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so i quit smoking...



  • ginger_hammerginger_hammer Member Posts: 160
    Anywho I'm still off the fags :)
  • thedemoninsidethedemoninside Member Posts: 188
    Ahh don't take it personal about the sexism kitteh. From what i gather, you don't have the experience yet to understand. I would suggest reading a book titled WTF Women. It makes light of many common relationship communication problems. It is meant to be funny to both genders as it highlights both sexes shortcomings in general, but it does good at teaching you how to avoid or work past them in a realistic way.

  • Son_of_ImoenSon_of_Imoen Member Posts: 1,806
    But still it's a generalization to say it's true of all women, and an unfair one.
  • thedemoninsidethedemoninside Member Posts: 188
    It's fair, otherwise there would exist the perfect woman lol. Men have their faults in general as well. For instance women want men to be sensitive to their feelings. Most men just want to get through the day without drama. If a man was super sensitive, then the woman would be controlling and not respect her man. It's a balancing act for a man to be caring and sincere without being a bitch.

    I used to be a bitch, got treated accordingly, and learned to be myself despite the consequences, and found the person that i respect and who does the same for me in return.
  • Kitteh_On_A_CloudKitteh_On_A_Cloud Member Posts: 1,629
    Why does a man being sensitive automatically mean his wife is controlling and treating him disrespectfully? There are many reasons why a man could have a sensitive personality. O.o
  • DjimmyDjimmy Member Posts: 749
    You rest each night uneasy. Yes, you are weary. You struggle daily. But know this, smoking kills and life... is strength. That is not to be contested; it seems logical enough. You live; you affect your world.

    Enough quotes. Just keep it up man.


    P.S. How screwed up that post is?
  • thedemoninsidethedemoninside Member Posts: 188

    Why does a man being sensitive automatically mean his wife is controlling and treating him disrespectfully? There are many reasons why a man could have a sensitive personality. O.o

    There just seems to be a natural tendency for people over a given length of time to take advantage of a situation to be in their favor. It could be something as extreme as a man who beats and cheats on his wife because she is too weak to leave him and find someone better, thinking she isn't good enough for anyone else. Or something like a man who works 40-50 hours a week and the wife who used to work decides to just stay home and watch tv even though they need the money, but the man is too caring to be assertive enough to make her get off her ass.

    I actually know 4 married couples that me and my wife are friends with that fit the second one there. The wives aren't afraid to over spend that money either, at the cost of not being able to pay bills. I haven't met too many couples where the husband is abusive in some form or another, but im sure they are a bit more discreet about it. Couples who find that balance of control and willpower to love for life seem few and far between. I guess it's a hard thing to accomplish, and is why the divorce rate is so high(at least in america)

  • valkyvalky Member Posts: 386
    uhm..I need to re-read all postings since my last one. Damn it was all about smoking, now it's all women? *checks the topics* hmm, weird ain't nothing wrong here :>
    And even narutard-pictures are now showing up....holy F.
  • Kitteh_On_A_CloudKitteh_On_A_Cloud Member Posts: 1,629
    edited January 2013

    Why does a man being sensitive automatically mean his wife is controlling and treating him disrespectfully? There are many reasons why a man could have a sensitive personality. O.o

    There just seems to be a natural tendency for people over a given length of time to take advantage of a situation to be in their favor. It could be something as extreme as a man who beats and cheats on his wife because she is too weak to leave him and find someone better, thinking she isn't good enough for anyone else. Or something like a man who works 40-50 hours a week and the wife who used to work decides to just stay home and watch tv even though they need the money, but the man is too caring to be assertive enough to make her get off her ass.

    I actually know 4 married couples that me and my wife are friends with that fit the second one there. The wives aren't afraid to over spend that money either, at the cost of not being able to pay bills. I haven't met too many couples where the husband is abusive in some form or another, but im sure they are a bit more discreet about it. Couples who find that balance of control and willpower to love for life seem few and far between. I guess it's a hard thing to accomplish, and is why the divorce rate is so high(at least in america)

    Oh yeah. Blame the woman who prepares the husband's dinner in the evening, who washes the husband's and the childrens' clothes, who goes out shopping for food and other stuff, who arranges appointments at the medic, who brings the kids to school and rehearses their homework, who cleans the house and keeps everything at order and countless other things, for being lazy. *rolls eyes*
  • GoddardGoddard Member Posts: 134
    edited January 2013
    ^^^^^ Evil Alignment

