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Multiplayer Match-Making?

WigglesWiggles Member Posts: 571
edited February 2013 in Multiplayer
I know this is probably getting asked a lot recently with 4 patches down, but when can we expect the multiplayer servers to go live? I know there are more pressing matters to attend to first, but even a timeline would be appreciated. Thanks.
Post edited by Dee on


  • ElnisElnis Member Posts: 14
    edited December 2012
    Thanks for asking this question here, Wiggles!

    The only thing on my mind - regarding BGEE - right now is exactly that: when will the servers be up?
    Multiplayer doesn't work for me and my friend, and we bought the game specifically to play together.

    We've been through all the stuff (port opening etc.) that should enable us to play together - also tried Hamachi, but once we're about to start a game, the joining player always gets disconnected when we enter, no matter what hoopes we jump through.
    Our big hope now is that the servers will be up soon ... and that they'll work as intended.
  • ObedMarshObedMarsh Member Posts: 32
    Elnis noone wants the multi hub more than me but, you should really be able to get it to work with two people... are you sure you opened the ports right? Did you check that the open port was assigned to BOTH your specific IP's if your using the same router? You realise your router might assign you a new IP everytime you reboot right? And that the port is no longer open for that IP anymore?

    Did you disable all firewall software and/or windows firewall?
  • ElnisElnis Member Posts: 14
    edited December 2012
    Hi there, Obed!

    Thanks for your concern and advice.
    The IP-adresses shouldn't be the problem - we're able to "find eachother" and connect to eachother's games, setting up the characters we want to play, seing the other player setting it up in the game.
    It's at the last step - actually entering the game together - that it doesn't work. The player who's hosting ends up in the game, controlling both characters, while the joining player is disconnected.
    This exact same thing happens whether we're using direct IP or whether we're using Hamachi.
  • VoidSorcererVoidSorcerer Member Posts: 33
    edited December 2012
    I can't help but feel the main questions of this thread was ignored, so allow me to requote as it's the ONLY thing that is of any interest to me from Beamdog lately.
    Wiggles said:

    ...when can we expect the multiplayer servers to go live? ...a timeline would be appreciated. Thanks.

  • NecavitNecavit Member Posts: 23
    I would have to agree.

    Many of us bought the game for this exact reason.

    I don't think it is asking too much for the devs to give us an idea of when we can expect these servers.
  • WigglesWiggles Member Posts: 571
    I love the game and what they've done with it. But it's true, 90% of the reason I got the game was for LANing with my friends.

    I know, I know, I could the old way but after doing that a dozen times and being unsuccessful every time so I just want mah servers.
  • ElendarElendar Member Posts: 831
    edited December 2012
    Agreed... Played the EE in single player so much already I'm somewhat bored of it... ready to actually be able to play Multiplayer.

    In fact I wish they'd work more exclusively on getting the multiplayer up where they advertise it being and less on getting the game out for Android.
  • H0RSEH0RSE Member Posts: 115
    Does anyone have any news on when the servers will go up for MP? I'm really looking forward to just be able to browse players games and join them, rather than trying to find people to join up with over forums (no offense.)
  • ZeratulZeratul Member Posts: 575
    I'm joining to the chorus! When servers will be up? I am not able to play multiplayer and i have already disable all my firewall and open all the ports! Next try is to get my friend and link our computer via wire! But only because we are neighbour :P i don't think the other players have this luxury!
  • majinsnakemajinsnake Member Posts: 113
    Wiggles said:

    I know this is probably getting asked a lot recently with 4 patches down, but when can we expect the multiplayer servers to go live? I know there are more pressing matters to attend to first, but even a timeline would be appreciated. Thanks.

    You can expect it when it is done.
  • WigglesWiggles Member Posts: 571
    edited December 2012

    You can expect it when it is done.

  • PshlosPshlos Member Posts: 41

    You can expect it when it is done.
    That's not really nice.
    We know we can expect it when it's done. Thanks.
    We are just asking on the progress of it. No one has said anything about it. Is it 50% ready? 99% ready? Are they conducting internal tests on it? Have they even started working on it?
    That's all. Just the status.
  • LiberelliLiberelli Member Posts: 170
    As with many fixes they probably wont tell us how far along they are to make sure ppl dont get disappointed when they're behind schedule.
    In the mean time, take up a hobby, kill Drizzt, or just have a relaxing night out at the Mermaid...
  • VoidSorcererVoidSorcerer Member Posts: 33
    @majinsnake Just so you know, your post was absolutely pointless and not at all amusing. Additionally I have no reason to "expect" something when it's finished, at that point I demand. Expectation happens before.
  • NecavitNecavit Member Posts: 23
    Liberelli said:

    As with many fixes they probably wont tell us how far along they are to make sure ppl dont get disappointed when they're behind schedule.
    In the mean time, take up a hobby, kill Drizzt, or just have a relaxing night out at the Mermaid...

