.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    Daelric said:

    Wrong. I used him in the original Baldur's Gate all throughout ToB. Is there anyone here who actually played this game 12 or 13 years ago?

  • ElendarElendar Member Posts: 831
    Someone is remembering it wrong!
  • JarlealeJarleale Member Posts: 114
    A high level ranger can cast priest spells though.
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    edited December 2012
    The no archer/stalker dual is a bug. Prior to ToB, they could dual if you wanted to.

    The F/M/T is a little easier because you get all that trap/lock xp a part cleric has to give up.

    9th level spells are pointless, hell, everything above 6th is just icing on the cake.

    A cleric/mage NEEDs their high level spells because they're only barely better then a single class cleric, just a few for defenses and time stop. Or a single class mage with better thac0 and weapon choices, with some extra buffs.

    A F/C/M Does not, because they're functionally a F/C with mage spells up to 8th level, aka, 80% Damage reduction (DoEH+Hardiness+AoF) when dual-wielding FoA/DoEH, while getting a respectable 8 attacks under improved haste. They also have also get full strength DUHM (19+ base str will hit 25), they have stoneskins, mirror images, improved invisibilities, spirit armors, PfMW, Mord swords, skeleton warriors, DEVAS to soak damage, spells, heal, or provide a distraction. They can cast regenerate which combined with the 80% reduction makes them pretty much immune to melee damage. Anything part mage WILL be wearing the robe of Vecna in the sequel, so the armor comments are moot, and the AC 3 bracers are only useful until you get the gauntlets of extraordinary specialization.

    If you have a natural 19 str, you could wear the belt of inertial barrier for 105% missile resistance and 70& reduced magic damage, in addition to some extra save bonuses.

    I can attest, as someone who's played the original since it came out, that without mods or editing a dual'd R/C can NEVER use bows. They get only spiked (morning stars), blunt (maces, hammers, quarterstaff, clubs), and missile (sling) only. Any points you put in bows while a ranger stay there, but you're unable to equip any bows.
  • AHFAHF Member Posts: 1,376
    edited December 2012
    I am doing a solo insane no-reload run right now with a F/M/C (described on a similarly labeled thread). Early on, the high HP (with the familiar bonus) from the mage were critical but I used very few mage spells other than identify and protection from petrification. Once second level spells came, invisibility, cloudkill and web could be used and then switch back to armor. Still came close to dying a few times.

    Once third level cleric spells became available it was pretty much game over. Multiple ghasts being led around by an invisible Charname or familiar = no risk death to all enemies, especially with a cloudkill or two laid over the top of them.

    I have solo'd several times previously with F/M/T with BGT but I agree that the F/M/C is very underused because this class rocks so much more than I would have thought from having just played M/C's, F/C's and C's in the past.
  • IMO, almost any multiclass becomes a hassle as you progress through BG2, because it becomes increasingly harder to get enough XP to level up each class.

    I get frustrated enough waiting for a 2-class multi char to level up - I can't imagine what waiting for a 3-class one would feel like.

    I agree that multiclasses hit a rough patch in BG2. Once you pass the BG2 XP cap into ToB, though, the High Level Abilities make it all better.

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