    Smoking is fun and social don't quit.
  • ginger_hammerginger_hammer Member Posts: 160
    Hmm I have entered the twilight zone!
  • thedemoninsidethedemoninside Member Posts: 188
    edited January 2013

    Why does a man being sensitive automatically mean his wife is controlling and treating him disrespectfully? There are many reasons why a man could have a sensitive personality. O.o

    There just seems to be a natural tendency for people over a given length of time to take advantage of a situation to be in their favor. It could be something as extreme as a man who beats and cheats on his wife because she is too weak to leave him and find someone better, thinking she isn't good enough for anyone else. Or something like a man who works 40-50 hours a week and the wife who used to work decides to just stay home and watch tv even though they need the money, but the man is too caring to be assertive enough to make her get off her ass.

    I actually know 4 married couples that me and my wife are friends with that fit the second one there. The wives aren't afraid to over spend that money either, at the cost of not being able to pay bills. I haven't met too many couples where the husband is abusive in some form or another, but im sure they are a bit more discreet about it. Couples who find that balance of control and willpower to love for life seem few and far between. I guess it's a hard thing to accomplish, and is why the divorce rate is so high(at least in america)

    Oh yeah. Blame the woman who prepares the husband's dinner in the evening, who washes the husband's and the childrens' clothes, who goes out shopping for food and other stuff, who arranges appointments at the medic, who brings the kids to school and rehearses their homework, who cleans the house and keeps everything at order and countless other things, for being lazy. *rolls eyes*
    Wow...that's a way more sexist comment than anything I wrote! I do a few of those things myself :p Besides, the key words are "even though they need the money". Let's put things in perspective with your current opinion, and your experience in the matter.

    Have you even considered how the distant relationship you have could drastically change? Having long talks and meeting a few times may make a cure for loneliness. What happens though when you need to make decisions on where to live together? How do you handle when the mortgage is due and bills are piling up and your kid needs diapers...oh and groceries are 150-200 a week, gas is 120, electric 100-200. Your man is working 50-60 hours a week just to barely make it, wants to come home and unwind, but the kid needs attention, you want attention, the damn washing machine broke, the car needs new tires and an oil change. With all that crap on your mind, it can be hard to even think about "connecting" with your significant other, instead opting to grab whatever sleep you can so you can attempt to enjoy the next day. All of this crap just to survive, unless you want to live like a hippy under a bridge.

    Washing clothes takes 20 minutes every third day, and the machine does the hard work. Dishes take 20 minutes a day, and the machine does the hard work. I enjoy cooking, and my wife will agree that I am better at it. Takes a half hour from my day. When I was single my house stayed immaculate, and it only took me an hour a week to keep it that way. I still clean up after myself. Grocery shopping is a 1.5 hour job once a week(some do it only twice a month but spend more) Not seeing 40 hours a week worth of work in this paragraph. So basically unless a woman with these duties has a child, her ass should be out earning a check.

    Add a kid to the mix, and it still isn't that big of a time investment. The first six months the kid drinks, sleeps, and soils a diaper. Latenight crying sucks but 15 minutes and a bottle and unless the baby has colic you are good to get back to sleeping. Lots of time to sit on your ass and watch tv there even with a child. age 6 months to 2. It would be hell trying to watch your child all day, but mankind adapted and created baby gates. One room with a tv, toddler toys, and couch, nothing else for the child to hurt himself with, and that baby gate keeping him from roaming off. Still plenty of time to relax and watch that tv. Age 2-4 are nice because they grow independent and you just have to keep them from sneaking around dumping harsh chemicals on the carpet. Potty training for us took 3 weeks of constant monitoring, but still plenty of time to sit and watch tv. School? Oh shit! FREE BABYSITTER! Time to watch tv.

    You could swap all instances of the letters TV with computer, video game, crossword puzzle, chocolate eating, etc.

    I don't hate women, I envy housewives. I would rather be a part time maid/babysitter and have 3 times the free time and energy I have now, than get up when it is dark out and work my ass off all day at a job the beats the shit outta me, just to come home when it gets dark again, and give my family the attention they deserve(and I want to give). Where is my time? Why can;t I live some portion of my life in the sun instead of spending it working? Why the hell is a gallon of milk 5 dollars now?

    How the hell did I manage to quit my nicotine addiction?