    I have plenty of things to do in my spare time.

    Playing multiplayer in Baldurs Gate is not one of them.

    There clearly are many people who took enhanced multiplayer to meaning a multiplayer system that wouldnt be laughed out of this decade.

    I dont think it is asking to much to know when we will get these servers.
  • NecavitNecavit Member Posts: 23
    All quiet on that front.
  • VoidSorcererVoidSorcerer Member Posts: 33
    Not a word has been spoken, but be sure to keep asking. We'd all really like to know, even if the answer was three+ months from now.
  • VoidSorcererVoidSorcerer Member Posts: 33
    People, stop defending Beamdog, your just giving them an excuse not to answer. Let them defend themselves. I paid for a product with features that were promised to me at the time of purchase. (Yes, like most of you Pre-ordered and am fully aware of the miscommunication, tweets, website error, bs player appeasement that was attempted, etc.)

    As a paid customer I am demanding at least a goal from Beamdog about there server progress/plans. Silence is the worst possible way to appease people.

    "Oh but think of all the people who will be upset if they fall short or fall behind" - Let's be honest folks, that ship has long sailed, plundered, burned and sunk to the murky depths of failure.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Actually, the worst way to appease people would be to do nothing.

    Slightly better (but only slightly) would be to project a date that people find acceptable, but that is actually too ambitious to complete as planned, resulting in another date either missed or feature incomplete.

    Better than that would be announcing a realistic release date of "sometime in the next few months". But they've said that already, haven't they? So clearly that's not making you happy.
  • NecavitNecavit Member Posts: 23
    Could you please post where you found this "few months" estimation for the servers.

    Thats all I want, an idea when I can expect to get the servers.
  • WigglesWiggles Member Posts: 571
    Necavit said:

    Thats all I want, an idea when I can expect to get the servers.

    This. They don't even really have to give us a date (even though that's what I ask for). They could just as well post us on the forums the status of how the servers are handling the "beta testers" and any bugs that they've found. Also the Cloud feature, is that coming alongside the servers?
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    I believe the servers are waiting until all the other multiplayer stability issues have been resolved. I could be mistaken, but you don't want the servers to be up and running if the multiplayer itself is still not working well.
  • WigglesWiggles Member Posts: 571

    Oooo no, I understand completely. Hence why I stated there are more pressing matters to attend to first in my initial post.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Right--my suspicion is that they either A) have already figured out how the servers are going to operate and are holding off on implementation; or B) they haven't started working on the servers yet because setting up a server is relatively easy to do and won't take that much time once they're ready to do it.

    I don't have any more specific information than that, though. Sorry! :)
  • WigglesWiggles Member Posts: 571
    Aosaw said:

    Right--my suspicion is that they either A) have already figured out how the servers are going to operate and are holding off on implementation; or B) they haven't started working on the servers yet because setting up a server is relatively easy to do and won't take that much time once they're ready to do it.

    I don't have any more specific information than that, though. Sorry! :)

  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    edited December 2012
    Or maybe we've all been assuming that it was servers they were going to implement, when in reality it was just a match-making system.

    Which is still great, and probably what a lot of people were thinking of, but not quite the same thing. (Trent's latest tweet mentions that they're going to have a game setup thing, but not actual servers dedicated to multiplayer.)
  • ZamielZamiel Member Posts: 15
    There will be NO SERVERS as Trent Oster told us today:

    My thoughts about that:
    Scroll down to the last.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    I'm to go ahead and close at least one of the three threads about this topic, since we don't need three of them. (That's not a judgment or condemnation of anyone from either thread, but it will be helpful to have the information all in one place.)
  • ZamielZamiel Member Posts: 15
    LOL that was so clear that you close mine because it criticized almost everything whats wrong whith this game. Maybe I should remember you that MY post was the FIRST about the multiplayer issues...


    You wont see me again in this forum. This is just a big joke. Make you self happy by silence the undesired topics and meanings.
  • KharadorKharador Member Posts: 215
    edited December 2012
    @Zamiel this is a fucking joke man... Totally agree with you...
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