Sub races and available classes

I'm very interested in sub races, and as stated before, the aasimar and tiefling races! I was wondering what classes would be available to them and what their stat bonuses might be.
If anyone has any inkling about it, I would love to see the information
If anyone has any inkling about it, I would love to see the information

-1 Str
-1 Wis
+1 Int
+1 Cha
Single classes: Fighter, Ranger, Wizard, Cleric, Druid, Thief, Bard,
Multi-class: Fighter/Mage, Fighter/Cleric, Fighter/Druid, Fighter/Thief, Mage/Thief, Thief/Cleric
+2 ST vs Fire, Electricity, and Poison
1/2 damage vs Cold
Alignment: All except lawful good
+1 Str
+1 Wis
-2 Con
Single classes: All
Multi-class: Fighter/Druid, Fighter/Cleric, Fighter/Mage, and Mage/Thief
MR 10% (non-wizard only)
1/2 damage vs Fire & Cold
+2 ST vs Charm, Fear, Emotion, and domination
Alignment: Any non-evil
Allear (Elf/Giant Eagle) - Bastard & Bloodlines
Alicorn (Elf/Unicorn) - Bastards & Bloodlines
Blinkling (Halfling/Blink Dog) - Bastards & Bloodlines
Burrower (Gnome/Umber Hulk) - Bastards & Bloodlines
Decatuar (Elf/Centaur) - Bastards & Bloodlines
Green Folk (Human/Lizardfolk) - Bastards & Bloodlines
Half-Gnoll (Human/Gnoll) - Bastards & Bloodlines
Half-Kuo-toa (Dwarf/Kuo-toa) - Bastards & Bloodlines
Krestel (Halfling/Harpy) - Bastards & Bloodlines
Lasher (Dwarf/Roper) - Bastards & Bloodlines
Lurker (Gnome/Cloaker) - Bastards & Bloodlines
Morlok (Gnome/Troglodyte) - Bastards & Bloodlines
Sthien (Elf/Naga) - Bastards & Bloodlines
Watcher (Dwarf/Gargoyle) - Bastards & Bloodlines
Wendigo (Dwarf/Frost Wolf) - Bastards & Bloodlines
Woodwose (Elf/Treant) - Bastards & Bloodlines
Wretch (Orc/Hag) - Bastards & Bloodlines
Half-Beholder (Anything/Beholder) - Bastards & Bloodlines
Staring contests are a whole different thing for them. :P
Cause honestly some o' dose sound fun. (da Krestel)