    Fighting the withdraw symptoms in 2 weeks I have consumed an entire 2 pound 9 ounce bag of Lifesavers mints. Each serving consists of 4 pieces with a total of 14 grams of sugar and 60 calories. There are 77 servings in this bag meaning there are roughly 300 pieces in there. In 2 weeks I have consumed 1078 grams of sugar and 4620 calories. Thats 77g of sugar, 330 calories per day, just from these mints. I'm on my way to trading cancer for diabetes.

    This was fun to type.

    Post edited by thedemoninside on
  • Kitteh_On_A_CloudKitteh_On_A_Cloud Member Posts: 1,629
    edited January 2013
    "Have you even considered how the distant relationship you have could drastically change? Having long talks and meeting a few times may make a cure for loneliness. What happens though when you need to make decisions on where to live together? How do you handle when the mortgage is due and bills are piling up and your kid needs diapers...oh and groceries are 150-200 a week, gas is 120, electric 100-200. Your man is working 50-60 hours a week just to barely make it, wants to come home and unwind, but the kid needs attention, you want attention, the damn washing machine broke, the car needs new tires and an oil change. With all that crap on your mind, it can be hard to even think about "connecting" with your significant other, instead opting to grab whatever sleep you can so you can attempt to enjoy the next day. All of this crap just to survive, unless you want to live like a hippy under a bridge."


    @thedemoninside: Do you really think I have not thought about all of this before? I'm 22 years old now and in a few years I will finish my studies. Do you really think I haven't been thinking about what kind of job I would like to have later on and where to go look for it? What I want to do with my life? Really? I'm not that much of an idealistic moron. Not anymore. I know that life is hard and that I'll get shat and trampled upon if I don't pay attention. I know the world out there isn't filled with rainbows and butterflies, but rather with a huge economical crisis that's affecting banks and jobs in my country up to today. I think I am well aware of my situation.

    As for my long distance relationship, do you really think I would have kept this up for nearly THREE YEARS without meeting my partner for real for at least once? I have seen him quite a few times now and we have kept in touch through all means available, such as mails and Skype. I have found the love of my life. So what if he lives 1200 kilometres away from me? I DO intend to get us to live together, but I, nor him, currently have the means to do so. We first need to finish our studies, my boyfriend first needs to check if there are actual job opportunities for his grade in my country (I will help him with that), he would need a new identity card and I'd have to help him learn my language. I don't mind any of that. I'll do all of it gladly because I love him and want to make him happy. I want US to be happy. But this will need time and careful planning.

    Of course there will be bills. Of course there will be long working hours. Such is life. It would be great if we could all sit back and let the world turn by. But we can't. We gotta earn a living to be able to live. Nothing comes for free. I know that all too well. I have been in a tight economical situation many times and I don't doubt that won't happen again anytime soon. But I will work for my, for our future, and I will work for our happiness together.

    As for kids...I'm not yet thinking about kids. I don't even know whether I want kids. It's a bit of a trauma I don't want to get further into. For now, I just am focusing on my studies and getting good grades. I think that for a student, that's the best attitude to take.
  • moopymoopy Member Posts: 938

    since I don't feel like reading Macbeth...




    I was reading, and then later on skimming the more recent posts and was just thinking WTF happened, and then I read that.

    Hardest I laughed all day, and I was in meetings for... 7 hours today, and at the end of those meetings they asked me how long before we had a demo of the software, and I was like infinity if we keep having me meet 7 hours a day instead of doing so I needed a laugh. Thanks.

    and now, back to Macbeth, round 2.

    By the pricking of my thumbs,
    Something wicked this way comes.
    --Second Witch, Act IV, scene i

  • MedullaOblongataMedullaOblongata Member Posts: 434
    ...I have just returned from a very long secret mission. What is going on in here
  • WanderonWanderon Member Posts: 1,418
    I always said I was going to quit when they got to a dollar a pack but I waited for the quadruple bypass (4/2000) instead - I don't recommend that option -

    (BTW they were only a quarter a pack when I started in the early 1960s)
  • GawdzillaGawdzilla Member Posts: 86
    edited March 2013
    It's hard, but it can be done.

    Starting is the roughest part. It gets much easier soon!

    Edit: Just realized this is an old thread. Sounds like you're well on your way @ginger_hammer - congrats
  • old_jolly2old_jolly2 Member Posts: 453
    ok , let's do it
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