Missing deadshot?

Hey all, I'm playing through BGEE as an Archer, and I'm nearing the end of cloakwood.
This is my second run though to this point, as I made a few mistakes creating my first character.
Buuuuut, my first character did pick up The Deadshot. Which i loved, and which would be even more powerfull in the hands of my Archer.
But I don't have it this time round, so i looked up its location on the net and went back to the Bandit Camp to find it and, no dice.
Maybe I'ts just not available if you don't pick it up the first time there.
What i was wondering is, is this a glitch? or is there another way to get it? or was it in some hidden place i just didnt look?
This is my second run though to this point, as I made a few mistakes creating my first character.
Buuuuut, my first character did pick up The Deadshot. Which i loved, and which would be even more powerfull in the hands of my Archer.
But I don't have it this time round, so i looked up its location on the net and went back to the Bandit Camp to find it and, no dice.
Maybe I'ts just not available if you don't pick it up the first time there.
What i was wondering is, is this a glitch? or is there another way to get it? or was it in some hidden place i just didnt look?

there is this dungeon in a halfling town, forgot the name (something Wine), it has bunch of Kobolds that keep respawning.
but anyway, there are several ghost knights (non-hostile). one of the knights is an archer, you can pickpocket him to get a deadshot.
Your probably right Zutti, I did kill Hakt the first visit.
Guess I wont be rushing though an enemy encampment again any time soon; Slow and steady:)
I might be wrong but I was not able to use pickpocket on any of these knights.
"The target has no valid items".
See if you can still kill them with poison with the dagger of venom. Maybe the ghost knights will drop it.
It's 1 less THACO but 1 more Damage.
I might be wrong though.
Long composite bow +1 and Deadshot +2 are enough with eagle's bow to complete the game :-)
so. I'll try again in my playthrough to test this one more time.